Research and Development Fellowship

Closing date:

The Centre for Peace and Justice, Brac University (CPJ) is a multi-disciplinary academic institute that promotes global peace and social justice through quality education, research, training and advocacy.

CPJ is pleased to announce the Research & Development Fellowship. An inaugural Fellow will work alongside CPJ’s research team in Dhaka and Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh for 12 months. The Fellowship is suitable for an early career professional who has completed a master degree or PhD in a discipline relevant to CPJ’s areas of focus.

The Fellow will:

  1. Serve as a core member of CPJ’s research team and work on major research initiatives, including research design, data collection, analysis and writing;
  2. Develop professional capacities and research skills while working alongside CPJ researchers and partners;
  3. Receive training on institutional knowledge management, and spearhead the development of CPJ’s knowledge management systems;
  4. Help CPJ achieve its development goals, including institutional strengthening and skills-building for individual staff;
  5. Receive regular support, mentorship, and guidance from CPJ’s senior management and advisory team.

The Fellowship is a 12-month, Dhaka-based position with regular travel to different locations, particularly Cox’s Bazar, the location of CPJ’s Refugee Studies Unit.

Qualifications and eligibility

  • Master degree or PhD in a discipline relevant to CPJ’s areas of focus;
  • Five years of work experience in a relevant field;
  • Bangla proficiency required, fluency preferred;
  • Full professional and academic English fluency with excellent writing skills;
  • Visa exemption: CPJ is unable to provide a work visa, so candidates must be of Bangladeshi descent or nationality to qualify for visa exemption

Benefits and Compensation

The Fellow will receive a generous award. Contact for details.

Other benefits

  • Fellowship-related travel costs within Bangladesh will be covered
  • Medical insurance will be provided
  • Assistance with finding accommodation and other logistics (not covered)

Working hours

Sunday to Thursday (40 hours per week)

About CPJ

Centre for Peace and Justice (CPJ) is a multi-disciplinary academic institute within Brac University that promotes global peace and social justice through quality education, research, training and advocacy.

CPJ is committed to identifying and promoting sustainable and inclusive solutions to a wide range of global concerns and issues, including fragility, conflict and violence. The centre was established in March 2017 and joined the impressive cluster of other institutes and centres of Brac University. CPJ undertakes a range of research, training and advocacy activities in three thematic areas: peace and fragility, social justice, and open society.

CPJ has worked with institutions including National University of Singapore, Georgetown University, University of New South Wales, and International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam. The Centre has worked extensively to promote solutions to the Rohingya crisis, and also promotes paralegalism and civic education.

CPJ has carried out research for UN agencies including UNDP, UN WOMEN, IOM, UNHCR, and WFP). It has also worked with donors such as Open Society Foundations, The Asia Foundation, FCDO-UK, USAID and IDRC-Canada. CPJ is a founding member of the Asia Justice Coalition, chaired by its Executive Director, Manzoor Hasan. The Centre has also acted as a facilitator to develop a broad network of legal aid and legal empowerment organizations in Bangladesh and other South Asian countries.

In 2019, CPJ its Refugee Studies Unit (RSU) which is currently based in Kutupalong, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar to undertake research and other activities for a deeper understanding of Rohingya and host communities. The RSU office serves as a workstation for CPJ’s researchers and trainers who work closely alongside various humanitarian actors and stakeholders.

How to apply

To apply for the Fellowship, please submit the following items to no later than midnight on Friday, 1 April 2022 (Bangladesh Standard Time). Please mention Research & Development Fellowship in the subject line.

  1. Cover letter (not more than three pages) describing:

    ·Your academic and professional background
    ·Your professional goals and the goals you would aim to achieve as a Fellow
    ·Your views on why you are well-qualified for the Fellowship

  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Contact details for two referees, one professional and one academic. CPJ will only contact the referees of shortlisted candidates.

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