- June 11, 2024
- Posted by: humanitarianweb
- Category: Humanitarian Jobs
The Logistics Country Manager coordinates and is responsible for all logistics activities in Colombia. Ensures that logistics systems are in place and operational and provides technical and operational support in accordance with ICRC logistics standards. Ensures appropriate planning and effective use of resources in the country and serves as the main link between logistics staff at headquarters and logistics teams in the field.
Tasks and Responsibilities
- Sets priorities, objectives, strategies, and delegation guidelines for logistics in line with the delegation’s overall strategy and priorities.
- Supports the delegation’s management team members in establishing procedures that would enable the smooth implementation of joint and/or complementary activities with other components of the Movement.
- Coordinates activities with logistics staff in Geneva and ensures that their recommendations are implemented.
- Is responsible for maintaining an efficient supply chain within the country and adapting infrastructure and assets to meet needs.
- Maintains and ensures proper use of general and specialized logistics IT tools, including monitoring the integrity of transaction data.
- Ensures that partnerships with non-Movement actors involving logistics activities comply with the ICRC’s framework.
- Ensures collaborative demand planning is in place as per the standard operating procedures (SOPs) and that information is shared with the delegation and relevant stakeholders.
- Sets up, operates, and manages warehouse and stock inventory.
- Is in charge of fleet management, transport, and distribution activities.
- Follows up on the supply pipeline of the delegation, including import-export activities.
- Is responsible for managing finances for the cost centre(s) under her/his responsibility.
- Ensures that risks are mitigated by performing the controls assigned to the role as described in the Logistics Risk and Control Matrix
Minimum Requirements and Competencies
- Master’s degree in business administration, sciences economics, or another field combined with work experience in Logistician.
- Minimum 8-10 years’ experience in commercial, or humanitarian Logistics, including 4-5 years management experience in an international environment.
- Computer proficiency and advanced knowledge of specific software, such as JD Edwards, Tableaux, etc.
- Successful experience in leading multidisciplinary teams
- Experience in change management is an asset.
- Knowledge of fleet management, purchasing, supply chain, and stock.
- Experience in the humanitarian sector is an advantage, but not exclusive
- MUST be Computer Proficient
- Fluency in Spanish and English (Minimum C1 Level)
- Comprehension and reading of French, an asset.
Profile and skills
- Strongly motivated by humanitarian work.
- Ability to analyze and write with rigor, precision, and clarity.
- Strong ability to motivate, persuade, and influence others.
- Tenacity, sense of responsibility, autonomy, and initiative.
- Leadership, personnel management, teamwork, and collaboration.
What we offer
- Rewarding work in a humanitarian and multicultural environment
- Work location: Bogota
- Contract type: Indefinite local contract (under Colombian labour law).
- The salary is determined under Colombia’s ICRC Salary Scale, for this position the Grade is C2.
- Activity rate: 100%
- Starting date: As soon as possible
- Benefits in academic studies, languages , and professional development
- International savings financed by the organization, of 11.5% of the monthly salary.
How to apply
The interested candidates should fill up a form by clicking the link below and then submit their CV, motivation letter, including reference details, supporting documents (Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees, etc), and current and expected remuneration to ICRC Bogota Delegation, HR Department via the link address provided below no later than 16th July 2024 at 18:00 hs:
Application Link (PandaPé)
Additionally, you must complete this form, which is mandatory to consider your application.
Joining the ICRC delegation in Colombia is a unique opportunity to work in a rewarding international humanitarian environment, within multicultural and diverse teams and to benefit from exceptional learning and development opportunities and a competitive salary.
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