At the Women for Africa Foundation, we are looking for:

senior project coordinator with solid technical experience in project design, monitoring and justification in the field of cooperation&development, with a gender approach, a special interest in social innovation and experience in working within consortium and in collaboration with multiple civil society entities.

Project coordination AECID : 2023/ACDE/001233 “I+DeAlgas: Women promoting sustainable development in the Marchica Lagoon”.

Short description of the project – Call for innovation actions for development

The main objective of the project is to strengthen women’s economic and labour rights through innovation, focusing on their inclusion in labour sectors traditionally dominated by men.

A women’s cooperative will be supported to initiate activities in the cultivation and processing of seaweed in the Marchica lagoon, in the Eastern Rif, with a significant technological emphasis.

This support will include the creation of cultivation and research plots for gracilaria algae in the lagoon and a laboratory for scientific research, thus facilitating the introduction of algae into value chains. The project will benefit from the successful experience of a pilot project, providing a solid basis for economic development and the active participation of women.

Institutional partners and research centres will be key to the success of this initiative. The project will be carried out in consortium and will be led by the University Las Palmas Gran Canarias in close collaboration with the Spanish Seaweed Bank and local partners.

PURPOSE of the job position: To ensure the qualitative development of the project “I+DeAlgas: Women promoting sustainable development in the Marchica Lagoon“, Nador, Morocco, its coordination and financial management according to the donors and Foundation’s requirements, procedures and tools.

Reporting to the project manager at headquarters and in coordination with local partners of Women for Africa and collaborating institutions:


1. Coordinate and supervise the implementation of the project activities.

2. Establish and maintain effective relationships with local partners and other stakeholders in the country and with consortium partners.

3. Ensure the achievement of the objectives and the quality of the results.


  • Hold ultimate responsibility for the achievement of project objectives and results in Morocco.
  • Preparation of project planning, worksheets and activity monitoring mechanisms (general/specific activity plan, procurement plan, monitoring and evaluation plan, etc.).
  • Ongoing accompaniment, support and advice to local partner organisations in/for:
    • the elaboration of the annual project planning.
    • The monitoring and evaluation of project activities ‘progress and quality standards, establishing reorientation strategies if necessary.
    • planning the human and material resource needs for the proper implementation of the intervention in accordance with applicable regulations and national legislation.
    • supervising the planning and budget execution of the intervention in accordance with the proposed results and objectives,
    • supporting and supervising the preparation of internal monitoring reports and supporting reports for donors (monitoring and final, technical and financial).
    • supervising the compliance of field staff with planning documents and establish corrective mechanisms if necessary.
    • ensuring the required visibility of the project
  • Conduct field visits to monitor and collect information on results related to field activities.
  • Ensure efficient, effective and timely collection and analysis of field data for situation reports, fact sheets, donor reports, audits, briefing notes and other information products for internal purposes.
  • Ensure coordination with local partners in the country of intervention and with consortium partners at global level.
  • Actively participate in the promotion of a harmonized approach and methodologies among the different projects, supporting the development of specific tools, trainings and workshops to share experiences and good practices.
  • Collaborate and accompany evaluations and audits of interventions together with the rest of the team as required.
  • Elaboration of monitoring and final reports for different funders.


– Identify opportunities for learning and training in project management of local partners.

– Ensure transparent, equitable and inclusive management of human resources, in accordance with internal policies and procedures, and all regulatory requirements of country legislation and donor policy.

– Foster an inclusive and diverse working environment and ensure that the Foundation’s standards of conduct are observed.


– Participation in networks and coordinators. Participate in Cluster/Working Group meetings and other coordination meetings when necessary.

– Develop and maintain regular, transparent and accountable communication flows with project staff, HQ experts, as well as other stakeholders such as rights holders, community leaders, local and national government officials, UN agencies and other NGOs (…).

– Maintain institutional representation and relationship with project donor(s) on the ground, national and local authorities, partners and other project-related stakeholders in the country and report to the HQ project officer on relevant issues.

– Support donor relations by contributing to the development of various communication products for donor(s) and accompanying donor(s) during field visits.

– Ensure the visibility of the Foundation and donor(s).


– Develop new project proposals in collaboration with the HQ project manager.

– Search for co-funding opportunities at field level. Coordinate the development and drafting of new quality project proposals in the field.

– Participate in the development of the Women for Africa strategy in Morocco.

– Provide strategic and technical guidance on key components of the Foundation’s engagement to promote good practice and ensure compliance.

The above roles and responsibilities are not exhaustive and the incumbent may be required to perform additional duties.


  • Education/Training:

– required:

  • University degree
  • University specialisation and/or specific training in development cooperation and/or training in monitoring and economic justification of social and/or humanitarian programmes.
  • Level C1 or higher: Spanish and French
  • Professional Use of: PACK office. Excel management

– valued:

– Specialised training in gender in development and/or a degree in science (marine biology, environment, etc.).

– Knowledge of human rights, gender and environmental issues.

– English and/or Arabic and/or Rifeño.

  • Experience:

– required:

  • as an expatriate development worker for at least five years in a position of equal status and responsibility.
  • in coordination/management of projects in the field of international cooperation co-financed by public cooperation agents.
  • in coordination, planning, training and team management.

– valued:

  • Work experience in projects for the development of income-generating activities and decent and sustainable employment and/or innovation projects; and/or with consortia.
  • in any of the fields related to Blue Economy, Innovation, community participation processes, gender equality, climate justice.
  • with projects financed by AECID and/or Decentralised Cooperation.
  • in the formulation and/or management of projects financed by European funds and/or international organisations and the private sector.
  • in Morocco

Aptitudes and skills

  • Organisational and teamwork skills.
  • Dynamism and flexibility.
  • Rigour and autonomy at work.
  • Communication skills and empathy.
  • Negotiation, diplomacy and protocol skills.


  • Full-time contract under Spanish law
  • Duration: up to 24 months, renewable.
  • Salary according to the salary policy of the Foundation (depending on the candidate’s experience).
  • International medical insurance.
  • Contract starting date : February 2024.

How to apply

Selection process:

Candidates who do not meet the requirements are kindly requested not to apply. A pre-selection will be made from among the applications received. Those shortlisted will be invited to take a technical and language test. Candidates who pass the test will finally undergo an interview. Due to the high number of applications, if you have not received any express communication by February 10, it means that you have not been preselected. No further communication will be issued to the remaining candidates.

Submission of applications: Send curriculum vitae to with reference # COORDINADOR.A DE PROYECTO AECID en Marruecos

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