- November 23, 2023
- Posted by: humanitarianweb
- Category: Humanitarian Jobs
Terms of Reference
- Background
Peace Winds is a Japanese Non-Governmental Organization established in 1996. Peace Winds has been providing humanitarian and development assistance for people affected by forced displacement and natural disasters in more than 20 countries in the world. Peace Winds launched its mission in Kenya in 2012 and has been implementing projects funded by UN agencies and the government of Japan in shelter, WASH and youth development to improve living environments of refuge and host populations while promoting peaceful coexistence and self-reliance in the communities in Dadaab, Kakuma and Kalobeyei.
In Turkana West Sub- County, Peace Winds has been implementing the Project for Enhancing Women’s Resilience in Refugee Camps and Host Communities in Kakuma/Kalobeyei through partnership with UN WOMEN and funding from the Government of Japan. Under the project, PWJ has been implementing various activities aimed at empowering womeneconomically to have access to humanitarian services, improve their protection and safety against all forms of violence and exploitation.
The project has also been focusing on supporting women and girls from both the refugee and host communities to have new sources of income and economic opportunities through skills and livelihood development. The project implemented the activities as indicated below:
- Trained 30 women and youth equipped with automotive technician and driving skills and gained job opportunities at a modern automotive garage established through this project.
- Established and equip a modern automotive garage, fully equipped with required machineries and equipment which meet the standards of a CFAO Motors Kenya [CFAO] (formerly Toyota Kenya Ltd) certified service center
- The 30 boda-boda riders are trained as trainers on safe driving skills and practice, safe road traffic regulation, compliance, and gender-based violence and provided with driving licenses.
- Participation and satisfaction of the 150 members of Kalobeyei Women Handcraft Cooperative increase through expansion of the workspace and establishment of a childcare space in the Kalobeyei Business Incubation Center
- A total 80 women and youth tailors gain and improve knowledge and skills on producing and marketing personal hygiene commodities such as reusable sanitary pads, reusable diapers, and incontinence pads.
- An enterprise consisting of 30 women and youth which produces and markets reusable sanitary pads and other personal hygiene products is established in Kalobeyei settlement and Kakuma camp.
Indicators of the project
The following indicators will be measured during the endline monitoring;
Output 1: Assess the current knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the target population regarding livelihood programs, household decision-making, access to financial resources, and accessing timely humanitarian and protection services.
Indicator 1.1: Percentage of respondents who demonstrate adequate knowledge of available livelihood programs.
Indicator 1.2: Percentage of respondents who report involvement in household decision-making.
Indicator 1.3: Percentage of respondents who have access to financial resources or increased income.
Output 2: Identify the existing income levels and sources of income for women participating in livelihood programs.
Indicator 2.1: Average income level of women participating in livelihood programs.
Indicator 2.2: Percentage of income generated through different sources (e.g., employment, entrepreneurship, government support).
Output 3: Establish a baseline measurement for key indicators related to women’s economic empowerment, household decision-making, access to financial resources, and access to humanitarian and protection services.
Indicator 3.1: Proportion of women reporting involvement in household decision-making.
Indicator 3.2: Proportion of women with access to financial resources or increased income.
Indicator 3.3: Proportion of women who have accessed timely humanitarian and protection services.
Objectives of the assignment
The consultancy task is to conduct an end of evaluation assessment for “Enhancing Women’s Resilience in Refugee Camps and Host Communities Project in Kakuma/Kalobeyei” Project.
The consultancy objectives are to:
- Assess and document the project results based on the project indicators
- Document project’s good practices in Enhancing Women’s Resilience in Refugee Camps and Host Communities in Kakuma and Kalobeyei.
- Document challenges/barriers that prevent women’s empowerment to access financial support to improve their livelihoods.
- Document the effectiveness of the structures put up for improving the livelihoods of women and youth in both refuge and host communities e.g., the Business Incubation Center, Modern Automotive garage and Childcare Room in Kalobeyei
- Make recommendations for effective project activities for increasing access to resilience of both women and girls in the refugee camps and in the host communities
- Evaluate the situation on SGBV in both the Refugee and Host Communities
Skills acquisition for women and youth has been the core of this project and there is need for the evaluation to focus on the demand for sustainability of the services and trainings provided to the target groups in the project. The evaluation will further recommend how best to scale access to such services and how the results of the intervention can be scaled and sustained in Kakuma and Kalobeyei.
- Scope of the work
The evaluator will be required to carry out the following tasks:
- Design the evaluation approach and tools
- Conduct Desk review, secondary data collection, and field data collection
- Prepare analysis of the collected data to bring out findings on project’s key achievements, challenges that prevent women’s empowerment to access financial support to improve their livelihoods, effectiveness of the structures put up for improving the livelihoods of women and youth in both refuge and host communities
- Assess the current knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the target population regarding livelihood programs, household decision-making, access to financial resources, and accessing timely humanitarian and protection services.
- Document case studies/ change stories for at least 2 individual beneficiaries from different beneficiary categories
- Prepare an evaluation report, separate executive summary, PowerPoint presentation for dissemination and case studies/ stories of change
- Methodology
The evaluator is ultimately responsible for the approach and design of the evaluation and is expected to propose methodologies that they consider most appropriate to achieve the aims of this evaluation. However, the evaluation should use a participatory and gender-sensitive approach engaging those impacted by the project activities. Both quantitative and qualitative data should be utilized during the evaluation exercise to ensure that findings are broadly representative of the views of the beneficiary population. Data collection methods shall include interviews with relevant stakeholders, survey questionnaires, field visits, and desk review of relevant documents.
At inception PWJ and the evaluator will refine the scope and methodology of this evaluation and agree on a detailed evaluation plan. The evaluation expert should present a detailed statement of the proposed review methods in the technical proposal. The consultant is encouraged to incorporate the following activities in the final scope of the evaluation methodology to generate comprehensive information:
- Review of key documents
- Survey
- Focus group discussions (FGDs)
- Key informant interviews (KIIs) with various individuals drawn from subject matter experts, youth and women leaders, UNHCR and government personnel, and project staff
- Case studies/ Stories of change
- Deliverables
The key deliverables for this assignment are as follows:
Inception Report
Detailed evaluation methodology, data collection tools, updated work plan incorporating inception meeting minutes
MS Word & PDF
1 week after contract signing
Draft Evaluation Report
Evaluation report findings, executive summary, 2 case studies/ stories of change, raw and cleaned data set (including transcripts of qualitative data) and data analysis results
MS Word, PDF, MS Excel (data)
4 weeks after contract signing
Dissemination meeting
PPt Presentation, Summary of comments/ feedback during meeting
MS PPt, MS Word
5 weeks after contract signing
Final Evaluation Report
Final evaluation report, executive summary, 2 case studies/ stories of change incorporating feedback from dissemination meeting and all relevant annexes
MS Word, PDF
6 weeks after contract signing
- Coordination and Reporting
The consultant will work with Peace Winds team in Kakuma, with overall guidance of the Program Coordinator. Day to day supervision will be done by the MEAL Officer.
- Assignment Duration
The assignment is planned to take place between November and December with the field activities scheduled for November 2023. The anticipated level of effort (LoE) is approximately 20 days.
An indicative work Plan for the endline evaluation is as shown in the table below.
Procurement of consultant
Contract signing
Inception & Desk Review
Field Data collection
Data Cleaning & Analysis
Draft Report Writing
Presentation and Dissemination
Final Report
- Required Qualification and Experience
The consultant to be engaged in this assignment must have the following qualifications and experience;
- Advanced degree (at least Masters) in economics, public policy, or related social science field, with at least 8 years’ experience in monitoring and evaluation. Relevant experience in monitoring and evaluation (at least 12 – 15 years) will be considered in lieu of a Masters degree.
- Experience as the lead in evaluation of entrepreneurship and business development support to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for at least 2 interventions of similar nature.
- Experience in conducting both quantitative and qualitative (participatory) research on youth and women empowerment in similar contexts.
- Highly proficient in STATA/ SPSS/ R, and proficient in handling and analyzing primary and secondary data sets, both survey and administrative data
- Knowledge and experience of the ASAL and humanitarian setting will be an added advantage.
- Demonstrated track record in preparation of documents, project proposals, evaluation reports.
- Communicates effectively in English and Swahili language (verbally and in writing) in a cross-cultural environment.
- Competencies
- Must be a results-oriented team player with excellent interpersonal skills, including enthusiasm, tact, diplomacy and high integrity;
- Concise and analytical thinking;
- Must be able to Ability to work with minimal supervision
- Support to be provided by the Client
- Flights (Nairobi – Kakuma) and transport during field work will be provided by the Client
- Support and facilitation in accessing project sites, project stakeholders and beneficiaries
- Available projects documents including monitoring data, reports and any other relevant information
- Technical Proposal
The consultant’s technical proposal shall contain the following:
- Clear understanding of the terms of reference including any relevant comments
- A clear methodology on how the consultants intend to undertake the evaluation
- Work Plan with clear duties and responsibilities for each team member
- Summary of Consultants experience in undertaking assignments of similar scope and/or complexity (clearly highlighting similar assignments within the last 5 years)
- Summary of Evaluator’s qualifications
- Evaluator’s CV/s
- Two (2) samples of reports from previous assignments
- Contact details of a minimum of 3 references from organizations that the consultant has worked with over the past 3 years clearly indicating description of assignment, date/s of execution, name of organization and details of contact person (e-mail and telephone contact)
- Financial Proposal
The consultant will utilize the following budget template for their financial proposal
Rate (KSh)
Amount (KSh)
Consultants professional Fee
Enumerator costs
Communication costs
Accommodation (and meals)
Taxes (indicate relevant tax) %
- Evaluation and Selection Criteria
The selection of the consultant will be based on a competitive process, through a Quality-Cost Based Selection (QCBS) considering the applicants’ qualifications, experience, and proposed approach to training delivery. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview or request to provide additional information or references.
Scoring of Technical Proposal
The technical proposal shall be evaluated against a total mark of 80% with pass mark of 60%.
Total Score (%)
Demonstrates clear understanding of the terms of reference
excellent understanding ToR = 9-10
some gaps in understanding of ToR = 5-8
poor demonstration of understanding ToR <5
Clear methodology and approach to assignment
clear methodology which includes all critical aspects and comprehensive approach to assignment = 16 – 20
methodology missing some aspects which are not critical to assignment = 10 – 15
methodology missing critical aspects < 10
Experience in undertaking assignments of similar scope and/or complexity (last 3 years)
Experience in 5 or more relevant assignment of similar complexity/ more advanced nature (over the last 5 years) = 16-20
Experience in at least 3 – 5 relevant assignments of similar complexity/more advanced nature (over the last 5 years) = 10-15
Experience at least 2 relevant assignment/ not adequate (over the last 5 years) <10
Experience and Qualifications of Lead Consultant (CV attached)
The team lead meets the academic requirements with at least a Masters and 8 years of relevant experience OR bachelor’s degree with at least 15 years relevant experience and 5 or more years conducting similar assignments = 8-10
The team lead meets the academic requirements with at least a Masters and 8 years of relevant experience OR bachelor’s degree with at least 12 years relevant experience and 3 or more years conducting similar assignments = 5-7
The team lead meets the academic requirements with at least a Masters and 8 years of relevant experience OR bachelor’s degree with at least 12 years relevant experience and 2 or more years conducting similar assignments <5-10
Sample reports from previous evaluation assignments (Reports attached)
Each relevant report will be allocated a score of 5 for a combined total score of 10 for any 2 sample reports provided and zero otherwise.
Realistic work plan attached
Detailed and comprehensive work plan which captures all the key activities = 4-5
Work plan misses some of the activities = 2-3
Workplan missing critical aspects or not included <2 5
Minimum of 3 References Provided
Minimum of 3 references provided as required =5
2 References provided = 3
Only 1 reference provided or none = 0 5
Scoring of financial proposal
The financial proposal for each bidder meeting the required pass mark for the technical evaluation shall be evaluated against a total score of 20% weighted using the following formula:
financial score = lowest priced passing bid/ price of other bid *20%
Computation of Total Score for evaluated Bids
Total score shall be computed by summing up the technical scores and the weighted financial scores.
total score = technical score of bidder + weighted financial score
Determination of Award
Award shall be made to the bidder with the highest evaluated total score as computed above.
- Validity of Bid
Bidders shall clearly indicate that their bid is valid for a period of not less than 30 days from the date of submission.
- Disclosures
PWJ adheres to strict PSEA, Child Safeguarding, and Anti-fraud & Anti – corruption principles. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
- Proposal Submission
The Technical Proposal shall be submitted comprising (a) Letter of submission duly signed by authorized bidder representative (and stamped where applicable), (b) Main Technical Proposal document in PDF format, (c) Attachments to Technical Proposal in PDF (report samples, CV)
The Financial Proposal shall be submitted comprising (a) Financial Proposal Document duly signed by authorized bidder representative (and stamped where applicable) in PDF format and (b) Detailed calculations sheet in MS Excel format.
How to apply
Interested candidates or organizations should submit electronic copies of technical and financial proposals with the e-mail clearly headed “Proposal for Consultancy to Conduct Endline Evaluation of Project for Enhancing Women’s Resilience in Refugee Camps and Host Communities in Kakuma/Kalobeyei.” with the technical and financial proposal documents clearly labeled as ‘TECHNICAL PROPOSAL’ and ‘FINANCIAL PROPOSAL’ respectively.
All submissions should be made to tenders@peace-winds.or.ke on or before 1st DECEMBER 2023 at 3:00PM EAT.