- May 16, 2023
- Posted by: humanitarianweb
- Category: Humanitarian Jobs
Project: Traceable Organic Coffee from Kenya (TRACE Kenya Project – DANIDA – SOLIDARIDAD – ACR)
- About Solidaridad
Solidaridad East and Central Africa is a not-for-profit organisation based in Nairobi, Kenya that strives to be an organization that understands the signs of modern times. Established in 2008 Solidaridad ECA is part of Solidaridad Network, a Dutch based development organization operating in five continents through eight Regional Expertise Centres. With its network secretariat in The Netherlands, Solidaridad has over 50 years of global experience working in the development of profitable supply chains and creating sustainable businesses and livelihoods. Solidaridad envisions a world in which all we produce, and all we consume can sustain us while respecting the planet, each other and the next generations. Solidaridad embraces the public-private partnerships in order to innovations, speeding up change and taking success to scale. Globally, Solidaridad works across 13 commodities / sectors. Coffee is one of them. For more information, please refer to http://www.solidaridadnetwork.org
1. Introduction
Kenya’s coffee production continues to be increasingly smallholder dominated as large plantations, especially in the growing areas that border urban centres give way to housing developments. Both National and County governments are promoting coffee farming in non-traditional coffee growing areas as well as the rehabilitation of abandoned farms to ensure sustained production. The total area under coffee is estimated at 160,000 hectares, about one third of which is the plantation sector and the rest under smallholder sector with an estimated 700,000 growers.
Through DANIDA support, Solidaridad and African Coffee Roasters (ACR) have initiated the Traceable Organic Coffee from Kenya project (TRACE Kenya Project)** that seeks to contribute to economic growth and promote environmental and social standards of 15,000 smallholder coffee farmers (30% women and 10% youth) in Kericho, Nandi and Bungoma counties. This will be accomplished by growing Kenya’s first organic coffee for export to consumer markets in Europe and the USA by 2023. The commercial objective of the project is to develop market access for Kenyan organic coffee in Europe and USA. This translates to premium coffee to global consumers, market expansion for ACR and enhanced market for the farmers guaranteeing better incomes and livelihoods. The project innovation is in the delivery of the first organic certified Kenyan coffee to global consumers. Adoption of organic agricultural practices will spur the development of organic inputs supply chains and innovations as well as lead to improved coffee volumes thereby creating new job opportunities. Since youth are more receptive to new trends, they will be equipped with the right skills to enable them to pursue economic opportunities on and off the farm.
2.0 Assignment Objectives
Occupational safety and health (OSH) is generally defined as the science of the anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of hazards arising in or from the workplace that could impair the health and well-being of workers, taking into account the possible impact on the surrounding communities and the general environment. As part of compliance with different certification standards in coffee, OHS is key to ensuring all workers are informed and practice safety in their workplace. This domain is necessarily vast, encompassing a large number of disciplines and numerous workplace and environmental hazards. A wide range of structures, skills, knowledge and analytical capacities are needed to coordinate and implement all of the “building blocks” that make up an OSH system so that protection is extended to both workers and the environment. The cooperative societies where coffee is processed centrally on behalf of coffee farmers present an environment where different machines and different procedures need to be adhered to. Training on OSH seeks to inform workers about the following;
(i) OSH Legislation
(ii) Workplace Health Policy
(iii) Workplace Health Hazards
(iv) Occupational Diseases
(v) Safe Work Procedures
(vi) Construction safety
(vii) Machinery Safety
(viii) Plant safety
(ix) Chemical Safety
(x) Electrical Safety
(xi) Fire Safety
(xii) First aid management
(xiii) Emergency Preparedness, Prevention and Control.
(xiv) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
(xv) Wiba
(xvi) Alcohol & Drug Abuse
(xvii) HIV/AIDS in Workplace
(xviii) Workplace inspection techniques.
The overall purpose of the Environmental Audit is to review and assess the activities of a project/establishment and their impacts on the environment and human health of the community and provide recommendations/measures to manage the risk of harm to both human health and/or the environment. It aims to identify environmental compliance, verify environmental responsibility implementation gaps whether they meet stated objectives, along with related corrective actions. The audit examines the potential hazards or risks posed by the establishment/organisation.
It is on this basis that Solidaridad seeks to recruit a qualified firm/ consultant to conduct training on the different aspects of Occupational Safety & Health outlined in section 2 of this TOR. The consultant will also be required to conduct an environmental audit for each of the cooperatives for compliance with the NEMA regulations.
3.0 Scope of work
The project assignment will involve 3 cooperative societies in Kericho, Nandi and Bungoma respectively.
4.0 Expected outputs & Deliverables
The consultant is expected to deliver following outputs:
a) Initial assessment report on the status of OSH per cooperative society.
b) Training of 36 factory workers on the different aspects of OSH.
c) Conduct an environmental audit and present a comprehensive report on the status including recommendations for compliance to NEMA regulations.
5.0 Coordination and Cooperation
· The Consultant undertaking the study will work under the coordination of Solidaridad (ECA)
6.0 Inputs
a) Solidaridad shall provide the consultant with background information on the TRACE Kenya Project.
b) Solidaridad shall introduce the consultant to the relevant Project team for preparatory planning. It will be the responsibility of the consultant to make contact with any external relevant organization while keeping Solidaridad in correspondence
c) The consultant is expected to refer and adhere to statutory regulations of the Cooperative Act in Kenya.
d) Solidaridad in consultation of project partner shall mobilize and avail trainees for the particular exercise as per the schedule shared by the consultant.
7.0 Duration of the Assignment
This assignment shall run from May 22nd 2023 to 3rd June 2023.
8.0 Experts/Consultant’s;
Develop a comprehensive expression of interest (E.O.I) outlining:
• A short profile of the firm/consultant
• Firm/Consultants statement on the interpretation of the TOR, methodology of execution, work plan and budget
• Curriculum Vitae’s of consultant /firm outlining qualifications and experience in training on OSH and conducting Environmental Audits in compliance to NEMA regulations in coffee processing.
• At least a references of similar assignments undertaken in the last 3 years
• Its desirable if the consultant has previous experience in OSH training and NEMA auditing.
How to apply
7.0 Submission deadline
The consultant is required to submit the E.O.I by the 19th of May 2023.
Please note that only successful candidate will be contacted.
Submissions are by email to procurement.eca@solidaridadnetwork.orgwhileaddressed to**:**
SOLIDARIDAD Eastern & Central Africa Expertise Centre
Kilimani Business Centre, Kirichwa Road,
P.O Box 42234 – 00100 GPO Nairobi.