Program title: Integrated emergency and recovery response to vulnerable communities affected by effects of climate change in Mandera, Isiolo, Baringo, Samburu and West Pokot counties of Kenya

Program Outcomes: To enhance access to; essential life-saving health and nutrition interventions, adequate and safe water, adoption of optimal WASH Practices, while protecting the household food and economic security among the crisis affected population across all diversities and ensuring gender mainstreaming for transformative change in Isiolo county.

Target Area: Isiolo County

1. Background

The current drought situation continues to worsen especially within the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) which are ordinarily prone to multiple cyclic shocks. The Pastoral North-East counties including Mandera and Isiolo received less rainfall (than 25% of the October long term mean (LTM) while Pastoral North-West (PNW) clusters including Samburu and Baringo received 50% of the October LTM. The drought continues significantly affected grazing areas and water sources, almost doubling the trekking distances across most pastoral counties as forage and water resources continue to decline. Trekking distances range from 8 – 35 km compared to a three-year average of 4 – 12 km, driving atypical migration across the pastoral areas. With the fifth consecutive rainy season (October – December 2022), already failed, humanitarian needs are rapidly escalating leaving many households in need of humanitarian assistance. These has seen a deterioration of food security outcomes driven crop and livestock production, resource-based conflict, escalating livestock diseases and mortality, coupled with the effects of the Ukraine crisis on food accessibility.

To address the immediate needs of the vulnerable communities, the project intends to undertake the following activities to:

Scale up of life saving interventions: The program will provide lifesaving interventions for Health, Nutrition, WASH, food security and Livelihoods to address the increasing immediate needs of the drought-affected people in Isiolo County. Based on the context analysis the counties are in dire need of emergency responses and are expected to worsen if no mitigation measures are put in place thus the need for more resources to bridge the gap. The proposed action geared towards scaling up lifesaving interventions to improve coverage by leveraging on the current country program and enhance linkages with other sectors towards reduction of morbidities and mortalities associated with malnutrition.

Geographical information


Sub County

Site Name


GPRS Coordinates




60km from Isiolo town

N 0.41764

E 037.09390

2. Consultancy Description

The proposed consultancy involves carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment with a view to establishing the impact on the environment and social effects of the proposed works outlined below;

3. EIA Study Objectives

The objectives of Environmental Impact Assessment are to:

  • Take into account environmental, social, economic, cultural and legal considerations in regards to the proposed works
  • Identify the anticipated environmental impacts of the proposed works of the project and the measure scale of the impacts
  • Analyse and evaluate the anticipated impacts of the proposed works of the project on the physical, biological, social cultural and social economic environment
  • Propose mitigation measures to be taken/adhered during and after the implementation of the proposed works
  • Develop an Environmental Management Catchment Plan (EMCA) with mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the compliance and environmental performance which shall include the cost of mitigation measures and the time frame of implementing the measures.
  • Identify and assess compliance of proposed project activities/works with relevant statutory and internal requirements
  • Establish mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating compliance and time frame for implementing effects mitigation measures

4. Scope of EIA Study

The consultant shall perform all works necessary as detailed herein the Terms of Reference (TOR).

The proposed assignment consists of: –

  • Define the proposed program location and interventions including the physical area that may be affected by the proposed project and identify and predict the physical, ecological, economic and social-cultural impacts of the proposed project/works
  • Collect, collate and present baseline information on the environmental characteristics of the study/intervention area
  • Evaluate the proposed works/activities that shall be undertaken during the project construction, operation, decommissioning phases and handing over.
  • Establish/evaluate the construction materials to be used, products and by-products, including generated wastes and disposal methods.
  • Evaluate the project potential environmental impacts and the mitigation measures to be undertaken during and after project implementation
  • Assess and evaluate plan for the prevention and management of possible accidents during the project implementation cycle
  • Evaluate the proposed health and safety plans of the workers, host and neighbouring communities and recommend corrective actions deemed insufficient.
  • Provide additional information that the proponent may be requested to provide by NEMA

The potential consultant is expected to fully cooperate with the concerned agencies of the Government of Kenya while providing necessary support services related to and necessary for the completion of this assignment.

The potential consultant is responsible for the final submission of the EIA report to NEMA in consultation with Action Against Hunger will raised by NEMA after the submission of the final report, the consultant is expected to address them expeditiously.

​​​​​​​5. Detailed Scope of the Consulting Services

The Consultant shall conduct analysis which shall detail the positive and negative effects of the development of the project on the environment, and prepare an EIA report recommending appropriate solutions to minimize any undesirable effects resulting from the improvements of the water supply system of the area. The analysis shall include, but not limited to the following bill of quantities (BOQ) below;

Study phase – Specific Activity

Detailed Desk Review – The consultant is to review all existing documentation, and previous EIA / ESIA reports developed for the area. They shall further undertake a detailed study of the proposed works and then, the consultant shall then concisely describe the project location including its geographical, ecological and the general layout of associated infrastructure including maps at appropriate scale where necessary.

Field work – Consultations’ and Monitoring studies i.e. Description of the Baseline Environment

The Consultant is required to collect, collate and present baseline information on the environmental characteristics of the proposed project site. This description should involve but not limited to:

  • Physical environment (topography, land cover, geology, climate and meteorology, air quality, hydrology, etc.)
  • Biological environment (i.e. flora and fauna types and diversity, endangered species, sensitive habitats etc.)
  • Social and cultural environment, including present and projected. Where appropriate i.e. population, land use, planned development activities, community social structure, employment and labour market, sources and distribution of income, cultural/religious sites and properties, vulnerable groups and indigenous populations etc.)
  • Economic activities i.e. agriculture, livestock, small scale industries etc.

Note: The consultant is expected to undertake relevant measurements and carry out analysis to support the above. The baseline will further be used to access the potential impacts on health, safety, environment and the community.

Legislative and Regulatory Framework

The Consultant shall identify and describe the pertinent regulations and standards – both local and international, governing the environmental quality, health and safety, protection of sensitive areas, land use control at the national and local levels and ecological and socio-economic issues.

Determination of Impacts of Project Facilities and Activities

From the detailed field study, the Consultant shall analyze and describe all significant changes brought about by each facility / activity. These would encompass environmental, ecological and social impacts, both positive and negative, as result of each facility / activity intervention that are likely to bring about changes in the baseline environmental and social conditions.

The Consultant will make a prioritization of all concerns identified and differentiate between short, medium, long-term and cumulative impacts during construction, operation and decommissioning.

The Consultant shall also identify both temporary and permanent impacts. A detailed outline and discussion of specific conditions that might affect the environment which are unique to the type of facility and/or operation being audited should be provided.

Occupational Health and Safety Concerns

The Consultant shall analyze and describe all occupational health and safety concerns brought about by activities during all the phases of the project. The Consultant shall make recommendations on corrective and remedial measures to be implemented under the Environmental Management Plan.

Identification and Development of Environmental and Social Management Plans

The Consultant shall develop a comprehensive Environmental Management Plan. The plan should recommend a set of mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures to eliminate, minimize or reduce to acceptable levels of adverse environmental impacts and/or maximize socio-economic benefits.

The Consultant should provide cost outlays for the proposed mitigation measures as well as their institutional and financial support, time frame and responsibility. This shall be provided for all phases of the project.

Formulation of the Environmental Monitoring Plan and compiling of the EIA study report

The Consultant is required to give specific descriptions and technical details of monitoring measures including the parameters to be measured, methods to be used, sampling locations, frequency of measurements, and definition of thresholds that will signal the need for corrective actions as well as deliver monitoring and reporting procedures.

6. Bill of quantities

EIA study phase Specific Activity Unit Amount

Field work Consultations Lump Sum

Monitoring Studies

Write ups Data analysis Lump sum

Impact prediction

Mitigation measures identification

Formulation of EMP

Compiling of the EIA study report

Submission Submission of report to NEMA (Ten hard copies and an electronic copy) Lump sum EIA presentation


VAT @ 16%


7. EIA Study Report deliverables

The report will contain an introduction explaining the need for, and context of the project. The report should, at a minimum, cover the following basic aspects:

1. Executive Summary

2. Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework

3. The EIA Methodology

4. Description of the Existing Environment

5. Description of the Proposed Project in detail

6. Identification and Assessment of Potential Direct, Indirect, Cumulative, Positive and Negative

i) Environmental Impacts i.e. Physical, Natural Hazard Risk, Biological, Human/Social, Public Involvement ii) Recommended Mitigation Measures i.e: Identification and analysis of alternatives, management of the Environmental and heritage aspects of the project

iii) Environmental Management of the Project i.e; Environmental Quality Objectives, training and draft outline monitoring program

  1. List of References and appendices including:

i) Reference documents

ii) Photographs/ maps/ site plans

iii) TOR

iv) Notes from Public Consultation

v) Glossary of Technical Terms used

N/B Ten hard copies and an electronic copy of the study report will submitted to the National Environment Management Authority for Licensing.

8. Required documentation

The consultants are required to provide the following (Mandatory) documents

  • Must submit a copy of updated Valid Tax Compliance Certificate issued by the Kenya Revenue Authority (Will be verified on the KRA TCC Checker)
  • Must submit copy of KRA pin/VAT Certificate.
  • Must submit a copy of registration certificate and up to date practising license as an EIA expert
  • Must submit the company profile indicating capacity to undertake the proposed environmental impact assessment /audit studies
  • Proof of recent similar EIA consultancies undertaken within the past three years with corresponding issued and approved NEMA certificates.
  • The filled in and stamped financial proposal as per the shared bill of quantities above.
  • Up to date CVs’ of the technical personnel to undertake the proposed EIA consultancy
  • Proposed activity timelines to perform the assignment.
  • Availability to perform the assignment at the earliest possible time.

9. Submission Instructions

Qualified candidates/firms to submit their valid documents as stated above submitted as one PDF document stamped with the recent company’s logo/letter head and current postal address on each submitted page to be received on or before 30th June 2023 at 5pm to the following email address:

Please quote Environmental Impact Assessment for Isiolo County as the email subject line

How to apply

Qualified candidates/firms to submit their valid documents as stated above submitted as one PDF document stamped with the recent company’s logo/letter head and current postal address on each submitted page to be received on or before 30th June 2023 at 5pm to the following email address:

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