1. Background to the assignment

Family planning is a key driver of all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Target 3.7 of the SDGs calls on countries “by 2030, to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programs”.

Trends in contraceptive prevalence and the need for family planning satisfied with modern methods indicate where increased investments and commitments by governments and international organizations are needed for the realization of reproductive rights for all people, and to help fulfil the pledge of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that “no one will be left behind”. To promote healthy lives and well-being for all by 2030, States continue and amplify their efforts to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health.

The Kenya ICPD25 Commitments include pledges on access to sexual and reproductive health services, universal education, promoting gender equity, harnessing the demographic dividend, and financing for population programs. Kenya Vision 2030 is a development plan for the economic, social, and political pillars of Kenya that aims to transform our nation into a “middle-income country providing a high-quality life to all its citizens in a clean and secure environment” by 2030. In its FP2030 Commitments Vision, Kenya seeks to reap socio-economic benefits for all citizens through accessible, acceptable, equitable, and affordable quality family planning services, with zero unmet needs by 2030.

All the Global and National Commitments aim at ensuring the quality of life for Kenyans by optimizing access to reproductive health information and services and by extension family planning. There are variations in contraceptive prevalence across the 47 counties of Kenya. These disparities stem from accessibility, acceptability, availability and quality of information and services on family planning. The FP Advocacy toolkit has been developed in two previous periods: 2010 and 2017.

In 2010, the developed advocacy toolkit was used to reposition family planning in the country. It was used to convene the National Leaders Conference and coordinate high-level policy meetings that culminated in a revised National Population Policy.

The subsequent Advocacy kits developed in 2017 targeted the policymakers, community leaders and media with key FP information. We are seeking the services of a qualified consultancy firm or individuals to develop a Family Planning Advocacy Toolkit for Kenya. The toolkit will provide practical tools and guidance to support advocacy efforts aimed at increasing access to and use of family planning services in Kenya.

The toolkit will be designed for use by various stakeholders including civil society organizations, government agencies, and other actors in the field of sexual and reproductive health. The toolkit will be developed through a consultative and participatory process with key stakeholders in Kenya, including government agencies, development partners, civil society organizations, and private sector actors.

2. Objectives

The main objective of this consultancy is to develop a comprehensive Family Planning Advocacy Toolkit that will enable stakeholders to engage in effective advocacy for increased resources; financial, commodities and human to enable access to and use of family planning services in Kenya. Specifically, the consultant(s) will:

  1. Conduct a needs assessment to identify key advocacy issues and priorities related to family planning in Kenya.
  2. Develop a comprehensive family planning advocacy toolkit that will serve as a resource for stakeholders in Kenya to effectively advocate for increased resources and access to family planning services, information, and education tailored to the Kenyan context.
  3. Ensure that the toolkit is evidence-based, gender-sensitive, and inclusive of the needs of diverse populations, including youth, people with disabilities, and marginalized groups.
  4. Ensure that the toolkit models family planning as a socio-economic and development agenda and that the information derived communicates evidence of the same.
  5. Develop an implementation plan for the rollout of the toolkit, including dissemination strategies.
  6. Incorporate feedback from stakeholders to ensure that the toolkit is relevant, useful, and user-friendly.

3. Tasks and Proposed FP advocacy kit development process (Methodology)

The consultancy will include the following tasks:

  1. Inception report: Prepare an inception report detailing how the consultancy will be undertaken
  2. Advocacy kit outline: Prepare and present an outline for the advocacy kit 3) Desk review: Conduct a review of existing literature and documentation related to family planning advocacy in Kenya, including advocacy strategies, policies, and programs.
  3. Stakeholder consultations: Conduct consultations with key stakeholders in Kenya, including government agencies, civil society organizations, private sector actors, and representatives from youth groups, to identify their needs and priorities for family planning advocacy in light of past advocacy kits developed. The consultations may either be physical or virtual as discussed and agreed.
  4. Toolkit development: Based on the desk review and stakeholder consultations, develop a comprehensive family planning advocacy toolkit that includes the following:
  • A situational analysis of the current state of family planning advocacy in Kenya.
  • Use FP impact models to demonstrate the value of FP in saving lives and also a value for money
  • A strategic advocacy plan that includes advocacy objectives, target audiences, key messages, and communication strategies.
  • A set of advocacy tools and resources, such as fact sheets, policy briefs, infographics, and social media content.
  • A monitoring and evaluation framework to track the impact of the toolkit.
    1. Review and feedback: Share the toolkit with stakeholders for review, feedback, and make necessary revisions based on their inputs.

4. Milestone schedule and number of days

The scope of work is scheduled for 25 days. This consultancy is expected to be finalized within 3 months of the contract signature unless otherwise stated by the NCPD. It is expected that the assignment will be concluded within three calendar months from the commencement date. The start and end dates will depend on when the consultant and Jhpiego sign a consultancy agreement.

The work is spread out as shown:

  1. An inception report- 1 Day
  2. An outline of the advocacy kit- 1 day
  3. A desk review report that summarizes the current state of family planning advocacy in Kenya-2 Days
  4. A stakeholder consultation report that summarizes the needs and priorities of stakeholders for family planning advocacy- 5 Days
  5. A comprehensive family planning advocacy toolkit that includes a situational analysis, strategic advocacy plan, advocacy tools and resources, and a monitoring and evaluation framework- 7 Days
  6. An implementation plan for the rollout of the toolkit, and dissemination strategies-3 days
  7. A draft advocacy toolkit- 2 Days
  8. A finalized toolkit- 2 Days
  9. A final report summarizing the consultancy process, challenges, lessons learnt and recommendations – 2 Days

5. Accountability

The day-to-day management of this consultancy will be done by NCPD in close consultation with USAID MCGL. The FP advocacy committee under NCPD will provide oversight and technical support during the review, validation and finalization of the final toolkit. Other key Government of Kenya agencies and development partners will also provide technical inputs during the toolkit development to ensure quality before finalization.

6. Consultant Qualifications

The consultancy firm or individual should have the following qualifications:

  1. Master’s degree in the field of social sciences or public health
  2. Proven extensive work experience in the field of population and economic development
  3. Over 10 years of demonstrated experience in RH research and family planning programming in Kenya including FP financing approaches
  4. Proven experience in developing advocacy toolkits in reproductive health preferably in Kenya or similar contexts.
  5. Demonstrated knowledge and expertise in family planning advocacy, policy and health systems in Kenya including an understanding of the population dynamics (demographic dividend, migration and humanitarian situation in Kenya).
  6. Ability to work efficiently and effectively both autonomously and in small teams
  7. Excellent communication, writing and facilitation skills.
  8. Candidate must be proficient in current office software applications
  9. Ability to work collaboratively with stakeholders.

How to apply

NCPD through its partners including MCGL Project will bear the travelling costs associated with this engagement. If you meet the above selection criteria, please submit your expression of interest with the following documents that are no more than 10 pages

  1. Summarizing your understanding of the ToRs,
  2. A proposed work plan,
  3. Cost estimate and CV.
  4. Contacts of 3 organizations that have recently contracted you to carry out a similar assignment.

Send them to by Wednesday, June 21st 2023.

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