Ebola Project Coordinator Ecuador – DRC – M/F

ALIMA, the international medical NGO with a human face, which puts the co-construction of projects and career paths at the heart of its model


THE ALIMA SPIRIT: ALIMA ‘s raison d’être is to save lives and care for the most vulnerable populations, without any identity, religious or political discrimination, through actions based on proximity, innovation and alliance of organizations and individuals. We act with humanism, impartiality and respect for universal medical ethics . To gain access to patients, we are committed to acting in a neutral and independent manner.

THE VALUES and PRINCIPLES of our action, enshrined in our CHARTER:

  1. The patient first
  2. Revolutionizing humanitarian medicine
  3. Responsibility and freedom
  4. Improve the quality of our actions
  5. Trust
  6. L’intelligence collective
  7. Environmental responsibility

ALIMA promotes and defends the principles of fundamental human rights. ALIMA has a zero-tolerance approach towards people guilty of acts of gender-based and sexual violence as well as towards inaction in the face of alleged or proven acts of violence. The protection of those benefiting from and impacted by our intervention is our top priority in everything we do. Anyone collaborating with ALIMA agrees to:

· Respect the charter, the code of conduct, the institutional policies including the policy of protection against abuse of power and sexist and sexual violence, the policy of prevention of corruption and fraud;

· Report any violation of the policies, framework documents and procedures to a superior, a superior, a referent, a referent or to the address provided for this purpose.


Since its creation in 2009, ALIMA has treated more than 6 million patients, and today deploys its operations in 12 African countries. In 2019, we developed 41 humanitarian medical response projects to meet the needs of populations affected by conflict, epidemics and extreme poverty. All of these projects are carried out in support of the national health authorities through 330 health structures (including 28 hospitals and 300 health centres). We work in partnership, in particular with local NGOs, whenever possible to ensure that our patients benefit from the expertise where it is, whether in their country or in the rest of the world. In addition, to improve the humanitarian response, we carry out operational and clinical research projects, particularly in the field of the fight against malnutrition and viral hemorrhagic fevers. ALIMA also conducts operations in response to the covid-19 pandemic in all of our missions.

THE ALIMA TEAM:more than 2000 people currently work for ALIMA. The field teams, closest to the patients, receive their support from the coordination teams generally based in the capitals of the countries of intervention. These receive support from the 4 desk teams and the emergency service and openings team based at the operational headquarters in Dakar, Senegal. The Paris and New York teams are actively working on fundraising as well as representing ALIMA. The rest of the ALIMA Galaxy includes individuals and partner teams who work on behalf of other organizations such as the medical NGOs BEFEN, ALERTE Santé, SOS Médecins / KEOOGO, AMCP, the research organizations PACCI, INSERM, the Universities of Bordeaux or Copenhagen, the NGO Solidarités International and many others

OUR PROJECT THEMES: Malnutrition, Sexual and reproductive health including gender-based violence, Primary and secondary health, Pediatrics, Malaria, Epidemics (hemorrhagic fevers, meningitis, Cholera, Measles, Dengue fever, Covid-19).

OUR COUNTRIES OF INTERVENTION: Mali, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Guinea, South Sudan, Mauritania and Senegal.

ALIMA in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC):

ALIMA programs in the DRC

The history of ALIMA programs in the DRC

ALIMA has been working in the Democratic Republic of Congo since August 2011 in two areas relating to its expertise: nutrition and the fight against epidemic diseases (cholera, measles and malaria). For all of its programs, ALIMA works in close collaboration with the Congolese health and administrative authorities.

From 2013, ALIMA decided to focus all of its activities on the fight against epidemic diseases, by developing a Health and WASH Emergency Response (RUSH) project specific to measles, malaria and cholera epidemics. . These are multidisciplinary rapid response teams to strengthen the surveillance system, increase rapid assessment capacities and ensure emergency response by providing health care and WASH services.

In 2015 ALIMA, still through its RUSH projects, responded to the major outbreak of measles at the end of 2015 in the former province of Katanga. ALIMA participated, in coordination with the authorities and other partners present in the area, in the emergency vaccination response. Thus, between August 2015 and January 2016, more than 285,000 children aged 6 months to 10 years were vaccinated against measles.

In 2016, ALIMA continues its same activities through the component of the RUSH project in the former Katanga. Four interventions were carried out and thus made it possible to treat 1,400 cases of cholera, more than 800 cases of measles, more than 30,000 cases of malaria and to vaccinate against measles more than 149,000 children. The year 2016 was also marked by an upsurge in cholera cases across the country. ALIMA therefore launched a cholera response in the provinces of Maniema, Tshopo and Mongala in November 2016.

From January to July 2017, ALIMA also carried out a project for access to primary health care in the Opienge Health Zone (Tshopo province) for host populations and people displaced by conflicts further east. . ALIMA also responded to the Ebola epidemic which broke out in May 2017 in the province of Bas-Uélé in the DRC. Finally ALIMA has provided several responses to cholera outbreaks across the country in Lomami, Haut Lomami, Kasai and the Kinshasa region. The DRC mission also has the specificity of having a GBV management project.

From May to July 2018, ALIMA provided an urgent response to the 9th EBOLA outbreak in Equateur Province.

Today, ALIMA has two main areas of intervention in the DRC:

● Responses to epidemics and emergency interventions

Since 2018 and until October 2020, ALIMA has carried out an emergency medical-nutritional response project in the Kamwesha health zone, in the Kasaï Province, aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality linked to acute malnutrition and childhood illnesses in children under 5 years old. ALIMA also has a Research component, and has integrated an innovative research project (OptiMa) aimed at simplifying the treatment of acute malnutrition.

Since August 2018 and until June 2020, ALIMA teams participated in the response to the 10th Ebola epidemic in the DRC, in particular by taking care of patients in Integrated Transit Centers (CTI) and Centers of Ebola treatment (CTE) in Beni, Katwa and Mambasa, in the provinces of North Kivu and Ituri. ALIMA also intervened in the 11th epidemic of Ebola Virus disease, declared on June 01, 2020 in the Province of Equateur and ended on November 18, 2020. Since February 07, 2021, a 12th epidemic of EVD has been declared in the North Kivu, where ALIMA has set up 2 CUBES and a CTE in the ZS of Biena. It will also support the community-based surveillance and awareness-raising components.

ALIMA also intervened when the 13th Ebola epidemic was declared on October 8, 2021 in Beni in the province of North Kivu. Thanks to its EIR team (Rapid Intervention Team), ALIMA worked alongside the provincial Ministry of Health to respond to the response and set up a CTE at the HGR in Beni until the official declaration of the end of the epidemic on December 16, 2021, and community-based surveillance (CBS) until January 31, 2022.

On the strength of this experience in managing epidemics in the territory, ALIMA began, in April 2020, to support the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) in the response to COVID-19. With the end of the Ebola epidemic in North Kivu and Ituri, the structures dedicated to the management of Ebola have become essential in the fight against the new virus. In Beni (North Kivu), while continuing to support primary health activities, our teams have mobilized to fight against COVID-19. Between the end of April and October 2020, ALIMA also intervened in the University Clinics of Kinshasa, the capital of the country alone concentrating 90% of the cases of COVID-19. 50 beds have been added to the existing system to provide care for suspected and confirmed patients in severe or critical condition. In September 2020, given the evolution of the health situation,

From February 2022 ALIMA will support the Ministry of Health in reducing mortality / morbidity linked to COVID19 in the city of Kinshasa through communication on the importance of vaccination against COVID19; the implementation of vaccination in supported vaccination sites according to the national plan for the deployment of vaccination against COVID-19 and the operational plan for vaccination against COVID-19. ALIMA will also support the Ministry of Health in the implementation of its strategy by facilitating access to vaccines for health personnel, people over 55 and people with comorbidities.

Current situation :

For 2019, the DRC mission has closed the Health Nutrition project and the second part of the GBV project in two new areas in Lomami. And an urgent response to the measles epidemic in the health zone of Kalonda Ouest. On the health zone of Kamwesha; ALIMA has completed a first phase of the medico-nutritional project (in consortium with ACF) and thanks to ECHO funding this project has been extended to comprehensive support integrating primary health care and protection aspects (PEC VBG). In parallel, the second project, named OPTIMA is a traditional response to malnutrition with a research component aimed at establishing a simplified protocol for the management of severe and moderate acute malnutrition, is ongoing.

Finally, in response to the Ebola epidemic declared in North Kivu since August 2018, with its expertise in the field, ALIMA has initiated a response to the Ebola virus disease in the Beni health zone by putting set up a CTE under an innovative approach to medical care with the CUBE “Biosafety Emergency Rooms for Epidemics” , this intervention has been extended to the health zones of Katwa and Mambasa (in Ituri province). By associating a specific research component to Ebola including RCT and EVISTA. In September ALIMA handed over the CTE to MSF France and continues to provide support through research projects (RCT and EVISTA). The outbreak was declared over on June 25, 2020.

The EVD epidemic has completely destabilized and destructured the health system, ALIMA after carrying out two evaluations (September and October), with ECHO funding, ALIMA in consortium with COOPI launched an integrated Health-Protection project since November 2019 in the Beni health zone for a period of 12 months. It is a multisector response project in health, nutrition and protection for the benefit of vulnerable populations affected by the crisis in the Beni Health Zone in North Kivu, DRC. ALIMA is the lead in this consortium. This project will be closed at the end of October 2020.

A new Ebola outbreak was declared in early June in Equateur province. This epidemic is managed in collaboration with the Emergency Department.

A new Ebola epidemic was declared at the end of April 2022 in the province of Equateur; what just our intervention on this day

JOB LOCATION: Mbandaka with frequent travel to Equateur Province)


Level 3: As part of his or her duties, the operations support officer will be required to visit programs and be in contact with vulnerable children and/or adults. Therefore, a criminal record check or presentation of a certificate of good character will be required. In situations where it is not possible to provide a criminal record or a certificate of good morals and morals, a sworn statement will be requested.


⮚ He/she reports to the Head of Mission based in Kinshasa and Headquarters Referent.

⮚ He supervises the project coordination team (the Medical Referent, the Administration Manager and the Logistics Manager and WASH logistics coordinator) as well as the national teams in collaboration with his technical referents at the project level.

⮚ He collaborates with the coordination (medical, logistics and finance / Human Resources) and the partners.


Management of the Ebola project in Ecuador with multiple sites given the small outbreaks across the province.


1. Definition and monitoring of the project

· Identification of population health needs.

· Analysis of the context (environment, actors, security, access negotiations, etc.) and humanitarian and epidemic issues.

· Assessment of risks and constraints, and adaptation of the strategy and action plan in the event of new unforeseen elements after consultation with the country coordination and the partners and other humanitarian, international and governmental actors present.

· Control of the continuation of the schedule established and the objectives set.

· Evaluation of the objectives of the project and their financial, human, logistical implementations, etc.).

· Budget preparation.

· Relevance and preparation of regular reports for coordination.

· Organization of the memory of the project by keeping a written record of its evolution.

2. Team management

· Individual monitoring of each member of the team: supervision, coaching, support, advice and evaluation.

· Identification of training for its teams.

· Carries out the POPs (performance objectives plan) of the team members under his direct responsibility and ensures that they guarantee the POPs for their teams.

· End-of-mission evaluation of team members and submission to the CoRH.

· Prevention and resolution of conflicts within his team.

· He/She ensures that the constraints related to safety and health are understood by all.

· Planning and leading work meetings with the team and partners: progress of projects, security, team meetings.

· Transmission to the teams of the information and directives given by the coordination and/or the ALIMA headquarters.

· Planning of the replacements of the personnel of his project in collaboration with the Project Admin.

· Drafting job descriptions.

· Participation in the composition of the teams.

· Responsible for welcoming and briefing Alima expatriate newcomers.

· Responsible for monitoring the implementation of the protection policy against abuse of power and gender-based and sexual violence.

3. Management of material and financial resources

· Supervision of the proper use of the means made available by ALIMA for the realization of the project, of all the orders (medical and logistical) and of the purchases of the project.

· Monthly monitoring of the status of project expenditures and commitments and analysis of financial data with the mission administrator.

· Ensure compliance with standards in the administrative management of the project.

4. Team safety

· He/she is responsible for employee safety on the project.

· Assessment of risks and threats related to the implementation of activities.

· Centralization of information, verification of consistency and synthesis in order to facilitate decision-making.

· Ensure compliance with the project’s security rules and that they are known and applied.

· Information to the country coordination of individual or collective behavior in contradiction with the security rules.

Immediate reporting to the country coordination of any security incident or threat that may have an impact on the security of ALIMA staff and/or property


· Prior experience in an equivalent position in an international NGO.

A medical or paramedical qualification or experience in medical project management is an asset

· Prior experience in multicultural team management.


· Context analysis skills, understanding of medical and humanitarian issues.

· Animation and motivation of teams.

· Organization of roles and delegation of tasks within a team.

· Establishment of contact networks and ability to maintain a neutral posture in the face of opposing actors in the context of the same armed conflict.

· Autonomy.

· Sense of responsibility.

· Ability to take initiative and make decisions.

· Good stress management.

· Flexibility.

· Communication facile.

Languages :

· Oral and written fluency in French is essential.


Duration and type of contract : CDD under French law, 6 weeks renewable

Starting position : Immediately

Salary : According to ALIMA salary grid + valuation of experience + Perdiem

ALIMA supports:

· Travel costs between the country of origin of the expatriate and the place of mission

Accommodation costs

· Medical coverage from the first day of the contract to one month after the date of departure from the country of Mission for the employee and his dependents

Evacuation for the employee and his dependents

How to apply

To apply, please send your CV and Cover Letter online.

Link to apply: https://hr.alima.ngo/jobs/detail/9404?utm_campaign=Campagne+d%27offres+&utm_medium=Website&utm_source=relief+web

Applications are processed in the order in which they are received. ALIMA reserves the right to close the offer before the term initially indicated if an application is accepted. Only complete applications (CV in PDF format + Letter of Motivation) will be considered.

Female candidates are strongly encouraged.

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