MESPT-GEAP-05-2023 – Consultancy for review of Grant Management Policy & Manual (Eligible to National Consulting Firms Only)


1. Background Information about MESPT

Micro-Enterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT) is a Kenyan development organization established in 2002. MESPT’s overall objective is to promote economic growth, employment creation and poverty alleviation through enterprise development. This is achieved predominantly through support to the development of agricultural value chains whilst embracing and promoting the green growth and climate change agenda. Through its vision of building a more Prosperous Society, MESPT facilitates increased commercialization, decent employment, and green transformation through targeted interventions in the selected value chains. The Trust is a multi-donor entity jointly founded by the Government of Kenya and the European Union who later relinquished their position to the Royal Danish Embassy in Kenya, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DANIDA). To learn more about MESPT, please visit

2. Rationale for review of MESPT Grant Management Policy and Manual

According to MESPT institutional and legal framework, a comprehensive review of policies and/or manuals should be done after every three years of implementation to ensure compliance and alignment with the organization’s goals and objectives. The current MESPT Grant Management Policy and Manual are due for review as they were developed in 2017 during the implementation of the last strategic plan 2015 – 2019. In addition, an internal audit process was undertaken through which significant gaps were identified on outdated, misaligned, inconsistent, and missing guidelines, procedures, and protocols necessary to effectively manage grants and projects aligned with organizational strategic objectives. Therefore, a comprehensive review of the Grant Management Policy and Manual will enhance MESPT capabilities to foster compliance, accountability, and adaptability in the ever-evolving grant management landscapes.

3. The main objective the assignment

The overall aim will be to undertake a comprehensive review of MESPT Grant Management Policy and Manual that outlines standardized operational procedures and guidelines for grant management, from initiation/ Identification phase to Monitoring, Evaluation and Closeout phases; and 2) revise the Grant Management Policy and Manual by defining clear rules and regulations which will govern the processes for management and administration of grants.

Specific objectives for this assignment include but not limited to: –

Provide a clear and consistent framework for the entire grant management cycle from solicitation stage to award close out phase. This will entail developing standard procedures and protocols for the following critical steps: –

  • Initiation Phase: Analysis of situations, Go or no Go; Budget estimation, Partnership identification, formation and signing of teaming agreements, Due Diligence, organization capacity assessment, Information session etc.
  • Planning phase: Project Kick Off Meetings; Project Human Resource Planning; project sites and geographical coverage planning, Detailed Implementation Planning and budgeting; Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation planning; Learning and Knowledge Management planning; Information and Communication planning; Risk and Asset management Planning; Project Kick Off Meetings; Project Human Resource Planning; Beneficiaries and County targeting and Selection process, Gender and Social Inclusion Assessment etc.
  • Execution/Implementation Phase: – Inception Meetings; Mobilization and Sensitization; targeting and Beneficiary Recruitment Value chain selection; Capacity Assessment and capacity development plans; Grant agreement signing; Implementation, results /milestones-based performance monitoring and Reporting; accountability, compliance and quality assurance; Periodic Planning and review Meetings; Technical management Meetings; Stakeholder/Partner accountability Meetings.
  • Evaluations and Audits: programme evaluation (at baseline, Mid & End Term), in-depth research Studies, programme data quality compliance, Programme Internal Audits; programme External Audits, Documentation.
  • Closeout Phase: Project Exit Strategy, Closeout meetings, Asset Handover, Project closeout report.

Ensure alignment with other organizational policies, manual and procedures and donor guidelines.

Ensure compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and best practices in the grant management process.

Enhance transparency, accountability, and fairness in the grant management process.

Improve communication and collaboration between internal teams involved in grant management.

Facilitate effective decision-making in grant selection, disbursement, and reporting.

Streamline administrative processes related to grants.

3. Scope of the assignment

Specific tasks to be undertaken will include: –

  • Conducting a thorough review of existing MESPT grant management policy and manual, to identify and/or validate areas that require amendments. This will include review existing M&E policy and procedures that will be integrated into the updated Grant policy and manual.
  • Review other existing institutional policy, manual, procedures as well as donor guidelines that the grant management policy and manual should align with.
  • Engaging with key stakeholders, including MESPT management, Board of Trustee, programme staff and grant partners, to gather input and insights on current grant management processes and requirements.
  • Researching and benchmarking against industry best practices and standards in grant management
  • Draft a comprehensive Grant Manual that outlines standard procedures and detailed guidelines for managing grants aligned with MESPT strategic objectives.
  • Draft a Grant Policy that outlines the principles, rules and regulations for grant management and administration.
  • Develop templates and tools to support the implementation of the manual. Examples includes tools for grant proposal writing, due diligence, monitoring, and evaluation etc.
  • Define roles and responsibilities for individuals involved in grant management process.
  • Establish clear criteria for grant selection, evaluation, and prioritization.
  • Develop a framework for assessing the impact and outcomes of grants awarded.
  • Present the drafts Grant Management Policy and Manual to MESPT management for review and validation.
  • Sensitize MESPT staff on the new Grant Management Policy and manual.
  • Present finalized Grant Policy and Manual to MESPT Board of Trustee for approval.

4. Approach and Methodology

The consultancy team is expected to utilize a highly consultative and participatory approaches in identification of gaps and revision of the MESPT Grant management Policy and Manual. A combination of various methods will be adopted including desk review, interviews and targeted discussions with relevant stakeholders including representation of MESPT management, programme staff, and where possible seek the views of external partners/ grantees. The consultancy team will develop a detailed approach clearly outlining the criteria that will be used and the sources of information.

5. Expected Deliverables

The Consultancy team will work on the following deliverables: –

  1. Inception report including the methodology, detailed workplan and budget.
  2. A comprehensive Grant management Policy and Manual documents
  3. Templates, tools, and guidelines to support the grant management process.
  4. Relevant training materials and resources for MESPT Staff including links to relevant reference materials links.

6. Duration of the Assignment

The assignment will begin with an inception meeting at MESPT Head Office and conclude with a debriefing meeting with MESPT Chief Executive Officer. In overall the exercise is expected to take a maximum of 28 working days from the date of signing the contract spread over a period of 2 months.

7. Qualifications and competencies of the proposed team

The proposed team should have the necessary qualifications and a track record of successful grant policy work. In specific the lead consultant should possess:

  1. An advanced degree in relevant fields such as development economics, Public Policy, Public Administration, project Management, Business Administration, or a related area.
  2. Demonstrated expertise in grant management, grant policy development, Public Policy Analysis, Legal Studies, or Compliance and Regulatory Affairs.
  3. At least 10 years’ experience and knowledge in policy development and analysis process
  4. Strong research and analytical skills to assess existing policies, gather data, and identify best practices and informed trends on grant-related regulations.
  5. Proficiency in statistical analysis and data interpretation for evidence-based policy development.
  6. Excellent written and verbal communication skills to convey complex policy information with clarity.
  7. Familiarity with ethical considerations and compliance standards in grant management.
  8. Familiarity with relevant software tools and technology for policy development and management.
  9. Strong interpersonal skills for working with diverse stakeholders in the grant making process.
  10. Ability to adapt to changing grant landscapes and emerging trends.
  11. A commitment to ongoing learning and professional development in the field of grant policy development.

How to apply

Download tender document by clicking on the following link

Any clarifications should be sent to

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