Atlas Logistic Support – EGYPT


Handicap International/Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international solidarity organization, which intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflicts and disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, it acts and speaks out to meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. More info:

At Handicap International-Humanity & Inclusion, we truly believe in the importance of inclusion and diversity within our organisation. This is why we are engaged to a disability policy to encourage the inclusion and integration of people with disabilities.

Please indicate if you require any special accommodation, even at the first interview.


The Palestine mission is part of the Mashriq regional programme, which covers Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine.

– HI implements a mix of humanitarian and development projects in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

– Funding levels have been rising gradually since early 2023 and several key grants are already secured for 2024 and 2025.

– total budget for 2024 between 3 and 4 M EUR; total number of staff between 35 and 45.

– sectors of activity: inclusive education, physical rehabilitation, early childhood development, emergency preparedness, economic recovery, disability mainstreaming/inclusion in humanitarian action, advocacy.

– main challenges: relatively tense and unstable security situation in West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem; some restrictions on movements and humanitarian access.

Since October 7 and the escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas, HI/Atlas Logistique (AL) has sent a logistics needs assessment team in Egypt and in Occupied Palestinian Territories. To support and facilitate the humanitarian aid delivery as close as possible to conflict-affected populations in Gaza Strip, Atlas Logistique is launching common storage solutions in Gaza Strip (including medical products storage with temperature control and cold chain) and Egypt.

Atlas Logistique is an operational unit of Handicap International – Humanity and Inclusion (HI), specialized in the delivery of aid, in support of organizations and the humanitarian system. Our mission is to maximize the impact of aid by optimizing supply chains and opening up humanitarian space to the most difficult-to-reach populations. We develop innovative solutions adapted to acute and chronic crisis contexts, in close collaboration with humanitarian, private and public actors.


Under the responsibility of the Atlas Operations Manager or Project Manager, the Logistics Manager will support the Atlas Logistique teams on the implementation of common logistics platforms in response to the Gaza Strip humanitarian crisis.

The main responsibilities are:

1) Participating to initial diagnosis and coordinating the rollout and scale-up of the HI/AL operations from logistics perspective following the Gaza Strip humanitarian crisis;

2) Leading and coordinating the logistics deployment in accordance with HI’s rules and standards and those of its donors

3) Leading and coordinating HI/AL logistics temperature-controlled activity, in accordance with HI’ rules and standards

4) Contributing to the institutional capitalization and participating in the improvement of the strengthening of HI’s operational logistics framework in the field.

The position is based in Jerusalem with potential movement to Gaza Strip’s operational sites.

Task 1: Participate to initial diagnosis and coordinate the rollout and scale-up of the HI/AL deployment operations from logistics perspective following a humanitarian crisis, in collaboration with HI/AL roving teams;
– Contribution to the definition of the strategy of the initial diagnosis, including the creation and/or adaptation of the tools, taking into account the logistical aspects and those related to the implementation of the safety and security guidelines;
– Monitoring of the local market, logistics environment and stakes in different crisis
– Monitoring of HI logistics capacity in countries of intervention;
– Monitoring of the risk, recommendation of procedures and prevention measures
– Representation, good coordination and communication with humanitarian and government stakeholders in the area, before, during and after the assessment in collaboration with HI/AL roving teams;
– Contribution to assessment report writing (supply chain and financial parts)

Task 2: Lead and coordinate logistics deployment in the framework of the assessment, in accordance with HI’s rules and standards and those of its donors.
– Coordination and structuring of logistics resources: ensuring policies and procedures for procurement, transport management; manage vehicles and movements, communication and equipment;
– Organise movements for the team (drivers, cars, fuel, security clearance…)

– Provision of expertise and technical advice such as office or platform set-up

– Ensuring efficient distribution and use of available equipment and resources on the field

– Finalized the contractualization of the warehouses already evaluated according to HI procedures

– Responsible of procurement plan related to the opening of new logistic platform

Task 3: Lead and coordinate HI/AL logistics temperature controlled activity, in accordance with HI’ rules and standards

  • Ensuring policies and procedures for TC / cold chain procurement, transport management and equipment;
  • Ensure fuel management, energy capacity and all logistic support needed to temperature controlled issues
  • Ensure a good monitoring system of temperature controlled and traceability report.
  • Upon request, will be in charge of the regular reading of the temperatures in the controlled temperature areas

Task 4: Contribute to the institutional capitalization and participate in the improvement of the strengthening of HI’s operational logistics framework in the field.

– Support HI Programme by disseminating the tools and methods within the various departments for better appropriation and rapid and effective use of the logistics framework at the time of an emergency
– Contribute to the implementation of automatisms related to emergency response (Scenario Plan, Resource Plan)
– Contribute to the logistical activity of the organisation (contextualisation of problems).


– Jerusalem: the security is relatively stable most of the year, with some days of mass demonstrations and isolated acts of violence, in particular during key religious holidays and anniversaries of important historical events. There are several opportunities for social and cultural life.

– West Bank: the security is relatively stable in Ramallah and Bethlehem, but overall unstable in Hebron and the Northern West Bank, with regular episodes of Israeli armed incursions, settler violence, and Palestinian attacks.

– Gaza Strip: security is unpredictable, with long calm periods followed by short bouts of armed confrontation. Security rules are tight with controlled movement. Systems for hibernation and evacuation are in place.

– Touristic and cultural trips are possible across all Israel, in Jerusalem, and some pre-authorised sites of the West Bank.

– Living conditions in Jerusalem are excellent, with all modern comforts and a quality of services similar to European countries.


  • You hold a degree in logistics or in humanitarian projects. You do have experience on successful deployments on humanitarian setting.
  • You are able to work under constant pressure. You have a strong sense of priorities.


At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission.

  • 1 month International contract starting from 4th, January 2024
  • The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
  • Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
  • Pension scheme
  • Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
  • Repatriation insurance paid by HI
  • Salary from 2869€ gross/month upon experience
  • Perdiem: 480,39 € net/month – paid in payroll
  • Hardship: 500 € net/month paid with your salary
  • Paid leaves: 25 days per year;
  • R&R: Level 3: 5 days every 6 weeks => + possible transport/package support.
  • Position:
    • unaccompanied
      • Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects (from 12 months of mission)
      • Mission of more than 12 months : a child allowance of 100€ per month, per child (from the second child) paid in the field
  • Housing: Collective taken in charge by HI

If you are resident in the country: local package

How to apply

Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link:

Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, don’t wait for applying!

Only successful candidates will be contacted.


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