Content Writer Consultancy



Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.

Plan’s strategy is to work with vulnerable children and especially girls so that they can learn, lead, decide and thrive. Within the strategy we have an ambition to transform the lives of 100 million girls. Child sponsorship and grassroots community work are central to our strategy and achieving this ambition.

Plan strives for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls, and we motivate our people and partners to:

  • Empower children, young people and communities to make vital changes that tackle the root causes of discrimination against girls, exclusion and vulnerability;
  • Drive change in practice and policy at local, national and global levels through our reach, Experience and knowledge of the realities children face;
  • Work with children and communities to prepare for and respond to crises, and to overcome adversity;
  • Support the safe and successful progression of children from birth to adulthood Plan’s vision is of a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies that respect people’s rights and dignity.


The She Leads Program is a five-year (2021-2025) strategic consortium partnership between Terre des Hommes, Plan International, Defence for Children/ECPAT, African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. The strategic objective behind the She Leads program is to increase the sustained influence of Girls and Young Women (GYW) on decision-making and the transformation of gender norms in formal and informal institutions. This will be achieved through the attainment of three main outcomes:

  1. Enhanced collective action and activism by GYW in a gender-responsive civil society;
  2. Increased acceptance of positive social gender norms; and
  3. Political institutions – at all levels – enable meaningful participation of GYW in decision-making.

The program is implemented in nine countries, including Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Jordan, Lebanon, Mali, Liberia, Ghana and Sierra Leone. It will also include regional and international components in the Middle East and North Africa.


The objective of the assignment is to work with the She Leads network of girls and young women in validating topics for the writing of 10 articles that reflect girls’ and young women’s situation in the Middle Eastern region. The Consultant will work to organize meetings and consultations with girls and young women and Plan International staff. The consultant will write and publish 10 articles driven from Plan International Jordan’s formative research and validated by she leads network of girls and young women. The Consultant will accomplish the goals set for this assignment under the direct supervision of the communications team and the overall supervision of the She Leads team.


The following work assignments will be carried out over a period of three months, with the Consultant primarily focusing on the following:

  • Analysis of She leads formative research and any other relevant documents falling under the She Leads program as appropriate.
  • Engaging She Leads’ girls and young women to participate in identifying and validating the themes/content of the 10 articles through consultation sessions with them.
  • Working to organize meetings and consultations with girls and young women, Plan International Jordan staff to review the content of the articles and validate the content.
  • Identifying article topics based on the extracted relevant data from girls’ and young women’s discussion sessions and relevant documents.
  • Development of 10 articles, up to four articles per month, on the selected previously identified topics.
  • Publish all 10 articles one a month on well-known original news platforms/ blogs. News platform/blog selection would need to be agreed on beforehand.
  • Ensure all written work is authentic, original, and appropriately cited and/or referenced (plagiarism check will be required)
  • The consultant will be responsible for covering all the transport-related costs for this assignment, if any. Plan International Jordan will take full responsibility in covering venue-related expenses and transportation expenses of girls and young women.


Results/Expected Outputs:

The consultant will provide the following deliverables within the contract period and upon approval of Plan International Jordan:


Expected days

Outline of the work plan with a logical timeline.

5 days

A coordination meeting with Plan International Jordan staff to present a detailed presentation of the action plan and tools, and a clear methodology for the assignment depicting the implementation process.

1 day

A brief on the major findings and recommendations driven from Plan International Jordan’s formative research.

1 day

Conduct a consultation session with She Leads’ girls and young women to participate in identifying the themes/content of the 10 articles.

1 day

Develop 10 articles (between 500-1500 words maximum) in both Arabic and English languages; all of which relate to girls’ and young women’s challenges, experiences and stories, or any topic that reflect girls’ and young women’s situation in the Middle Eastern region driven from the formative research.

20 days

Conduct two validation session one with She Leads’ girls and young women’s Network and the other with Plan International Jordan staff.

2 days

Draft, edit, refine and proofread the articles including spell checks, acronyms, and other abbreviations, etc. to create perfect articles.

3 days

A final report of the whole assignment.

5 days

A final version of the 10 articles in Arabic and English.

5 days

Publish all 10 articles one a month on well-known original news platforms/ blogs. News platform/blog selection would need to be agreed on beforehand.

10 days

The successful candidate will start this assignment as soon as possible, following the completion of the recruitment process and contract signature. The duration of the consultancy is expected to be 52 days, counted from the signing of the e-contract.



The consultant will report to directly to the Regional/ Country She Leads Manager at Plan International Jordan.


The consultant will be required to produce regular work plan updates at the completion of each of the activities outlined in the description above (under the Key Deliverables section), as well as a short final consultancy report documenting all deliverables and contributions made during the consultancy. The content of all status reports and the final report must be approved by the Plan International – She Leads team.


The successful candidate will start this assignment as soon as possible, following the completion of the recruitment process and the signing of the e-contract.

All products will be the property of Plan International Jordan. Identifying yourself as the writer on social media and or other media outlets is strictly prohibited without the written permission of Plan International Jordan.


The consultant shall be paid the consultancy fee upon completion of the following milestones. Payments will be made only upon confirmation by Plan International Jordan that contract obligations have been delivered in a satisfactory manner. Please include the logistical arrangements.

Outline of the methodology and the work plan with an acceptable timeline


A draft of the 5 articles in Arabic and English


A final version of the 10 articles in Arabic and English and the whole assignment/outlined deliverables with feedback from Plan International Jordan, and validation workshop.


  • University degree in communication, journalism, public relations, international relations or related disciplines.
  • Proven professional experience of at least five years in writing and content development for international organizations or media.
  • Established work with respectable news platforms, outlets, blogs etc.
  • Good knowledge of girls and women’s context and situation in the Middle East Region.
  • Efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines, and achieving results.
  • Proficiency in English and Arabic (oral and written)

A point score out of 100 points, shall be applied based on the following percentage for the two major components (technical and financial).

  • o 7.1 Technical Evaluation (65%)
  • Quality of the technical proposal including workplan
  • At least 3 similar projects including detailed project summaries for each
  • Proposed working methodology
  • CV(s) of key staff
  • 7.2 Financial Evaluation (30%)
  • Evaluation of financial Proposals shall be done only for those individuals/companies meeting the minimum score for a technical proposal.
  • Thirty (30) points shall be the maximum total score given to the financial component (price).
  • The bidder should provide a clear price breakdown.
  • Upon opening all the Financial proposals, the maximum score is given to the lowest price proposal. All other price proposals from interested consultants shall be allocated scores in inverse proportion to the lowest price.
  • 7.3 Gender Responsive Procurement (5%)

To score in gender-responsive procurement, suppliers must fulfill at least one of the following criteria:

  • “Women-led suppliers” and “Women-owned business(es)” are defined as legal entities in any field that is more than 51% owned, managed, and controlled by one or more women.
  • A “Women-led business” is defined as a legal entity in any field that has a minimum of 50% women representation in management with senior-level, strategic decision-making capabilities.

A “Gender-responsive business” is defined as a legal entity that actively promotes gender equality and empowerment of women and young women through their policies and labor practices.

How to apply


The interested consultant/consultancy firm is invited to submit the following application documents:

  1. Proposal, outlining how the consultant(s) meet the required qualifications and how they intend to carry out the abovementioned tasks.
  2. A proposed work plan with a time frame.
  3. Financial proposal, the suggested sum is liable to income tax deduction as per the Jordanian tax law.
  4. CVs of the consultant(s) who will undertake the work.
  5. Portfolio

Please submit your proposals in sealed envelopes and by hand to our office In Amman no later than 8 June 2023.

Location: 5th floor, building no.60 Shareco, Shmisani, Amman, Jordan

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