Marketing and Communications Consultant

1) Introduction

Habibi Valtiberina Association is an Italian organization that promotes and fosters social integration and economic empowerment of vulnerable groups, especially women and youth, through the offer of high-quality training and support in micro-business development and sustainability.

Since its registration in Jordan, the association has been promoting tangible activities to sustain participants’ livelihood by initiating several micro-financed businesses aiming at setting up small-scale entrepreneurial projects, alongside vocational training.

Habibi Valtiberina Association is implementing the project “FormaJo: Recovery Phase towards Self-Sustainability” under the USAID- funded program “USAID Informal Livelihoods Advancement Activity – Iqlaa” of which the lead implementer is Mercy Corps.

The project aims at supporting income-generating opportunities for vulnerable Jordanian communities, especially women, involved in cheese production (Pecorino & Ricotta) activity through the development of a social enterprise.

More information about Habibi:

2) Project description

The FormaJO kitchen production was founded in 2018 in the village of Ader, in the Karak region, with the aim of supporting Jordanian women belonging to vulnerable categories through training in the production of Italian cheese (pecorino and ricotta).

The Habibi kitchen production is entirely female-run: 8 women are in charge of production and one is responsible for supervision. Two shepherds work on the farm and manage the flock of sheep, initially purchased thanks to a self-financing campaign and the support of the Bulgarian Embassy in Amman.

In 2020, thanks to grants from USAID some rooms were renovated to be used as a production kitchen, above all by redeveloping an underground cave for the aging of pecorino, purchasing professional refrigerators, and a means of transport with a cold room for the delivery of products.

Based on these Terms of Reference, Habibi Association aims to hire a consultant/company to carry out a short-term consultancy. The service is to address the need to develop a marketing strategy tailored to FormaJO project to improve product marketing and expand the customer portfolio. For a detailed description of the assignment, please refer to sections 3 and 4 below.

3) Objective

The overall objective of this assignment is to support FormaJO project with the development of marketing and communications strategy in order to effectively promote the cheese production kitchen and its products. The consultant should develop in collaboration with Habibi staff, marketing and communications materials with a short turnover time, high quality, and in close adherence to USAID branding and marking guidelines. The marketing and communications strategy will be designed and developed with the participation of not only project staff but also beneficiaries.

The main activities under this consultancy will be as below:

  • Review the marketing and communications goal; identify market drivers; conduct market research; conduct analysis on the actual market, potential customers, strategy on the sale marketing activities, the possibility of delivery activity, etc.
  • Develop and follow up the implementation of the marketing and communication strategy.
  • Launch of advertising campaigns on the social networking pages, Facebook and Instagram:
  • Designof thebrochures and posters to be delivered to reach different targets.

4) Tasks and responsibilities

In specific the consultant will perform the following tasks:

  • Gather relevant information through a market analysis covering price analysis, competitive analysis, audience mapping/analysis, industry trends, barriers to entry, etc.
  • Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy based on research findings and Habibi Association objectives; the marketing strategy should cover the competitive strategy, pricing strategy, positioning, growth strategy, and market expansion approach.
  • Review the current marketing materials and products presentation and collaborate with the project communication officer to develop creative assets, such as packing, social media campaigns, events, advertisements etc;
  • Monitor the campaign and make adjustments as necessary to improve performance;
  • Provide ongoing support to ensure the successful implementation of the marketing plan.

5) Deliverables

  • Marketing and communications strategy
  • Marketing and communications action plan
  • Report on marketing and communications strategy toward results achieved at the end of the consultancy.

6) Consultant profile

  • Demonstrated marketing and business experience at least 10 years supported by portfolio-developing deliverables described in section 4.
  • Demonstrated experience in collaborating with an international organization.
  • Demonstrated experience in producing public-facing communication and marketing outputs.
  • Experience in developing digital marketing and social media strategies and plans.
  • Demonstrable and quantifiable experience in increasing impact or engagement through the production of communication and marketing materials.

The consultant needs to have the following skills:

  • Good interpersonal and communication and marketing skills.
  • Solid technical skills in the production of the assigned marketing output.
  • Advanced skills in producing marketing materials.
  • Fluent knowledge of English and Arabic writing and speaking.
  • Knowledgeable in social media management, analysis, and reporting skills.

Selection process


Terms of Reference published


Deadline for submission of proposals


Selection of consultant/ consultancy



Awarding consultant


How to apply

7) Procedure

The assignment will be awarded to the consultant/company that presents a technical proposal according to the TOR and with the most economically advantageous proposal.

The procedure will be as follows:

  • Invitation of candidates to submit their technical and financial proposals.
  • Evaluation of proposals and portfolios based on criteria described in the section “consultant profile” by an evaluation committee consisting of the program manager and project staff.
  • Invitation of candidates for a short presentation to evaluate how the candidate would develop the communication and marketing strategy.

8) Application Guidelines

Qualified and interested candidates must send a technical and financial proposal in PDF Word format to consisting of:

  • Technical &Financial offer
  • CV or profile of the consultant;
  • Relevant similar assignments held.

The submission deadline is 11th June 2023 and late submissions will not be taken into consideration. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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