Call for Applications – External Consultant/Team Strategic Framework Evaluation and Development

Do you have experience in evaluating an organisation’s programmatic work, in measuring impacts and in capturing learnings from a 5-year Strategic Framework? Are you able to unpack multi-layered issues from diverse contexts from various countries and seamlessly facilitate the development of a succinct and well articulated Strategic Framework aimed at delivering (internal and external) key change promises? Have you worked on MEAL tools before? Are you keen to support an international organisation that works closely with HRDs to protect their right to defend human rights?

If yes, this call for an external consultant might be of interest to you! Please read on and consider applying if you fit the profile or forward this call to someone you know with the profile!

Who are we?

Protection International (PI) is registered as an international non-profit association (AISBL) in Belgium. It has a Global Office in Brussels, and Regional Hubs and Country Offices in seven countries. PI works with local human rights defenders and movements to develop strategies and programmes that prevent and counter such repression. PI supports individuals, organisations, networks, and communities whose right to defend human rights is being violated through threats, criminalisation, judicial harassment, stigmatisation, or other forms of repression. PI seeks to contribute to a situation where HRDs are recognised as legitimate actors for social change for a just, safe, and sustainable society and where they actively build an environment allowing them to exercise their right to defend universally accepted human rights.

PI supports HRDs to become agents of their own security and protection through a collective, comprehensive and tailored approach based on three pillars:

  1. empower defenders to autonomously manage their security and protection;
  2. promote the engagement of duty-berears to fulfil their responsibility to protect; and
  3. engage other individuals and institutions with a positive stake in the protection of human rights and HRDs to do more or better, and those with a negative stake to respect the rights of HRDs.

For more information about PI, click here.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for a team of experienced consultants to assist us in evaluating our programmatic work in particular our current 5-years strategic framework – Global Strategy 2019-2023 and in facilitating the development and shaping of our new 5-years strategic framework. This two-pronged assignment will help PI in assessing our impact, capture learnings and recommendations, and seamlessly develop our new Global Strategy 2024-2028.


Civil society organisations and human rights defenders (HRDs), particularly women, around the world are targeted due to their relentless insistence on challenging unjust laws and practices in a quest for justice, dignity and freedom. HRDs are harassed, abused, prosecuted on bogus charges, arbitrarily detained, physically attacked and even killed for the work they do. In spite of international and regional Declarations and other human rights standards enshrined in legally-binding international instruments adopted over the last decade in favour of HRDs, it is still necessary to translate these words into effective policies and concrete actions. Legislation and mechanisms addressing rights violations against HRDs have not stopped perpetrators from acting with impunity. HRDs continue to face challenges that threaten their lives and those of their collectives. A number of disappearances, killings and other grave rights violations against HRDs are daily reported by civil society organisations across all regions of the world.

Protection International works with local HRDs and movements to develop strategies and programmes that prevent and counter such repression. PI supports individuals, organisations, networks, and communities whose right to defend human rights is being violated through threats, criminalisation, judicial harassment, stigmatisation, or other forms of repression. PI seeks to contribute to a situation where HRDs are recognised as legitimate actors for social change for a just, safe, and sustainable society and where they actively build an environment allowing them to exercise their right to defend universally accepted human rights.

PI supports HRDs to become agents of their own security and protection through a collective, comprehensive and tailored approach based on three pillars:

  1. Empower defenders to autonomously manage their security and protection;
  2. Promote the engagement of duty-berears to fulfil their responsibility to protect; and
  3. Engage other individuals and institutions with a positive stake in the protection of human rights and HRDs to do more or better, and those with a negative stake to respect the rights of HRDs.

To achieve our mission, our programmes were directed towards objectives that will move our strategic direction and theory of change forward. Our vision and our key change promises were captured in our Global Strategy 2019 – 2023, and this year marks the end of PI’s current strategic framework.

The Global Strategy 2019-2023 was strongly influenced by the vision to decentralise and create a network of regional hubs. Three out of the five years of this Global Strategy was operationalised within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic which necessitated a shift in PI’s way of working. Inspite of the challenges faced and the ongoing need to revitalise actions to reach our key commitments, PI had made huge strides and reached key milestones within the Global Strategy period. We are reaching out to external experts to assist us in assessing our past 5-years, in particular to capture and understand our past impacts, gather knowledge learnings in order to mirror what worked and improve on what did not work, and finally seamlessly facilitate the shaping and the development of our strategic direction for the upcoming 5-years – a Global Strategy 2024 – 2028.



The subject of the evaluation is to analyse the actual implementation, outcomes and impact of PI’s Global Strategy 2019-2023 – in the target regions/countries of intervention namely Central/East/West Africa – Meso/South Amercia, South East Asia and Eurasia. The evaluation will also evaluate the organisational structure resulting from the ongoing decentralisation process.

The evaluation scope is limited to :

  • Time-frame: the period for the current Global Strategy 2019-2023
  • Content: Programmes, organisational development and governance
  • Geographical coverage: global scope with a focus on 2/3 geographic locations, with preference to Thailand, Colombia and Tanzania (or DRC if security allows)
  • Target groups: HRDs’ partner organisations, supported movements/coalitions/networks, supported communities and groups, organisations of persons with disabilities, local/national/regional protection mechanisms, local/national/regional authorities having an influence on the protection of HRDs and other key stakeholders having an influence of the protection of HRDs (eg: National Human Rights Institutions, INGOs, NGOs, Special Rapporteurs)


The development of the new Global Strategy 2024-2028 will be led by PI teams internally. The external consultant’s/team of consultant’s role will be limited to facilitate and accompany the process, in particular the co-facilitation of 4 participatory and inclusive workshops.

  • Time-frame: Global Strategy 2024-2028
  • Content : Support the development of the new strategic framework
  • Geographical coverage: Global scope
  • Target groups : PI staff and board members, HRDs’ partner organisations, supported movements/ coalitions/networks, supported communities and groups, organisations of persons with disabilities, local/national/regional protection mechanisms, local/national/regional authorities having an influence on the protection of HRDs and other key stakeholders having an influence of the protection of HRDs (eg: National Human Rights Institutions, INGOs, NGOs, Special Rapporteurs)

Important to note that the tasks I and II will be combined/consecutives. The consultant team will facilitate 4 regional workshops combining evaluation of past achievements and challenges with envisioning the future and together with PI setting goals for PI’s future endeavors, ensuring an inclusive and productive process with PI and possible representatives from the target group closely involved.


This evaluation (Task I) is commissioned to assess PI’s interventions globally in terms of operations as well as in terms of organisational development. The evaluation is funded in line with Sida’s Grant Agreement, and Sida’s Evaluation Handbook[1] should therefore be taken into account by the engaged consultants as part of the evaluation assignment. The evaluation will provide concrete recommendations and guide the development of PI’s new strategic framework 2024-2028.

It is expected that the consultant describes and justifies an appropriate evaluation /assignement approach and methodology, including methods for data collection in the tender.

The assignment design, methodology and methods for data collection and analysis are expected to be fully developed and presented in the inception report. Given the potential of a new Covid-19 outbreak (or similar viruses) and/or war/conflict expansion, innovative and flexible approaches/methodologies and methods for remote data collection and storing should be suggested when appropriate and the risk of doing harm managed.

The external team of consultantsis to suggest an approach/methodology that provides credible answers (evidence) to the evaluation questions. Limitations to the chosen approach/methodology and methods shall be made explicit by the external team of consultants and the consequences of these limitations discussed in the tender offer. The external team of consultantsshall to the extent possible, recommend mitigation measures to address them. A clear distinction is to be made between evaluation approach/methodology and methods. An inclusion, diversity, and equality approach/methodology, methods, tools and data analysis techniques should be used.

Since Sida is funding the evalution, it is important to note that Sida’s approach to evaluation is utilisation-focused, which means the evaluator should facilitate the entire evaluation process with careful consideration of how everything that is done will affect the use of the evaluation. It is, therefore, expected that the evaluators, in their tender, present i) how intended users are to participate in and contribute to the evaluation process and ii) methodology and methods for data collection that create space for reflection, discussion and learning between the intended users of the evaluation.


The team of consultants are expected to deliver a final report with an executive summary written in English. The final report should have a clear structure and will follow the layout format we require for decentralised evaluations.

The report shall clearly and in detail describe the evaluation approach/methodology and methods for data collection and analysis and make a clear distinction between the two. The report shall describe how the utilisation-focused approach has been implemented i.e. how intended users have participated in and contributed to the evaluation process and how methodology and methods for data collection have created space for reflection, discussion and learning between the intended users. Furthermore, the gender-responsive approach shall be described and reflected in the findings, conclusions and recommendations along with other identified and relevant cross-cutting issues. Limitations to the methodology and methods and the consequences of these limitations for findings and conclusions shall be described.

Assignment findings shall flow logically from the data, showing a clear line of evidence to support the conclusions. Conclusions should be substantiated by findings and analysis. Evaluation questions shall be clearly stated and answered in the executive summary and in the conclusions. Recommendations and lessons learned should flow logically from conclusions and be specific, directed to relevant intended users and categorised as short-term, medium-term and long-term.

The report should not exceed 40 pages, including an executive summary and recommendations, and excluding annexes.

  • 25 pages will focus on the Task I: Evaluation
  • 15 pages will focus on the Task II: Support to the development of the new Global Strategy
  • Annex to the report: Proposed consolidated DRAFT Global Strategy 2024 – 2028

If the methods section is extensive, it could be annexed to the report. Annexes shall include the Terms of Reference, the Inception Report, the stakeholder mapping/analysis and the Evaluation Matrix. Lists of key informants/interviewees shall only include personal data if deemed relevant (e.g. when it is contributing to the credibility of the evaluation) and with prior informed consent to be listed publicly based on a case based assessment by the external team of consultantsand by PI. The inclusion of personal data in the report must always be based on a written consent.

Since the evaluation is Sida funded, the evaluator shall adhere to the Sida OECD/DAC Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation[2].


4 months: 01 August 2023 – 30 November 2023

With the first draft report anticipated week between 02-20 October to be submitted to PI and a final report by 15 November for presentation to the PI Global Forum.

The team of consultants will coordinate with the PI Head of Programmes as contact person and assignment lead.

6. Profile, essential skills and attributes

The members of the team of consultants will entail high level of knowledge, skills, and experiences. The team should be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Academic background in social science, development studies, or related field;
  • Long-standing experience in organisational development and guidance towards strategic development;
  • Sound experience in conducting inclusive and participatory evaluations and processes;
  • Experience with international human rights NGOs and understanding of human rights defenders protection issues, as well as experience and knowledge of working with a Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA);
  • Ability to work efficiently and responsively within a multi-layered and multi-cultural environment;
  • Deep respect and demonstrated commitment to the promotion of an inclusive, diverse and equal environment;
  • Experienced communicator who can communicate effectively in person and online, fluently in English and able to work in French and Spanish (Swahili, Thai and Portuguese would be an asset);
  • Experience and availability to travel long distance in contexts with security constraints (2 to 3 missions).

A CV for each team member shall be included when responding to this call. It should contain a full description of relevant qualifications and professional work experience. It is important that the competencies of the individual team members are complimentary.

7. Details of consultant fees and agreements

The indicative budget for the assignment is € 30.000,00 (European VAT and/or tax included).

Invoicing and payment shall be managed according to the following – there will be three (3) instalment payments for this assignment. The team of consultants will be required to send invoice numbers for the following instalment payments:

  • Instalment payment 1 (35%) upon receipt of the signed contract and invoice number 01
  • Instalment payment 2 (35%) upon receipt of the inception report and invoice number 02
  • Instalment payment 3 (30%) upon approval of the Final Report and Recommendation and closure of the assignment and invoice number 03

[1] Sida’s Evaluation Hand Book – Guidelines and Manual for Conducting Evaluations at Sida. External version from April 2020. See further

[2] Sida OECD/DAC (2014) Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management.

We would like to work with a team of consultants who are experienced in inclusive and participatory processes to gather information and feedback. We are looking for outstanding consultants with a natural talent for communicating with people from different cultures and backgrounds. The team of consultants we are looking for will seek inputs from our offices around the world and from our external partners, in particular HRDs and their communities, NGOs and organisations in the human rights defenders network, our supporters and funding partners, and government agencies/institutions.

How to apply

Interested candidates are requested to submit an application to Protection International via email to along with:

  • 1 page cover letter explaining your team’s motivation, alignment with our needs and highlighting your top 3 experiences and engagements in evaluating and/or developing an organisation’s Strategic Framework;
  • 4-pages (max) presenting your explanation and understanding of the assignment and a proposed methodology on how to implement this assignment. Please include a description on how the team team will function;
  • CV(s) of the members of your team;
  • Contact details of two references from organisations you worked with/supported;
  • Detailed forecasted budget and proposed calendar of activities aligned with the ToR’s timelines.

Samples of previous work welcomed and will be treated with confidentiality and will align with GDPR.

Please include in the e-mail subject line: “Application for External Consultant: Strategic Framework and YOUR NAME”.

The closing date for applications is 14 July 2023 at midnight CET. Applications not respecting the instructions will not be considered. Shortlisted teams/candidates will be held online on the week of 17 July 2023The ideal team of consultants should be able to start as soon as possible.

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