Humanitarian Program Manager-Somaliland

Duty station: Hargeisa, with frequent travel to other locations

Reporting to: Humanitarian Coordinator

Type of Contract: Fixed Term

Starting date: As soon as possible

About CARE

CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice. We seek a world of hope, inclusion and social justice, where poverty has been overcome, and all people live with dignity and security, with a specific focus on the empowerment of women and girls. CARE’s Vision 2030 strategy includes six broad impact areas, with specific impact targets and metrics aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. CARE anticipates that its impact will increasingly be achieved at the systems level as part of its quest for sustainable impact at scale, achieved through local leadership in partnership with governments, the private sector and civil society actors.

Job Summary

The Program Manager shall provide overall leadership and management for the humanitarian programs in Somaliland, including leading the Planning, Management, implementation, Financial and contract management, Knowledge management, and advocacy initiatives.

This includes adaptation and pivots of project approaches where needed, and learning dissemination to elevate the visibility and profile of CARE, Decision-making making regarding implementation support, contract management and compliance; Communicating and leading facilitation with both internal (CARE) and external (Government, Donor, and other stakeholders) audiences to ensure positive relationships and ongoing partnerships; implementation, partnership management the donor reporting, and field level management is of the highest standards in accordance with CAREs values. Supporting resource mobilization and partnership efforts to broaden and/or deepen the scope of CARE.

Leadership and mentoring of junior, and level CARE employees, Fostering and improving a team atmosphere focused on program quality and learning, with constructive dialog around project challenges, failures, and successes, and with an eye on problem-solving and constructive criticism;

Developing a positive team dynamic that encourages open dialog and constructive feedback;

Developing clear supervisory structures, meetings, reporting, etc with each supervisee.

Job Responsibility 1: Program Design, plan, Implementation & Management: 35%

  • Provide management oversight to the humanitarian project(s), including, but not limited to, supporting the project delivery structures, including the steering committee, Technical working groups, and advisory committee, to develop an operational strategy and consolidate the design of the various interventions into the project.
  • Effectively distribute work among humanitarian staff by ensuring that the staffing plan takes on board considerations for effective duty allocations and that teamwork is maintained at all times. (staff wellness and Day-to-day operations and oversight of the humanitarian programming, including rapid start-up, staffing, outcome, and output monitoring, program learning outcomes, and subsequent adaptations.
  • Technical and programmatic implementation of the donor-approved scope, including emergency activities.
  • Monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) coordination and reporting, including tracking and reporting of intervention/output/outcome progress and results, drafting and reviewing work plans, bi-annual reports, and other programmatic documents.
  • Maintaining strong relationships with external stakeholders (e.g., through liaising, convening, and facilitating meetings and pause and reflect sessions, cluster planning sessions, budget and governance advocacy meetings).
  • Decision-making regarding implementation support, contract management and compliance.
  • Proactively identify any technical or programmatic gaps and work with the team to address them.
  • Develop and execute an effective staffing plan, workload distribution, performance management, and positive team dynamic, with a focus on empowering staff and ensuring they are supported, capacitated, and motivated to excel.
  • Lead in the preparation and management of the program’s global Project Monitoring Folder (PMF) (Approved proposal, approved work plan, signed contract, approved budget, staffing plan, procurement plan, MEAL plan, communication plan, and update program and financial expense reports) with participation/involvement of the program team. This also means producing and maintaining detailed implementation plans, procurement plans, preparing budget tracking and expenditure tools which are reviewed on a weekly basis – all while coordinating closely with key program support team members, especially in procurement and finance.
  • Organize, in collaboration with others, inception/kick-off and planning meetings, regular review and learning forum, and other stakeholder engagement sessions.
  • Communicating and leading facilitation with both internal (CARE) and external (Government, donor) audiences to ensure common understanding, positive relationships, ongoing partnerships, and accountability of all parties.
  • Organize in consultation with the Program Development and Quality team inception and planning forums, quarterly review meeting, annual and learning forums to facilitate coordination, collaboration and effective delivery of all components of the project.
  • Ensure communication flow is understood by all partners and that timely communication for project concerns are shared with project governance structures, supervisor and other levels of management while ensuring that all official processes for internal and external communication are adhered to.
  • Establish good working relationship and coordinate with Program stakeholders to facilitate smooth project implementation, nurture support for key program components and successful growth of the project.

Job Responsibility 2: Budget and contract management: 20%

  • Provide contract and budget management to the CARE humanitarian program in Somaliland, which includes, but is not limited to:
  • Overseeing grants and partnership management implementation, enforcement, and compliance to all contractual requirements of the program, in conjunction with CARE/and CARE USA’s Grants and Finance teams.
  • Ensure the project budget is implemented, tracked, and reported as planned and approved by the donor.
  • With support from CARE procurement team, prepare, revise, and operationalize all procurement plans within a timely manner.
  • Review all project financial reports (prepared by the CARE finance team) on a monthly basis and subsequently provide timely feedback related to the utilization of program funds (e.g., burn rate analysis versus planned activities and expenditure plans).
  • Ensure project assets and inventory is held by CARE and partners as per best practice, donor requirements, and CARE policies and regulations.
  • Ensure full awareness of donor contractual clauses and any subsequent transfer and/or implementation of clauses.
  • Develop relevant agreements, contracts, terms of reference (ToRs), and/or MOUs with relevant stakeholders
  • Ensure time-bound conditions are understood and reflected by date for tracking compliance.
  • Ensure timely identification and communication of risks to CARE Management, including CARE Somalia and CUSA, through designated supervisor and communication channels.

Job Responsibility 3: Program Quality Knowledge Management & Learning: 20%

  • Provide program quality, knowledge management, and learning oversight to the CARE Somaliland humanitarian program, including but not limited to:
  • Institute a learning agenda, develop and implement to promote a culture of learning, information sharing, dialogue, and critical analysis intended to improve the quality of programming, adoption of good practices, and influencing policies and practices at scale.
  • In coordination with the Program development and quality team facilitate collaborative development of a MEL plan, detailed program implementation plan, and operational plan.
  • In coordination with the Program Officers, supervise and ensure completion of baseline, annual, and/or other regular monitoring assessments, as well as the dissemination and application of findings into project adaptations and pivots.
  • In coordination with Program Officers, ensure drafting, revisions, and submission of donor reports (e.g. bi-annual, final reporting) in compliance with donor timelines and deadlines.
  • In coordination with CARE and CARE USA teams, ensure that the program promising practices, key findings, accomplishments, and challenges are documented and shared, both internal and external to CARE.
  • Organize and oversee field technical and monitoring trips, and subsequent application of findings/trip reports to inform the project.
  • Ensure proper archiving and storage of all project documents, reports, and data files to CARE USA and CARE Somalia file sharing systems.

Job Responsibility 4: Resource Mobilization and Partnerships 10%

  • Support resource mobilization and partnership efforts including, but not limited to:
  • As needed and in consultation with (CARE Somalia and CARE USA staff) Support the preparation of concept notes and proposals.
  • (As needed) Support CO effort to position for new business opportunities by capturing and documenting best practices for increased visibility and strategic partnership.
  • Support the exploration of external and non-traditional partnership or donor opportunities that would allow for leverage or expansion of humanitarian sectors (e.g. private sector actors; new avenues/opportunities; devolved funds).
  • Support alignment of CARE Somalia with donor and Government Strategies to leverage growth potential.

Job Responsibility 5 – Staff Management and Development 10%

  • As part of supervisory responsibilities, the Program Manager will be responsible for:
  • Lead hiring of competent staff and on-board them in a timely manner to implement in line with contractual obligations and CARE policies and procedures.
  • Supervise and provide leadership to the CARE Somaliland humanitarian team members and staff; ensure they fully understand their roles and responsibilities; work effectively as a team; and deliver on tasks in a timely manner.
  • Guide, supervise, coach, manage, mentor, and provide leadership and support to the Somaliland humanitarian program staff on a day-to-day basis to meet program tasks and responsibilities to deliver within contractual obligations.
  • Fostering and improving a team atmosphere focused on program quality and learning, with constructive dialog around project challenges, failures, and successes, and with an eye on problem-solving and constructive criticism;
  • Developing a positive team dynamic that encourages open dialog and constructive feedback;
  • Developing clear supervisory structures, meetings, reporting, etc with each supervisee.
  • Undertake mid-term and annual staff appraisal in line with Position Descriptions and other requirements in a timely manner.
  • In a timely manner, notify and consult the supervisor and human resource department and CAREs management on any staff concerns related to their conduct, performance, confirmation, and disciplinary issues while ensuring that policies and procedures are adhered to.

Other responsibilities as assigned: 5%

Every staff member in Somalia is accountable for:

  • Prioritizing safety and security by being vigilant of existing risks and refraining from complacency or engaging in activities that pose unnecessary risks and contributing to their safety and security by adhering to all established policies and procedures.
  • Familiarizing themselves with and comprehending the organization’s security plan and guidelines, including any updates as well as actively participating in the development and upkeep of safety and security measures and ensuring compliance.
  • Communicating any pertinent information, observations, and perceptions related to safety and security with their line management or the CO security team.
  • Demonstrating commitment to gender transformation, learning and development through promoting and maintaining an organizational culture that advances gender equality, reduces power abuse and inequalities, and fosters trust and safety.
  • Creating, promoting, and maintaining a safe organizational culture for all people who work for and with CARE, including our partners and the communities and program participants we work with.



  • Bachelor’s Degree in a related field (e.g. Development Management or Social Science)


  • Master’s degree in development studies, Gender studies
  • Qualified Program/Project Management certification

Experience/Technical Skills

  • 8-10 years in a program management role in a senior management position in the development sector
  • At least three years’ experience of emergency programming
  • Ample knowledge of emergency, transitional, and development program concepts, policies, frameworks, strategies, and components.
  • Experience in complex decision-making and leading a multi-disciplinary, multi-national team under difficult circumstances.
  • Excellent understanding of economic development and poverty analysis
  • Experience in managing a multi-million-dollar budget; demonstrated skills in risk management and ensuring value for money
  • Demonstrated experience in program design, implementation and evaluation; including participatory approaches
  • Experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with implementing partners, donors and government counterparts.
  • Demonstrated leadership and management skills in a complex international setting
  • Demonstrated ability in program design, implementation and evaluation
  • Demonstrated self-awareness, leadership and interpersonal skills
  • Strong human resource management skills including capacity building, coaching and conflict management.
  • Demonstrated interest and ability to give feedback, develop, motivate and lead a diverse team to achieve results
  • Ability to establish a learning culture and to facilitate knowledge sharing
  • Demonstrated use of positive coping strategies in stressful environments
  • Demonstrated proposal writing and report writing skills
  • Knowledge and demonstrated skill in financial management
  • Managing a complex budget
  • Effective follow-up on internal and external audit recommendations
  • Ensuring donor compliance and reporting

How to apply

Interested candidates who meet the criteria above are encouraged to send their application letters and detailed CV in one PDF document to ( by referring to the job title “(Humanitarian Program Manager-Somaliland)” as the subject line of the email, latest on Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

For more information about CARE and its programs, visit

CARE is an equal opportunity employer promoting gender equity and diversity. Women and men from marginalised groups are positively encouraged to apply. Our selection process reflects our commitment to protecting children from abuse. CARE is a zero-tolerance organization for child abuse, sexual exploitation, and abuse

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