Request for Proposal ” Multisectoral need assesment in northwest Syria”

  1. Background Information

IMAAR is an organization specializes in rehabilitation and reconstruction, IMAAR has been operating in Syria for the past six years, implementing many interventions (WASH, Shelter, livelihood and Early recovery).

IMAAR will conduct a large-scale needs assessment to identify the locations and groups most in need of Shelter, WASH and livelihood assistance in northwest Syria. Moreover, the needs of the local communities that related to early recovery activates (Road rehabilitation, rehabilitation of community assets like silo, mill, bakery and local markets).

  1. Purpose of The Comprehensive Needs Assessment

The overall objective is to review, and document the scope of, and need for, WASH, Shelter, livelihood, and early recovery services and activities as identified by conflict-affected communities and other actors.

Based on the Needs Assessment findings, the final report will provide IMAAR with credible recommendations for WASH, Shelter, livelihood and Early recovery.

The assessment is aimed to be conducted from age, gender and diversity approach to better understand critical needs of the diverse groups in the targeted communities. This assessment specifically intends to respond to a gap in terms of up-to-date and diversity specific data and analysis for northwest Syria. The need assessment objectives are as follows:

  1. Develop a better understanding of the WASH, Shelter, livelihood and Early recovery situation of the concerned population in northwest Syria for IDPs and affected host communities, in order to be able to deliver an effective and targeted response based on their profile and location;
  2. Identify and prioritize key humanitarian needs in the following sectors: WASH, Shelter, livelihood and Early recovery and basic needs through primary and secondary data review.
  3. Inform and develop IMAAR’s future programming initiatives to address identified needs and gaps.
  4. Assist the related clusters and the humanitarian actors in northwest Syria in prioritizing the affected areas needing further focus and assistance
  5. Inform advocacy efforts on the local and central level with various stakeholders, including UN agencies, clusters, I/NGOs, public institutions
  6. Geographical Scope

The assessment should cover as broad a geographical area within the northwest as possible ( Azaz, Albab, Harim, Bennesh, Ariha, Jisr- Ash-Shugur) in particular, focusing on densely populated areas including major towns and camps within the zone.

4. Methodology

It is expected that the assessment methodology will comprise a secondary data review and primary data collection (survey, observation, FGDs and key informant interviews).

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Mixed methods approach:

The primary data are from quantitative and qualitative sources (listed above) that provide information from various beneficiary and stakeholder perspectives; the secondary data will be drawn from a review of data from existing assessments from other actors working in the targeted locations. All secondary data should be vetted for quality and reliability. Data analysis should include triangulation of data from primary and secondary sources wherever possible.


The consultant is expected to propose an appropriate qualitative and quantitative sampling framework during the needs assessment design process. Where possible the sampling framework should seek to be representative of different social groups in the target area, taking into account gender, age, migratory status and disability status.

The quantitative sample size should be computed with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error between5-10% on the sub-distrect level. The inception report should elaborate a detailed description of the sampling method as well as a selection of the respondents. Qualitative data should be used to gather in-depth information on services and actors present in each location. The consultant is expected to propose a sufficient number of KII to be conducted per location and cover all information needs. It is suggested that key informant interviews should be undertaken with knowledgeable community stakeholders, service providers (NGO or Government) and local authorities.

5. Data Analysis and Reporting

Qualitative data should be thoroughly analysed with the aim of providing deeper thematic insights into the needs, facilitating recommendations for program design and implementation of improvements, modifications and strengthening. IMAAR expects all data to be rigorously analysed and representative of the project area within the reasonable limits and constraints of the context. Results should be analysed and disaggregated based age, sex, and disability

6. Data on Disability

The need assessment is to use the Washington Group Short Set (WGSS) to collect data on people with disability in all quantitative data collection tools for beneficiaries.

7. Timing

The full assignment is scheduled from the 1st Nov-2022 to 31st Jan 2023. Further reporting requirements will be discussed with the selected consultant. The final report and supporting documents are expected no later than 31st Jan 2023.

8. Reporting

The selected consultant/s will be expected to submit the following documents in English:

a) Inception report. b) Assessment tools. c) Progress updates. d) Final Report.

The final report is to be provided in English. It should contain at least the following sections (not exhaustive):

Executive summary and introduction and context background to the assignment

  • Description of the methodology, approach, scope of work, constraints, and opportunities
  • Data presentation and detailed analysis
  • Key findings, recommendations, and conclusions
  • Conclusions related to the assessment’s findings and recommendation

9.Qualification Requirements

  • Highly competent and experienced team of WASH, Shelter and early recovery and data collection experts;
  • Highly competent and experienced team of field coordinators, managers and enumerators;
  • Proven experience in conducting multi-sectoral needs assessments, covering WASH, Shelter and early recovery;
  • Worked previously for a minimum of 3 years on Monitoring and evaluations;
  • Provided two sample needs assessment reports of previous assignments;
  • Proven familiarity with the culture of the focus population and an in-depth experience of the Syrian context;
  • Expertise in digital data collection, information management, analysis and presentation, including data security;
  • Fluency in English;
  • Legal presence inside Syria and ability to safely access all targeted assessment locations;

10.Ethical Considerations & Data Protection

The need assessment will obtain informed consent from participants, and ensure all participation is voluntary. The need assessment will make clear to all participants that they are under no obligation to participate in interviews, focus group discussions or other monitoring activities and that their participation will support and enhance the upcoming interventions

All primary data collected by this need assessment process is to remain confidential and is not to be shared with third parties.

11. Assessment Criteria

The proposal will be evaluated against a combination of technical and financial criteria (combined scoring method). The maximum score is 100% out of which technical criteria is weighted at 70% and financial criteria at 30% of the overall score. The technical evaluation will include the following:

  1. Technical Background as requested: (15%)
  2. Experience in conducting similar monitoring and evaluation and needs assessment exercises within the northwest context (25%)
  3. Overall methodology: (45%)
  4. Robust quality assurance mechanisms (ensuring the independence of data collected) (15%)

How to apply

Interested candidates should submit the following documents to the email

  1. A technical proposal of maximum 10 pages.
  2. Work plan: time and activity schedule.
  3. Updated CV(s) of the consultant(s) that clearly spells out their qualifications and experience.
  4. A financial proposal showing daily rate & breakdown
  5. A cover letter, including the commitment to availability for the duration of the assignment.
  6. Two reference contacts.
  7. Two writing samples relevant to the scope of this TOR.

Closing date and time for receipt of bid: 18 Oct 2022 CoB – Turkey time

all documents submitted must be in PDF format. no word documents will be accepted, and links to share drives will not be accepted.

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