- November 10, 2023
- Posted by: humanitarianweb
- Category: Humanitarian Jobs
The Scope of Work to be performed by Consultant under this Consultant Agreement is as follows:
Location of Work:
This is primarily a remote work position with the possibility to travel to Raqqa, Al-Hassakeh, and Deir Ez Zor governorates of Northeast Syria, as well as Erbil and Dohuk, Iraq.
Background Information:
The goal of the Growing Agriculture and Incomes in Syria (GROW) activity is to improve food security and strengthen agriculture market systems in non-regime-controlled areas of Syria. To achieve this goal, GROW will accomplish three key objectives – increase local agricultural production; expand access to food in local markets; and increase farmers’ and/or agribusinesses’ incomes. GROW will address cross-cutting climate and inclusion-related constraints by piloting and scaling market strengthening approaches that generate catalytic, equitable investments and strategic partnerships while advancing localization. As a result of GROW, private sector-led growth, household resilience and stability will be boosted.
Scope of Work:
I. Objectives
The primary objectives of the Agriculture Value Chain Assessment Consultant are as follows:
Conduct a detailed rapid needs assessment and written analysis of the key agricultural value chains in Raqqa, Al-Hassakeh, and Deir Ez Zor governorates of Northeast Syria, including but not limited to crop production, livestock, dairy, dried fruits, vegetables and related sub-sectors. The value chain assessments should analyze the economics of activities at each link of the value chain that leads to the development of specific interventions for strengthening the entire value chain. The consultant will also help lead GC GROW staff through a Market Systems Analysis (MSA) training, led by one of our partners. See Section 5 for an illustrative timeline.
II. Tasks and Responsibilities
The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
- Inception report
- Submission of a Rapid Needs Assessment
- Participation in MSA training led by a partner organization.
- Creation of Value Chain Analysis Data Collection tools
- Development of a detailed Value Chain Analysis report.
Inception Phase
a. Develop an inception report outlining the methodology data collection tools, and workplan. One document can cover the methodology for the agriculture rapid needs assessment and value chain analysis (VCA).
b. Review the existing literature, other programs where possible, reports, and systems of practices for crop production, livestock, dairy, dried fruits, vegetables and related sub-sectors and also identify priorities within these value chains. Also examine access to markets and impact of conflicts. The practices reviewed must include the following:
o Production systems and trends (Seed systems, varieties/breeds, cultural practices, crop/herd management, harvesting techniques, etc.)
o Support services, such as input supply
o Processing systems
o Storage and distribution
o Quality
o Estimated level of employment, including a breakdown by gender
Data Collection
a. Develop a list of stakeholders of to be consulted.
b. Conduct primary data collection through interviews, focus group discussions, surveys, and field visits
c. Engage with local stakeholders, including farmers, growers, cooperatives, intermediaries, processors, retailers, and other stakeholders along the crop production, livestock, dairy, dried fruits, vegetables and related sub-sectors and when necessary.
d. Collect data on crop, dairy, fruit, vegetable, and livestock production, marketing, and value addition processes.
e. Identify the specific needs of the existing private sector research facilities and associated labs for seed research and propagation, soil analyses, food safety testing, etc.
a. Analyze the collected data to identify key challenges, gaps, and opportunities within the value chains, with a special focus on the role of women and youth and how to engage them.
b. Prepare KII tools and perform a SWOT analysis for each value chain.
c. Assess the impact of value chains on local livelihoods, environment, and economy. Identify market linkages between the value chains.
d. Assess risks to production and vulnerability of farmers posed by climate change and draft specific recommendations for climate smart and resilient production as per the context and current services.
a. Develop practical recommendations for year 2-5 GROW activities, in-line with program objectives, to improve the identified value chains. Such recommendations should also include estimated budgets and cost breakdowns and expected results to guide future programs.
b. Prioritize the recommendations based on feasibility and potential impact.
c. Provide a roadmap for implementing the recommended interventions.
Report Writing
a. Prepare an agriculture sector rapid needs assessment and comprehensive value chain assessment
b. Present the finding and recommendations to Global Communities, Inc. and other relevant stakeholders
c. Incorporate feedback and make necessary revisions to the final report.
III. Deliverables:
The following deliverables are expected from the Agriculture Value Chain Assessment Consultant:
- Inception Report, including the methodology and work plan.
- Rapid Agriculture Needs Assessment for NES
- Participate with GC GROW staff through the MSA training to be provided by GC’s partner organization in Dohuk, Iraq, absorb material and then collaborate with staff and partner organizations to develop VCA data collection tools.
- Provide raw data and fieldwork records.
- Agriculture Value Chain Assessment Report, including findings, recommendations, and a roadmap for intervention.
IV. Qualifications:
The Agriculture Value Chain Assessment Consultant should possess the following qualifications:
- Demonstrated experience in conducting rapid needs assessments and value chain assessments in the agriculture sector, preferably in conflict-affected regions.
- Expertise in research, data collection, analysis, and report writing.
- Familiarity with the agricultural context and challenges in Northeast Syria.
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
- Understanding of the cultural and political dynamics in the region.
V. Illustrative Timeline:
Estimated Timeframe
Contract Start
Submit Inception report
Submit Rapid Agriculture Needs Assessment for NES to GC
Attend and help lead GROW staff through MSA training in Dohuk, Iraq.
1/7/2024 – 1/11/2024
Collaborate with GC partner to develop value chain assessment tools, lead GROW staff to use these tools, and assist GROW staff with data collection for Value Chain Analysis
1/14/2024 – 3/07/2024
Submit Draft Value Chain Assessment Reports and Analysis
Consultant receives Comments on VCAs from GC
Submit Final VCA reports to GC