Consultancy – Livelihood local actors’ assessment

1. Introduction and Background Information

1.1 Humanity and Inclusion

Humanity and Inclusion (HI) – previously known as Handicap International – is an independent and impartial aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. HI is working in more than 60 countries over the World.

1.2. Humanity and Inclusion/ Syrian crisis response Program

Within its Syrian crisis response HI manages a large humanitarian program from challenging areas along four main pillars:

  1. Support to health partners (hospitals, psychosocial support centers, local NGOs) for the provision of multidisciplinary rehabilitation services (physical rehabilitation, psychosocial support and/or prosthetics and orthotics) and standalone psychosocial support services, through training, technical supervisions and donations of assistive devices and/or equipment;
  2. Humanitarian Mine Action that includes clearance, education to the risks and effects caused by conventional weapons (including mines, explosive remnants of war and small arms light weapons) and non-technical survey of hazardous areas;
  3. Livelihoods assistance, with a combination of cash for work, vocational training, small grants for businesses and apprenticeships;
  4. Training and technical support to other humanitarian actors on the inclusion of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons in the humanitarian response (with a special focus on inclusive health and inclusive livelihoods).

1.3. Livelihoods

Millions of Syrians have been trapped in a protracted crisis for over a decade. Macro-economic conditions continued to deteriorate in 2021, and appear to be worsening further. The combined effects of currency depreciation, soaring prices, reduced fiscal revenue and increasing domestic debt and widespread losses in livelihoods have plunged additional segments of the population into humanitarian need, most notably in areas historically less affected by hostilities and displacement. The current expenditure gap is now reported at 50 per cent – doubling from the past year. Over three quarters of households (76 per cent) are unable to meet their most basic needs. Seven out of ten households report that their debt load is increasing. To try and cope, one in four households now report selling of productive assets – initiating a feedback loop of spiralling debt with increasingly severe consequences. As strategies for coping become more negative, the consequences become more severe. Taking children out of school and putting them to work are estimated to be occurring at rates as high as 30 per cent in some areas. Reducing expenditures on food – which represents nearly half of Syrian households’ total expenditures, often means relying on less, or lower quality and less nutritious food – a practice that has doubled since 2019. Food security continues to worsen, aggravated by decreased crop production, and economic and climatic shocks. As a result, 13.8 million Syrians are estimated to require some form of income and livelihoods support in 2022, an increase from 11.6 million in 2021 and 9.9 million in 2020. The economic vulnerable is considered to be worsened for some population groups. IDPs represent 37% of the people in need of humanitarian assistance in 2021, while HNAP data indicate that 29% of the Syrian population above the age of 12 have disabilities.

1.4. Livelihood actor’s assessment

The Syria crisis response program of Humanity & Inclusion has developed his livelihood strategy for the coming 3 years with the objective to contribute to filling the critical gaps related to access to livelihood. 4 main pillars of intervention have been identified: 1) Emergency response to basic needs and food security; 2) Improve livelihoods opportunities for vulnerable households; 3) Improve economic inclusion of persons with disabilities; 4) Improve economic resilience of affected communities. In order to implement this strategy in a sustainable way, Humanity & Inclusion has decided to develop a partnership approach with livelihood local partners. Many livelihood partners are present in the different region of Syria and are covering different domain of intervention. Humanity & Inclusion is in the process of identifying strategic livelihoods partners to implement its strategy.

The objective of this consultancy is to map, identify and conduct a technical assessment of potential livelihood local partners that would have the best capacities to contribute to HI strategy of intervention. For some technical assessment, field visits will be possible in hight volatile areas; for area with limited access, the technical assessment will need to be done remotely.

2. Assignment

2.1. Assignment Objectives

The objective of this consultancy is to identify potential local livelihoods partners to implement Humanity & Inclusion’s economic inclusion strategy for Syrian Crisis Response.

2.2. Modalities

The consultant will:

  1. Map the main local organisations implementing livelihoods activities in Syria (based on pre-existing mapping to be complemented);
  2. Design the methodology and criteria’s of selection of the partners to be assessed
  3. Pre-identify potential partners that could contribute to HI strategy of intervention on livelihoods to be assess (2 to 3 within the targeted areas);
  4. Develop the tools and processes to conduct technical assessment of local livelihoods partners
  5. Conduct technical assessments for each pre-identify partners, which should include strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats analysis, as well as technical capacities evaluation and capacity building needs.

2.3. Deliverables

2.3.1. Inception report (incl. methodology) 2.3.2. Mapping of local actors table; 2.3.3. Technical assessments reports per organization; 2.3.4. Live presentation of the main findings and recommendations; 2.3.5. Consultancy mission report (methodology, tools, process, recommendations, etc.); 2.4. Service provider and HI’s Responsibilities

The consultant will: – Identify and proposes methodologies to provide aforementioned deliverables – Provides aforementioned deliverables and presents them to HI technical team – The consultant(s) are responsible for personal/life/travel and health insurance during the evaluation for themselves.

HI will: – Provide a list of pre-identified livelihood actors in the different regions of Syria – Contribute to the criteria of selection of the partners – Facilitate logistics in areas where a field visit is possible – Validates deliverables – Provides necessary documents or information – Provide accommodation during the field visit (if required)

2.5. Additional information

– Deadline for delivery: 31st of December 2022.

2.6 Selection criteria’s will be

– Previous experience in livelihood actor’s technical assessment – Livelihood Technical expertise (Market assessment, vocational training, self-employment, agriculture, cash modalities, wage employment…) and number of years – Cost – Possibility to travel to high volatile area – Spoken and written English skills

How to apply

Proposals should be submitted to before 16th of October 2022.

Proposals should include:

– Technical concept o Budget proposal including all transport costs, visa,…

– Timeline Additional documents that should be presented – Legal and valid registration of the candidate.

– Evidence that government taxes have been paid

– Proof that the consultant has paid social security contributions.

– Certificate from the Consultant’s tax office or equivalent.

– ID or Passport of the consultant(s)

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