- January 26, 2022
- Posted by: humanitarianweb
- Category: Humanitarian Jobs
Background Information – Job-specific
UNOPS has signed an agreement with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to implement the project activities for the Global Programme on Nature for Development.
The Global Programme on Nature for Development brings together three different initiatives – the Equator Initiative, Learning for Nature, and the National Biodiversity Initiative under one program in order to identify, foster, showcase and celebrate nature-based solutions that help achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at local, national, and international levels. The work of the Global Programme on Nature for Development contributes to UNDP’s Strategic Plan 2018-2021 by charting sustainable development pathways through the conservation, restoration and sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystems; and by promoting inclusive and effective democratic governance in the area of natural resources.
The Equator Initiative brings together the United Nations, governments, civil society, businesses and grassroots organizations to recognize and advance Indigenous and local sustainable development solutions for people, nature, and resilient communities. The Equator Initiative seeks to recognize the success of local and Indigenous initiatives; create opportunities and platforms to share knowledge and good practice; inform policy to foster an enabling environment for local and Indigenous community action; and develop the capacity of Indigenous peoples and local communities to scale-up their impact.
The Equator Initiative is built upon three equally important pillars:
- The Equator Prize is awarded to recognize and advance local sustainable development solutions for people, nature, and resilient communities. As local and Indigenous groups across the world chart a path towards sustainable development, the Equator Prize shines a spotlight on their efforts by honoring them on an international stage.
- Equator Dialogues are an ongoing series of community-driven meetings and exchanges, held in conjunction with related international forums. Equator Dialogues provide opportunities for people to share experiences, develop capacities, and influence policy.
- Equator Knowledge is a research, documentation, and learning program focused on local best practice in sustainable development. The Equator Initiative works with partners to identify, document, and analyze the success factors of local best practice, and to catalyze ongoing peer-to-peer learning, knowledge exchange and replication of best practice.
The National Biodiversity Initiative supports countries to manage their ecosystems and biodiversity in order to improve national planning and governance of biodiversity, ecosystems, and development, and to promote resilience for sustainable development. The National Biodiversity Initiative works in three project areas: National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) Support, National Reporting, and Capacity Building. The use of spatial data for spatial planning is a cross-cutting theme across these project areas, including work through our flagship platform UN Biodiversity Lab, created in partnership with UN Environment and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Knowledge Sharing is a main goal of the Equator Initiative, Learning for Nature and the National Biodiversity Initiative. The Equator Initiative has a large series of research papers, books, and other publications focusing on local approaches to poverty reduction and conservation, informed by community-based initiatives.180 case studies in over 30 languages have documented the Equator Prize winners’ innovative practices that deliver the win-win-win solutions that ensure social, economic, and environmental sustainability. The National Biodiversity Initiative share knowledge on the role of spatial data in biodiversity planning, policymaking, and reporting through blogs, case studies, and story maps.
Learning for Nature is a capacity-building offer provided by the Global Programme on Nature for Development, cutting across the three areas of work. This program connects biodiversity policymakers, change-makers, and on-the-ground subject matter experts to facilitate the delivery of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Access to the global multi-stakeholder networks mobilized by the Equator Initiative, Learning for Nature, and the National Biodiversity Initiative allows Learning for Nature to circulate knowledge while promoting best practices. Building on our learnings on the ground, Learning for Nature seeks synergies, build linkages, and engage thousands of course participants through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), webinars, self-paced e-learning modules, and private training courses.
For further information please go to: www.equatorinitiative.org, www.nbsapforum.net, www.learningfornature.org, www.unbiodiversitylab.org
This is a position to support a project which UNOPS is implementing for the United Nations Development Programme.
The incumbent of this position will be personnel of UNOPS under its full responsibility.
Functional Responsibilities
To effectively and flexibly serve the needs of relevant constituencies and to prepare for an expansion of the service offering following user demand, UNOPS in seeking a consultant to support all aspects of the distance learning program Learning for Nature.
This role comprises supporting the production of a variety of e-learning assets in multiple languages, under structured guidance from supervisor. The consultant would also contribute to maintaining current e-learning offerings, outreach and communication efforts, and overall engagement of the growing Learning for Nature user base, to support them on their learning journey towards implementing nature-based solutions for sustainable development.
Duties and responsibilities include:
- Under structured guidance, support the formulation and implementation of learning curricula and knowledge products relevant to the project’s evolving capacity building needs;
- Support the development of training materials and delivery of online training events and follow through with user feedback and progress;
- With guidance from supervisor, engage in the development of online learning content with the support of subject matter experts and partners;
- Support the development of Massive Open Online Courses, self-paced courses, and podcasts;
- Support outreach and communication efforts to promote a variety of e-learning offerings;
- Conduct research, gather data, and review literature to create e-learning assets, including case studies, story maps, photo essays, and reports that promote knowledge development and sharing on new approaches;
- Critically assess knowledge products and learning events and develop data that improves value;
- Support the creation of engaging presentations, visuals, and other promotional materials to raise awareness about the work of the e-learning programme among relevant stakeholders;
- Coordinate translations of knowledge products and learning materials into different languages.
Education/Experience/Language requirements
- A first-level university degree (Bachelor’s degree or equivalent) in international relations, sustainable development, environmental management/sciences, education, social/political science, development studies, or other related field is required.
- An advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in related field may substitute for some of the required number of years of experience.
- A minimum of 2 years experience working in capacity-building, training and/or education – either in-person or online – particularly in international and/or environmental context is required.
- One year of experience working in issues related to environmental management, preferably with a focus on capacity development with local communities, indigenous peoples and/or governments is required.
Desirable:(The following experiences are optional. Candidates who do not have them are welcome to apply)
- Experience in e-learning/distance learning;
- Experience in supporting project coordination and or project management, and/or the coordination of publications and written documents;
- Experience working within the UN system;
- Experience working with governments, local and/or Indigenous peoples.
- Fluency in English (read, write, speak) is required.
- Fluency in French or Spanish (read, write, speak) is an asset.
- Knowledge of additional languages is an asset, in particular UN languages or Portuguese.
How to apply
To apply follow this link: https://jobs.unops.org/pages/viewvacancy/VADetails.aspx?id=23205#2
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