Consultancy for External Final Evaluation of IOM Remediation Fund

To view the complete version of the Term of Reference, please click the following link:

1. Evaluation context

Established in 1951, IOM is a related organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.

With funding from the Regional Development Cooperation Section of the Embassy of Sweden in Thailand, the IOM Development Fund and the private sector, since 2017 IOM implements the Corporate Responsibility in Eliminating Slavery and Trafficking (CREST) programme, a regional partnership initiative that aims to realize the potential of business to uphold the human and labour rights of migrant workers in their operations and supply chains. In 2021, IOM received additional funding to expand CREST interventions through a regional outcome (Outcome 4) on Enhancing Protection of Migrant Workers in Asia Impacted by COVID-19. As part of Outcome 4, IOM Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People’s Republic of China, IOM Malaysia, and IOM Thailand implemented a Regional Remediation Fund aimed at supporting migrant workers accessing remediation (Pillar 3). The Fund was implemented through different modalities including directly (IOM Hong Kong, SAR China); by engaging on strategic litigation cases through Implementing Partners (IOM Malaysia) and, by engaging with one Implementing Partner focusing on individual cases assistance (IOM Thailand).

From 1 January to 31 December 2022, the fund supported 63 cases representing 239 migrant workers (149 men, 90 women) who sought remediation from their employers across Hong Kong SAR, China, Malaysia, and Thailand. The fund provided a variety of support to migrant workers and their families (primarily originating from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, and the Philippines) including case management, subsistence allowance, shelter support for migrant workers and their family members, investigation of possible labour violations, coverage of legal fees, strategic litigation, negotiations with employers, and, where necessary, assisted voluntary return to countries of origin. The implementation of the Fund comes to an end in 2023.

2. Evaluation Purpose and Objective

The final summative evaluation aims at assessing the short, mid- and long term relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the IOM Regional Remediation Fund. 12 The knowledge generated by the evaluation will also feed into the design of IOM’s future intervention models on the topic of remediation and contribute to documenting management and delivery approaches. Beyond this, the evaluation will be institutionally relevant for IOM by identifying lessons learned and best practices relevant to direct assistance to beneficiaries pursuing remediation. The final report and the evaluation results will be made publicly available.

3. Evaluation Scope

The scope of the Fund evaluation is guided by the objectives outlined in the section above. The evaluation will cover the period of the implementation of the Fund, from its kick-off in July 2021 to date, noting that its implementation is ongoing until 31 December 2023. Geographically, the evaluation will cover the activities of IOM implementing missions administering the Fund in Hong Kong SAR, China, Malaysia and Thailand. The independent external evaluation will rely on the OECD-DAC criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. The evaluation will also look at cross-cutting issues such as: gender, and human rights, as relevant. It is expected that data collection will be conducted virtually, in close coordination with IOM missions as relevant.

4. Time schedule

The assignment is expected to commence on 25 July 2023, with the final report expected by 25 September. The total number of days envisioned is 20 working days. The timeline of the deliverables will be agreed with the selected Evaluator(s).

5. Evaluation deliverables

1. An inception report (max 10 pages excluding annexes):

The first deliverable of the consultant/team is an inception report, which details the selected approach and methodology, including an evaluation matrix, refined evaluation questions and sub-questions, the workplan, interview schedule based on the list of stakeholders, all data collection tools and the outline of the final report. The Evaluator(s) may adopt the methodology spelt out in this ToR, but any fundamental changes should be agreed upon between the evaluation manager and the Evaluator(s) and reflected in the inception report. The methodology should clearly state the limitations of the chosen evaluation methods, including those related to representing specific groups of stakeholders. The Evaluator(s) will receive a list of key stakeholders consolidated by IOM. If the evaluator requests to contact other stakeholders, beyond those listed, this can be discussed with the evaluation manager during the preparation of the inception report. The Inception report will operationalize the ToR and must be approved by the evaluation manager before data collection begins.

2. Debriefing workshop and accompanying initial findings PowerPoint:

Following the conclusion of the data collection, the Evaluator(s) will present initial findings and lessons learned in a PowerPoint presentation to IOM.

3. Draft and final evaluation report (not exceeding 15 pages, excluding annexes) and external briefer (3 pages):

Based on the inputs from discussions and analysis of interviews with key stakeholders, the Evaluator(s) will draft the evaluation report. The Evaluator(s) will prepare the draft report for comments, including the lessons learned and recommendations. The draft evaluation report will be sent to the Evaluation Manager for a methodological review. Then it will be shared by the Evaluation Manager with relevant colleagues with a request for their comments and inputs within a window of 10 working days. The Evaluation Manager will consolidate all comments and share the consolidated feedback with the Evaluator(s) for consideration in finalizing the report. The Evaluator(s) will complete the report, considering the stakeholder comments, and then submit the final version along with an external brief document (max 3 pages).

6. Submission of Application

In light of the above, IOM is looking to receive proposals from service providers to deliver the outlined scope of work.

Qualifications and Experience

At a minimum, the Evaluator should possess the following qualifications:

– Demonstrated experience in carrying out similar evaluation assignments for projects related to international labour migration, migrant protection, human rights, capacity building of businesses, and gender;

– Demonstrated capacity to coordinate with and secure key informants (including government actors, private sector actors, UN agencies, civil society actors, and migrant workers) for field-based data collection is required.

– The Evaluator should include a team leader with at least 7 years of relevant experience in evaluation, particularly with UN agencies in areas related to migration.

– Team members with expertise in labour migration, private sector partnerships and gender are required. Additional specialists with relevant experience are considered an asset.

Technical Proposal:

Applicants shall prepare a proposal according to the ToR, ensuring that the purpose, objectives, scope, criteria and deliverables of the evaluation are addressed. The proposal shall include detailed breakdown of inception phase and data collection methodology, the suggested approach and proposed sampling to be used in the evaluation. A brief explanation of data collection, analysis and report writing phases should also be included, along with a draft work plan and timeline for the evaluation. The Technical Proposal shall also include updated CVs of the expert(s) to be part of the evaluation, and electronic copies/links of two most recent and relevant evaluations performed by the applicant. Clearly indicate the profile of the Team Lead and the team that will work on the assignment.

Financial Proposal:

Offer with a cost breakdown: Consultancy fees, required translation and other costs. The Financial Proposal shall be submitted in a separate file, clearly named Financial Proposal. No financial information should be contained in the Technical Proposal. At least two writing samples, preferably of similar assignments conducted. A registration certificate for the organization.

How to apply

Evaluation consultancy firms should submit their applications via email, addressed as “Application for the Evaluation of the CREST Remediation Fund” via email to the following address: . All submissions with a complete set of documents should reach IOM no later than midnight (Indochina time) on 12 July 2023. Late applications will not be accepted. Any questions regarding the call for applications should be sent to the following address:

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