Framework Agreement for Interactive Report and Data Visualization

NRC/BRCiS Consortium

Framework Agreement for Interactive Report and Data Visualization

Tender reference no: 08/3/NRC/2023

Terms of Reference


The Building Resilient Communities in Somalia (BRCiS) Consortium was founded in 2013. The Consortium comprises of six international organizations namely Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)—the lead agency—, Action Against Hunger (ACF), CESVI, Concern Worldwide (CWW), International Rescue Committee (IRC), and Save the Children plus two national NGOs—GREDO and KAALO. The Consortium touches upon the “humanitarian-development nexus” and complements short-term humanitarian aid with long-term development assistance. The overall aim of the Consortium is to build the resilience of the Somali communities to mitigate, cope with and recover from shocks.

Consultancy rationale:

BRCiS is looking for individuals or teams of consultants with the necessary skills to develop data-based stories, data visualisations and interactive reports that leverage data and findings from MEAL, research, and programme products as well as BRCiS advocacy, policy, and strategic priorities and positioning materials to maximise communication for change.

BRCiS will provide the consultant(s) with completed monitoring, learning, and positioning documents for which data sources have already been analysed. In some cases, the Consortium will provide the consultant with the raw data to run specific analysis which contribute to the storytelling. While in other cases, the consultant will be required to design and implement research components to give a fuller picture to required data visualisation products. The consultant(s) will review the reports and data and select those main findings that will best represent the impact of the BRCiS project. They will then propose a story-telling approach which makes sense of the existing information. They will then design and develop visualisation using specific data that will be availed by BRCiS and present the visualisation in the form of interactive online reports to be hosted on the NRC website.

In order to complete the assignment, the consultants will be expected to:

  • Review BRCiS MEAL reports and data
  • Review BRCiS communication content, including videos, photographs and human-interest stories
  • Consult with CMU and Consortium Members
  • Write a data-based story and validate it with the Consortium Management Unit or Consortium Members.
  • Organise a meeting with the Consortium TWG and CMU to get feedback on the proposed story and signed off the inception report
  • Deliver Inception Report
  • Based on data and learning products shared by the CMU, design and develop the visuals and the text of the data story.
  • If necessary, do data collection both quantitative and qualitative- conduct interviews or guide Consortium Members and CMU in collecting additional information required for the dataviz story (including project participant or staff interviews, videos, photographs or additional evidence)
  • Bring all the elements that have been developed together as a creative and multimedia online experience.
  • Submission of first draft of data visualization story to the CMU.
  • Integration of feedback from BRCiS members into product.
  • Consolidate all aspects of the data visualization in an interactive report
  • Online interactive report to be embedded in NRC website.


The consultant/consulting firm interested are expected to provide following documentation:

  1. A cover letter introducing the consultant. In the case of a firm, the cover letter should introduce the team composition and specifying the role to be played by each team member.
  2. A technical proposal of not more than 10 pages outlining how to execute the task with a clear framework and methodology. Proposed methodology should demonstrate a clear understanding of the ToR (proposed methods and tools)
  3. Company profile and resume of the consultant, or each team member from the firms
  4. Proven track record of developing similar reports and dashboards from INGOs and UN.
  5. Track record for story-telling and graphic design using shorthand and Flourish.
  6. Proposed budget indicating consultancy fee per day in USD.
  7. Reference letters and the contact of at least three referees (email and telephone).
  8. Proof of registration from the country of origin as a limited liability company or as a sole trader/self-employed.

Qualifications or specialized knowledge and/or experience required

  • An advanced university degree (Master’s) in Quantitative & Qualitative Social Sciences, Economics, Statistics, or a directly-related technical field(s) is required
  • At least 4-6 years of experience in M&E/ storytelling, data visualization, quantitative and qualitative research or a related field with a geographical focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, preferably on the drylands of the Horn of Africa
  • Extensive experience both in qualitative and quantitative methods
  • Extensive experience in shorthand and Flourish tools or similar storytelling tools
  • Previous experience in similar assignments in Somalia

How to apply

Interested consultants/firms should send their bid documents to on & before 23rd March, 2023, 23:59 EAT referencing in the subject line “ Interactive Report and Data Visualization”.

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