H2H Network – Anticipatory action

  1. Who is the H2H Network?

H2H stands for ‘humanitarian to humanitarian’. It is used to describe humanitarian actors that provide services to other humanitarian actors rather than directly to crisis-affected populations, from mapping to community engagement, accountability, data assessment or logistics assessments. H2H is loosely based on the B2B concept from the private sector. H2H members provide services to improve the way the world responds to crises, from mapping to independent needs assessments, from translation to surveys with crisis-affected people about the quality of the aid they receive.

The network emerged following the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) in 2016 and was formalised in 2018. It is now a growing network of 60 members with an innovative network fund providing specialised services to support operational agencies responding to humanitarian crises.

  1. Background

The H2H Network is expanding its funding scope to accelerate the development of data, IM and analysis tools and services to support more anticipatory humanitarian action.

It is estimated that half of today’s crises are somewhat predictable and 20 per cent are highly predictable, yet the vast majority of humanitarian funding is still targeted to responding in the aftermath of disasters and crises occurring. In an effort to address this gap, the humanitarian sector has in recent years been increasingly interested in exploring and expanding anticipatory approaches to humanitarian response.

Building on the innovation accelerator piloted by the Network in the previous period, this stream of work will seek to identify and select a coherent set of H2H members, supporting projects that adapt or develop their services in order to support anticipatory humanitarian action, and specifically tools and services related to data, information management and analysis.

By selecting members working on similar technical areas within the data and IM field, the potential for collaborations, synergies and peers learning during the process will be enhanced. Collective anticipatory action is still an innovative and evolving area of policy and practice, yet there is a strong case to be made for the potential value of H2H services related to data, IM and analysis as well as services that increase the inclusion of information and data from affected communities. Given this is an evolving area, there will be a particular focus on documenting evidence and learning from each funded H2H project and the broader process.

To ensure learning is generated and shared beyond H2H members and the network, we will work in partnership with relevant external partners as part of this workstream.

The H2H team already defined the scope and focus of H2H’s engagement on anticipatory action, and outlined options about the most effective way to develop and implement this workstream, this will be shared later on.

  1. Purpose and objective of the consultancy

The objective of this consultancy is to collaborate with the H2H team to determine how and where H2H actors can contribute to existing frameworks related to anticipatory action, while simultaneously creating novel, complementary models and tools.

This will be accomplished through the following phases:

Phase 1: Conduct an initial rapid-scoping exercise to explore the existing and potential role of H2H services in anticipatory action, including gaps, challenges, and opportunities. The report will consist of the following components:

  • Review of Existing Materials: Scope of work defined by the H2H team, as well as the membership scoping on how H2H Members are engaged on the topic of anticipatory action (approximately 20 responses).
  • Analytic review pertaining to policies, procedures, guidelines, and reports associated with anticipatory action.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Collect supplementary information through interviews with key informants, including humanitarian actors and stakeholders identified by the H2H Network and its members.
  • Gap, challenge, and opportunity analysis for H2H actors and the Network, presented in an actionable framework.

The report will be published and shared with H2H members and donors, and will serve as a foundation for Phase 2.

Phase 2: Support the H2H team in refining the process design and selection for the H2H fund’s work in this area. Specifically, the consultant will:

  • Assist the team in formulating the call for proposals and selection criteria aligned with the objectives outlined in Annex 1 (collective approach to complex, interconnected crises; focus on data and IM, but not exclusively, etc.).
  • Aid the team in convening a suitable grant panel to evaluate proposals.
  • Support the grant panel in selecting projects that can collaborate effectively and combining them in a manner that creates a comprehensive, integrated package of services, maximizing the impact of individual grants and ensuring that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Phase 3: Provide coaching to the 4 to 6 funded projects via the following steps:

A. Application Review and KPI Setting

  • Review selected applications with members to ensure clarity and feasibility of proposed logframes.
  • Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and milestones for each project, aligned with the program’s objectives and goals – defined in phase 2.
  • Ensure effective implementation and monitoring of KPIs, and conduct regular progress evaluations.

B. Hands-On Guidance and Development Support

  • Provide guidance and support to funded projects on critical decisions related to program design, implementation, ensuring that they align with the package overall objective that they effectively address the needs of crisis-affected communities.
  • Offer expert advice and recommendations on addressing challenges and obstacles encountered during the project implementation.
  • Connect funded projects with relevant experts, mentors, and partners to augment their capabilities and networks.

C. Bilateral Engagement and Mentorship

  • Establish regular communication channels with each funded project (minimum 3 calls per project) to discuss progress, challenges, and opportunities.

D. In-Person Workshop

  • Organize and facilitate at least on in-person workshop (likely in Q1 2024), bringing together funded projects, stakeholders, and AA experts to promote services integration, collaboration, and knowledge sharing.

E. Defining Next Steps

  • Collaborate with funded projects to outline their scaling strategies, including identifying potential funding sources and partnership opportunities.
  • Identify potential roadblocks and develop contingency plans to ensure continued progress toward program goals.
  • Encourage funded projects to share lessons learned, document case studies, and participate in community events to amplify the cohort’s impact.
  1. Scope of work and Methodology

Ref to paragraph 3. For more details.

The consultant(s) will be required to prepare a detailed methodology and work plan indicating how

the objectives of the project will be achieved, and the support required from H2H.

  1. Deliverables

Phase 1:

  1. Notes from interviews with key informants
  2. Research report (including two iterations) – see phase 1
  3. Presentation to H2H membership and donors

Phase 2:

  1. Adaptation of the H2H call for proposals to incorporate Anticipatory Action, including selection criteria
  2. Participation in the grant panel meeting (estimated duration: 2-3 hours)

Phase 3:

  1. Compiled KPI’s tracking tool.
  2. Regular Progress Reports: Periodic reports from each funded project, summarizing progress made against defined KPIs and milestones, and highlighting any challenges or successes
  3. In-Person Workshop Report: A comprehensive report summarizing the outcomes of the in-person workshop, including key takeaways, action items, and next steps.
  4. Duration, timeline and payment

The consultant(s) shall agree a timeline with the H2H team and be prepared to complete the work by the end of summer (European) 2024.

The consultants’ fee must include all taxes and other changes, including any VAT costs. Specialized technical equipment needed to fulfil services should be included in the rate.

The financial proposal (RFQ Form) must be in CHF.

  1. Proposed Composition of Team

We suggest that the consultant include a proposed composition of the team if need be in the proposal.

  1. Eligibility, qualification, and experience required

We encourage teams and groups of consultants to jointly apply to be able to address the 3 phases of this consultancy. If a consultant is applying for one aspect only, please get in touch to discuss.


  • Solid background working on global best practices and standards in risk assessment, and crisis preparedness, in the humanitarian sector
  • Proven track record in research and analysis, including designing and implementing comprehensive research plans, conducting stakeholder engagement, and identifying trends and patterns.
  • Familiarity with data, IM, and analysis tools and services: The consultant should have experience in working with data, information management, and analysis tools and services, particularly in the context of humanitarian response. They should be aware of the latest trends and technologies in this field and be able to identify potential solutions that could support anticipatory action.
  • Track record of maximising impact through a collaborative approach, with demonstrated facilitation experience, ideally for innovation processes
  • Track record of enabling creative thinkers from various backgrounds to have an impact and change their organisations and/or eco system.

Skills and Knowledge:

  • Knowledge of humanitarian aid and anticipatory action: The consultant should have a good understanding of the humanitarian sector, including the concepts of anticipatory action, early warning systems, and crisis preparedness. They should be familiar with the current debates and discussions around anticipatory action, including the challenges and opportunities associated with it.
  • Excellent research and documentation skills, including the ability to analyze complex information and present it clearly and concisely.
  • Strong technical writing and communication skills, with the ability to produce high-quality written reports, proposals, and other documents.
  • Facilitation and coordination of workshops and projects coordination
  • Implementation of innovation MEAL framework
  • Knowledge of H2H network and/or its members is desirable.

Language Requirements:

  • Written and spoken fluency in English is required.
  1. Technical supervision

The selected consultant will work under the supervision of:

H2H Director, Kim Scriven, kim@h2hnetwork.org

H2H Fund activation coordinator, Yannick Creoff, yannick@h2hnetwork.org

H2H Network Finance and operations coordinator, Alice Darcq, alice@h2hnetwork.org

  1. Location and support

Remote work. The Consultant will provide her/his own computer and mobile telephone.

  1. Travel

Travel to Geneva is expected and fees will be covered by H2H.

  1. Submission process

Interested individuals or teams should submit the following documents to tender.gva@drc.ngo:

  • Resume(s)
  • Cover letter
  • 3 relevant work samples (case study, qualitative research, previous publications etc.).
  • A cost offer (RFQ document) consisting of an inclusive daily fee for the proposed number of working days.
  • A methodology note
  1. Evaluation of bids

Please refer to the evaluation matrix and letter of invitation.Who is the H2H Network?

H2H stands for ‘humanitarian to humanitarian’. It is used to describe humanitarian actors that provide services to other humanitarian actors rather than directly to crisis-affected populations, from mapping to community engagement, accountability, data assessment or logistics assessments. H2H is loosely based on the B2B concept from the private sector. H2H members provide services to improve the way the world responds to crises, from mapping to independent needs assessments, from translation to surveys with crisis-affected people about the quality of the aid they receive.

The network emerged following the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) in 2016 and was formalised in 2018. It is now a growing network of 60 members with an innovative network fund providing specialised services to support operational agencies responding to humanitarian crises.

  1. Background

The H2H Network is expanding its funding scope to accelerate the development of data, IM and analysis tools and services to support more anticipatory humanitarian action.

It is estimated that half of today’s crises are somewhat predictable and 20 per cent are highly predictable, yet the vast majority of humanitarian funding is still targeted to responding in the aftermath of disasters and crises occurring. In an effort to address this gap, the humanitarian sector has in recent years been increasingly interested in exploring and expanding anticipatory approaches to humanitarian response.

Building on the innovation accelerator piloted by the Network in the previous period, this stream of work will seek to identify and select a coherent set of H2H members, supporting projects that adapt or develop their services in order to support anticipatory humanitarian action, and specifically tools and services related to data, information management and analysis.

By selecting members working on similar technical areas within the data and IM field, the potential for collaborations, synergies and peers learning during the process will be enhanced. Collective anticipatory action is still an innovative and evolving area of policy and practice, yet there is a strong case to be made for the potential value of H2H services related to data, IM and analysis as well as services that increase the inclusion of information and data from affected communities. Given this is an evolving area, there will be a particular focus on documenting evidence and learning from each funded H2H project and the broader process.

To ensure learning is generated and shared beyond H2H members and the network, we will work in partnership with relevant external partners as part of this workstream.

The H2H team already defined the scope and focus of H2H’s engagement on anticipatory action, and outlined options about the most effective way to develop and implement this workstream, this will be shared later on.

  1. Purpose and objective of the consultancy

The objective of this consultancy is to collaborate with the H2H team to determine how and where H2H actors can contribute to existing frameworks related to anticipatory action, while simultaneously creating novel, complementary models and tools.

This will be accomplished through the following phases:

Phase 1: Conduct an initial rapid-scoping exercise to explore the existing and potential role of H2H services in anticipatory action, including gaps, challenges, and opportunities. The report will consist of the following components:

  • Review of Existing Materials: Scope of work defined by the H2H team, as well as the membership scoping on how H2H Members are engaged on the topic of anticipatory action (approximately 20 responses).
  • Analytic review pertaining to policies, procedures, guidelines, and reports associated with anticipatory action.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Collect supplementary information through interviews with key informants, including humanitarian actors and stakeholders identified by the H2H Network and its members.
  • Gap, challenge, and opportunity analysis for H2H actors and the Network, presented in an actionable framework.

The report will be published and shared with H2H members and donors, and will serve as a foundation for Phase 2.

Phase 2: Support the H2H team in refining the process design and selection for the H2H fund’s work in this area. Specifically, the consultant will:

  • Assist the team in formulating the call for proposals and selection criteria aligned with the objectives outlined in Annex 1 (collective approach to complex, interconnected crises; focus on data and IM, but not exclusively, etc.).
  • Aid the team in convening a suitable grant panel to evaluate proposals.
  • Support the grant panel in selecting projects that can collaborate effectively and combining them in a manner that creates a comprehensive, integrated package of services, maximizing the impact of individual grants and ensuring that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Phase 3: Provide coaching to the 4 to 6 funded projects via the following steps:

A. Application Review and KPI Setting

  • Review selected applications with members to ensure clarity and feasibility of proposed logframes.
  • Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and milestones for each project, aligned with the program’s objectives and goals – defined in phase 2.
  • Ensure effective implementation and monitoring of KPIs, and conduct regular progress evaluations.

B. Hands-On Guidance and Development Support

  • Provide guidance and support to funded projects on critical decisions related to program design, implementation, ensuring that they align with the package overall objective that they effectively address the needs of crisis-affected communities.
  • Offer expert advice and recommendations on addressing challenges and obstacles encountered during the project implementation.
  • Connect funded projects with relevant experts, mentors, and partners to augment their capabilities and networks.

C. Bilateral Engagement and Mentorship

  • Establish regular communication channels with each funded project (minimum 3 calls per project) to discuss progress, challenges, and opportunities.

D. In-Person Workshop

  • Organize and facilitate at least on in-person workshop (likely in Q1 2024), bringing together funded projects, stakeholders, and AA experts to promote services integration, collaboration, and knowledge sharing.

E. Defining Next Steps

  • Collaborate with funded projects to outline their scaling strategies, including identifying potential funding sources and partnership opportunities.
  • Identify potential roadblocks and develop contingency plans to ensure continued progress toward program goals.
  • Encourage funded projects to share lessons learned, document case studies, and participate in community events to amplify the cohort’s impact.
  1. Scope of work and Methodology

Ref to paragraph 3. For more details.

The consultant(s) will be required to prepare a detailed methodology and work plan indicating how

the objectives of the project will be achieved, and the support required from H2H.

  1. Deliverables

Phase 1:

  1. Notes from interviews with key informants
  2. Research report (including two iterations) – see phase 1
  3. Presentation to H2H membership and donors

Phase 2:

  1. Adaptation of the H2H call for proposals to incorporate Anticipatory Action, including selection criteria
  2. Participation in the grant panel meeting (estimated duration: 2-3 hours)

Phase 3:

  1. Compiled KPI’s tracking tool.
  2. Regular Progress Reports: Periodic reports from each funded project, summarizing progress made against defined KPIs and milestones, and highlighting any challenges or successes
  3. In-Person Workshop Report: A comprehensive report summarizing the outcomes of the in-person workshop, including key takeaways, action items, and next steps.
  4. Duration, timeline and payment

The consultant(s) shall agree a timeline with the H2H team and be prepared to complete the work by the end of summer (European) 2024.

The consultants’ fee must include all taxes and other changes, including any VAT costs. Specialized technical equipment needed to fulfil services should be included in the rate.

The financial proposal (RFQ Form) must be in CHF.

  1. Proposed Composition of Team

We suggest that the consultant include a proposed composition of the team if need be in the proposal.

  1. Eligibility, qualification, and experience required

We encourage teams and groups of consultants to jointly apply to be able to address the 3 phases of this consultancy. If a consultant is applying for one aspect only, please get in touch to discuss.


  • Solid background working on global best practices and standards in risk assessment, and crisis preparedness, in the humanitarian sector
  • Proven track record in research and analysis, including designing and implementing comprehensive research plans, conducting stakeholder engagement, and identifying trends and patterns.
  • Familiarity with data, IM, and analysis tools and services: The consultant should have experience in working with data, information management, and analysis tools and services, particularly in the context of humanitarian response. They should be aware of the latest trends and technologies in this field and be able to identify potential solutions that could support anticipatory action.
  • Track record of maximising impact through a collaborative approach, with demonstrated facilitation experience, ideally for innovation processes
  • Track record of enabling creative thinkers from various backgrounds to have an impact and change their organisations and/or eco system.

Skills and Knowledge:

  • Knowledge of humanitarian aid and anticipatory action: The consultant should have a good understanding of the humanitarian sector, including the concepts of anticipatory action, early warning systems, and crisis preparedness. They should be familiar with the current debates and discussions around anticipatory action, including the challenges and opportunities associated with it.
  • Excellent research and documentation skills, including the ability to analyze complex information and present it clearly and concisely.
  • Strong technical writing and communication skills, with the ability to produce high-quality written reports, proposals, and other documents.
  • Facilitation and coordination of workshops and projects coordination
  • Implementation of innovation MEAL framework
  • Knowledge of H2H network and/or its members is desirable.

Language Requirements:

  • Written and spoken fluency in English is required.
  1. Technical supervision

The selected consultant will work under the supervision of:

H2H Director, Kim Scriven, kim@h2hnetwork.org

H2H Fund activation coordinator, Yannick Creoff, yannick@h2hnetwork.org

H2H Network Finance and operations coordinator, Alice Darcq, alice@h2hnetwork.org

  1. Location and support

Remote work. The Consultant will provide her/his own computer and mobile telephone.

  1. Travel

Travel to Geneva is expected and fees will be covered by H2H.

  1. Submission process

Interested individuals or teams should submit the following documents to tender.gva@drc.ngo:

  • Resume(s)
  • Cover letter
  • 3 relevant work samples (case study, qualitative research, previous publications etc.).
  • A cost offer (RFQ document) consisting of an inclusive daily fee for the proposed number of working days.
  • A methodology note
  1. Evaluation of bids

Please refer to the evaluation matrix and letter of invitation.

How to apply

Please apply thorugh the following link


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