Consultancy: Baseline Survey for UXO contamination

To design and conduct a baseline survey which can provide a basis for quantitative evidence to assess the impact of UNDP support to UXO survey and clearance. The baseline survey and methodology design should provide a means to demonstrate evidence (through a subsequent and separately contracted endline survey) of the outcomes, value, relevance, and effectiveness, in development terms, as expressed through Lao PDR’s development strategies and SDGs, of survey and clearance. The baseline framework and methodology should clearly reference and be guided by relevant GoL and UNDP documents, plans, and strategies, which will be provided to the selected firm. The survey should be gender and socially inclusive.

Scope of Work

The successful firm will be expected to be responsible for the following:

Task 1: Design Baseline Survey and field research plan, design the related Endline Survey

· ​Review relevant literature, measurable and available development indicators pertinent to strategic development targets and the SDGs of the Lao PDR government;

· ​Define a methodology for collecting existing and defining other measurable indicators from the Programme Results Framework in selected programme areas;

· ​Design a draft Baseline Survey (including methodology, tools, and field plan) to undertake data collection and analysis – this survey will also form the basis of the Endline evaluation;

· ​Design a methodology and propose sampling method to conduct a randomized control trial using linear panel analysis (or panel study) in the three designated project areas with the population of approximately 7,000 project beneficiaries total, including a control group in each project area, and design tools to collect the related Endline Survey;

· ​Review the draft Baseline and Endline surveys and field plans with key stakeholders for approval.

​Task 2: Conduct the Baseline Survey

· ​Undertake fieldwork to gather baseline data in project areas;

· ​Provide a draft Baseline Report including key observations, limitations, and implications for the Endline Survey.

Task 3: Evaluate the results of the Baseline Survey and adjust the Endline Survey

· ​Present key findings to stakeholders for their input and comments;

· ​Adjust the drafted Endline Survey tools and plan as needed.

How to apply

See full details of procurement notice at:


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