Community Engagement and Accountability for People on the Move CASE STUDY

1. Objective

The NLRC is looking for an artist-anthropologist individual or company who can co-develop anthropological creative research to develop an online engaging end product showing how the use of Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) approaches in Humanitarian Service Points in migration routes in the Sahel, specifically in The Gambia.

With this case study NLRC would like to showcase, both for learning as well as advocacy purposes, how the crosscutting theme of CEA can play a crucial role for people on the move.

The qualitative research will be partially conducted by the NLRC CEA Delegate and partially by a to-be-contracted individual consultant or consultant company who can add the anthropological-artistic expertise as well as the technical web expertise to provide the NLRC with the required creative online engaging end product.

2. Content

People on the move are an extremely vulnerable group. The Red Cross Red Crescent movement has established Humanitarian Service Points (HSP) to assist this group along their migration routes. Humanitarian Service Points are neutral, safe, welcoming and strategically located spaces where migrants can access a wide range of reliable humanitarian support and services, regardless of their migration status and wherever they are on their journeys.

This case study will need to showcase what effect the different community engagement activities at the HSP have on the experience of people on the move in The Gambia. The Gambia Red Cross has been chosen based on their high quality work in both migration as well as CEA.

3. Methodology

Since this case study will need to focus on the human experience of people on the move, NLRC needs the consultant to use anthropological approaches to gather stories. This research will need to be carried out in collaboration with an artist-anthropologist, who is able to capture dynamics and stories into drawings. Drawing is an unobtrusive method offering the possibility to capture activities and informants in a (privacy) sensitive and personal way.

Furthermore, the NLRC is open to other anthropological artistic methods as proposed by the external consultant. The NLRC requires the external consultant to elaborate on these methods in their proposal.

4. Creative execution

This case study will need to be presented by creating a vivid story-line through multimedia methods, possible drawings, text and/or audio fragments that will bring to life the role of HSP for people on the move.

5. Deliverables

  • Creative concept outlining the detailed creative design.
  • Final product of a creative online engaging piece of work that showcases the objectives of this case study.

6. Responsibilities and lines of communication

The external consultant will be communicating with the NRLC Delegate leading on this case study. The creative concept will be developed in close coordination with the NLRC Delegate and there will be at least 3 rounds of feedback from the NLRC back to the external consultant.

The external consultant will be selected through a tender procedure. The NLRC-Logistics Officer will post the Terms of Reference (ToR), requesting an expression of interest from at least three candidates. The NLRC Delegate together with the PMEAL Coordinator (Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning), using a comparative bid analysis tool, are responsible for the final selection.

Payment is subject to satisfactory performance and completion of all deliverables.

All submissions will be made electronically (email, Skype, Teams, phone, etc.), unless requested otherwise by the NLRC team.

7. Duration of the consultancy

The external consultant will need to start in June 2023 to start preparations in collaboration with NLRC. The best time to conduct this anthropological case study is in the dry season running from May to October. The external consultant and the CEA NLRC Delegate will need to travel to The Gambia to conduct the research, preferably in July 2023. They will travel to one, two or three HSPs depending on the migration situation at that moment in time. This will be determined in close collaboration with the Gambia Red Cross.

The final product should be finalized by the end of October 2023.

8. Required qualifications and experience of the consultant

  • Graduate degree in relevant creative discipline as well as in anthropology;
  • Proven experience in the use of artistic methods within qualitative research;
  • Proven experience in turning research findings into creative engaging online end products;
  • Portfolio of a variety of multimedia creative products;
  • Excellent written and spoken English
  • Experience working for a client in the humanitarian or development sector.

9. Bid requirements and analysis criteria

The winning bid will be the one deemed the most economically advantageous (quality of technical proposal and previous work vs. value of financial proposal). Bids will be assessed on the following critera:

1. Proposed methodology and approach

Suitability and credibility of the concept to deliver a creative online engaging end product

Capacity of proposal to meet all deliverables and objectives set out in TOR.

2. Experience of company/service provider

Consultant has proven experience leading anthropological artistic research

Consultant has experience working on similar assignments for the humanitarian sector

Consultant has experience working on similar assignments creating online engaging work

3 Writing and presentation

Concise, well written proposal in language matching TOR.

Layout and presentation of proposal.

4. Environmental Impact

Proposal clearly attempts to minimise its carbon footprint.

Proposal is in line with NLRC climate charter.

How to apply

The deadline for applications is 7th June 2023.

Interested institutions should submit the following documents electronically to

  • Short creative concept showing:
    • The concept in writing
    • The concept in creative expression
    • Methodology
    • Approach to meeting all requirements set out in this text
  • 2 samples of previous work that show the expertise and experience of the consultant; samples must be the original work of the consultant.
  • Financial proposal including detailed budgets for professional fees and reimbursable expenses (if any) for all tasks related to this assignment. No payments will be made outside the contractually agreed budget.

Incomplete applications or applications that are received late will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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