ABA ROLI-Call for Proposal: Constituent session organizer/legal socialization developer

Organizing constituent session and developing legal socialization curriculum/guideline for community members


For 30 years, and through our work in more than 100 countries, the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) and our partners have sought to strengthen legal institutions, support legal professionals, foster respect for human rights, and promote understanding of the law and citizens’ rights. In collaboration with our in-country partners, including government ministries, judges, lawyers, bar associations, court administrators, legislatures, and civil society organizations, we design programs that support local needs and prioritize sustainable solutions to pressing rule of law challenges.

Call for proposals for organizing constituent session and developing legal socialization curriculum/guideline for local community.

ABA ROLI is launching this call for proposals for a local civil society organization (CSO) based in Timor-Leste to design and execute an analysis of the legal framework covering real property with an emphasis on women’s rights. This call for proposals is part of the implementation of the Legal Reform Fund (LRF) program in Timor-Leste, which is a project to remove barriers to women’s full and effective participation in economic life in key areas, including eliminating barriers to property ownership and management. The LRF program is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Global Women’s Issues (S/GWI) and is currently being implemented in Guatemala, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, and Mexico.


The main objective of this project is to develop legal socialization activities to increase public awareness and understanding of Timor-Leste’s laws on real property with an emphasis on women’s rights and developing a support mechanism for community member with land issues. Specifically, the project aims to:

  1. Developing of a legal socialization plan, including a detailed description of the activities, target groups, and expected outcomes.
  2. Implementing of legal socialization activities such as workshops and training sessions to increase public awareness and understanding of Timor-Leste’s laws on real property with an emphasis on women’s rights (4 to 6 times)
  3. Work closely with the Women’s Group National Parliament of Timor-Leste (GMPTL) to plan and implement constituent sessions for community members (2 times)
  4. Monitoring and evaluation of the legal socialization activities to assess their impact on public awareness and understanding of women’s rights to land and property.


Budget for this work should not be exceeded USD 15.000.


The contracted local CSO will have the following responsibilities:

• Provide timely follow-up and report progress made on deliverables to the ABA ROLI LRF Timor-Leste Country Lead.

• Work closely with the ABA ROLI team, both in Timor-Leste and DC, and potentially with international pro bono lawyers.

• Participate in conference on women’s property rights to share report findings.

• Send deliverables in a timely manner based on a mutually agreed upon schedule.

• Use material (videos, images, documents) in the public domain that does not infringe copyright or the intellectual property of others.

• Conduct themselves with the highest standards of ethics and professionalism in their relations with the ABA ROLI team and fellow consultants.

• Have the necessary technological tools (internet and digital equipment) to be able to perform their work without technical difficulties.

Basic Qualifications

Participating local CSO staff should have the following basic qualifications:

• JD, LLM, or related Law Degree with 3 years or more of practicing and/or working in Timor-Leste.

• Fluent in Tetum or Portuguese and English

• Excellent analytical and writing skills

• Experience in handling cases related to real property.

• Experience in legal reform and/or policy advocacy in Timor-Leste .

• Interest and/or background in supporting women’s access to justice.

• Specialized training in human rights, gender perspective and intersectional approach.

• Experience working in a professional environment with people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

How to apply

To apply, please send the following: a) CSO Background and CVs of Participating Employees b) Proposal encompassing description of approach to the analysis and areas to be covered. c) Schedule and Financial Proposal to cover the total cost of the project.

Applications should be submitted to roliglobalprogramsdivision@americanbar.org with position title in the subject line. Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis through June 22, 2023.

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