- May 18, 2023
- Posted by: humanitarianweb
- Category: Humanitarian Jobs
Please find the Questions and Answers to the RFP-SSD-JUB-2023-002 for Livelihood consultancy in the following link: RFP-SSD-JUB-2023-002 – International consultancy For Conducting livelihoods needs and labor market assessment
Terms of Reference (TOR)
Who is the Danish Refugee Council
Founded in 1956, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a leading international NGO and one of the few with a specific expertise in forced displacement. Active in 40 countries with 9,000 employees and supported by 7,500 volunteers, DRC protects, advocates, and builds sustainable futures for refugees and other displacement affected people and communities. DRC works during displacement at all stages: In the acute crisis, in displacement, when settling and integrating in a new place, or upon return. DRC provides protection and life-saving humanitarian assistance; supports displaced persons in becoming self-reliant and included into hosting societies; and works with civil society and responsible authorities to promote protection of rights and peaceful coexistence.
DRC began operating in South Sudan in 2005 with the overall aim of achieving durable solutions for displaced populations. DRC work supports communities (refugees, IDPS and host communities) across the spectrum of emergency response, durable solutions and addressing root causes for displacement. DRC is part of a consortium led by Education Development Centre (EDC) implementing a Youth Empowerment Activity (YEA) funded by USAID. The project has the overall goal of empowering South Sudan youth including girls and young women to gain knowledge and skills that will enable them to lead healthy, engaged and productive lives. The USAID South Sudan YEA will reach 25,000 South Sudanese youth in thirteen counties across five states over a four-year period. This community-based intervention will establish a vibrant Youth Corps and support local organizations enhance youth-friendly service offerings. The YEA will tailor its intervention to meet the realities of each implementation area and to best support a diverse group of youth with varied capacities and aspirations to reach their full potential. The YEA project intends to train and mentor 25,000 youth, 500 Youth Corp Leaders and expand access to learning, livelihoods, sexual and reproductive health behaviour change communications, and civic engagement activities for more vulnerable youth. The YEA will bring together a diverse group of skilled and unskilled youth and provide opportunities that correspond to participants’ capacities and realities
Purpose of the consultancy
The Danish Refugee Council in South Sudan seeks proposals from a consultant who will lead a team of at least 5 team members to conduct a Livelihoods Needs and Labour Market Assessment for Income Generation Activities/Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) conducted by women as one category and youth (18-29) as another distinct category, Vocational Skills Trainings (VST) and institution needs, agro-pastoral communities (Farmers) and the feasibility of Cash and voucher Transfer Programming (CTP) in relation to the market. In particular, SME in-kind grants to youth will focus on businesses that need access to capital to re-start-up and have high potential for employment generation while the targeted agro-pastoral communities will receive agriculture inputs through cash, seed vouchers or in-kind depending on the market dynamics or context. The assessment will analyse the potential for growth, profitability, and employment in local economic sectors for youth, map existing markets and value chains and document the supply and demand for agriculture and other non-agricultural value chain products and services in the targeted five states for the youth empowerment project.
In this assignment, the consultant will undertake research to map the market systems and identify market opportunities for skills, products and gaps were DRC can support through the YEA project. The outcome of this assessment is to provide information on predicted future economic and market opportunities to allow girls, women and youth to proactively position themselves to seize them. It is further intended that, at the same time as identifying opportunities, the study will identify the real barriers and requirements to accessing these opportunities. The assessment will also contribute to identifying the existing government, private and youth led communal structures, profile their gaps, for strengthening by the YEA project.
DRC is implementing and four-year USAID funded youth empowerment project in a consortium led by EDC (Youth Education centre), National and anchor organizations (Community Aid for relief development organization, Search for common ground, Nile Hope, Mobile humanitarian agency, women advance organization among others. The project also works with community led organizations such as the youth corp leaders, youth-led service organizations whose work is centred around supporting youth to empower them and build community resilience.
Specifically, The Youth Empowerment Activity was designed to meet the following Objectives,
- Objective 1: increase access to learning, soft, and life skills development – including sexual and reproductive health (SRH), resilience, and social-emotional well-being – for vulnerable and marginalized out-of-school youth.
- Objective 2: provide entrepreneurial, employment, vocational and work-based learning opportunities for Objective 1 youth graduates, youth engaged in existing or new cooperatives, youth forming new or better micro-enterprises, youth placed in internships or wage employment, and Objective 1 youth graduates receiving technical support to improve agropastoral practices.
- Objective 3: improve access to sexual and reproductive health information, services, and positive gender norms messaging for youth with Youth Corps Leaders trained in peer psychosocial support.
- Objective 4: strengthen youth participation for youth in civic engagement and social cohesion activities, and promote positive youth development values reaching 1 million youth and community members through youth-led radio, arts, cultural and sports activities
Objective of the consultancy
The main objectives of this assessment include the following;
- To identify and increase livelihood opportunities for conflict-affected youth through market-oriented vocational skills training, small business, Village Savings and Loans Associations and agro-based intervention.
- Investigate the micro and small enterprise markets in the five States in order to identify or influence those economic sectors/sub-sectors with the highest potential for young girls, women and youth enterprises to be developed by the project and subsequently provide specific, relevant, updated, detailed and reliable advice as to which areas of business the entrepreneurs should select, strengthen or diversify with a special focus on value-added initiatives.
- Conduct market assessment to assess the feasibility of CTP as well as the choice of cash transfer delivery mechanisms in YEA operational areas.
- Profile and strengthen capacity of local institutions including vocational training institutions or communal structures supporting youth empowerment initiatives e.g. youth corp leaders, farmer market associations, and civil society to provide inclusive education and training to conflict affected youth
Scope of work and Methodology
Information will be gathered from a wide range of sources including community members, business owners, government agencies (state governor, county governors, state ministries in charge of youth and Gender, Ministry of agriculture) non-governmental organizations (NGOs), employers’ associations and other organizations working in the area. Key informants will include the heads of market associations, representatives of market customers, vendors, vocational technical principals, youth crop leaders, representatives from the District (Commercial, Development, and Education), Farmer market associations, YEA-Consortium partners including EDC, Trader associations/Unions, Vocational youth graduates supported by other programs, youth representatives, champion/lead farmers among others**.**
Guiding Questions
1. Youth skills enhancements and employment.
- What are the main livelihood groups within the target population?
- What are the livelihood activities that communities are undertaking in currently?
- What are youths’ aspirations and expectations regarding livelihoods and income generation options?
- What are the main value chains in the targeted areas, key areas of need / opportunity for DRC to invest in?
- What types of activities are needed for livelihood support to the different categories of target groups?
- Are there any policies and practices relating to employment, enterprise development, access to land etc., that affect livelihood opportunities in the area?
- What are the catalysers and barriers in pursuing the proposed business and employment opportunities for the different gender and age groups?
- Identify potential marketing outlets?
- What mechanisms need to be put in place to support youth livelihoods?
- What are the main sources of employment opportunities for women in the targeted areas in general?
- What forms of skills might the youth need to get them empowered.
2. Finance services/Trade and commerce
- What are the opportunities and capacities for livelihood recovery within the local economy?
- What are the most suitable assistances services and support required for the different types of livelihood/business opportunities?
- What is the capacity of the existing markets to absorb higher quantities of cash amongst the population?
- Which financial service providers exist (including mobile money services) and what is their coverage/reach? Are there areas that are not covered by any financial service providers?
- How do people currently pay for goods and services?
- How do people currently access, store and manage cash?
3. Agriculture (Crop and Animal) Husbandry, Value chain development.
- Which agricultural technologies are predominantly applied by farmers within the project target area?
- What are the main value chains supported within the YEA targeted project locations
- What support to pastoral communities receive to improve on their animal yields.
- What challenges do agro pastoral farmers face within the YEA-Targeted locations?
4. Institutions, Private, government and Communal structures
- Which structures have been established by other livelihoods and agro based programs within the project target areas have been established to support empowerment or livelihoods.
- How can the YEA project be linked to strengthen other existing USAID and none USAID funded programs such as CARB (Complementary action for Resilience Building) implemented in WBEG and Unity states?
- Would you highlight some of the technical training opportunities?
The assessment will result in the following outputs:
- A detailed analysis of the Training and employability of the SME/ VST qualifiers (or employment absorption potential) in various sectors of Target regions.
- A clearly enumerated and ranked list of marketable and potential vocational skills for youth and viable existing or new businesses for women and youth as a separate category with a special focus on SMEs that need capital to re-start-up after the insurgency and economic impacts. The consultant will also identify business opportunities that can generate high levels of employees in order to employ semi-skilled or low skilled youth. The consultant will interview potential employers as well in the work places.
- A clear and criteria for targeting beneficiaries for training in each of the identified skills and how the opportunities can be exploited for maximum economic gain of the beneficiaries.
- Mapping of operational areas reflecting the applicability of CTP and appropriate delivery mechanisms.
The Consultant will be required to prepare a detailed methodology and work plan indicating how
the objectives of the project will be achieved, and the support required from DRC. The livelihoods need and labor market assessment is expected to employ a combination of qualitative and quantitative such as document review, focus group discussions, observation, key informant interviews and questionnaire in five targeted states mentioned above. The DG ministry for agriculture in each state will be consulted, state minister for youth culture and sport, state ministry gender, child and social welfare, Head of Farmer Market Association, Lead or champion farmer, Business entrepreneurs, private institutions dealing in value addition for agricultural food products. These will be done through key informant interviews.
A statistically representative sample form the study population will be generated to determine the final sample size of respondents to be selected for the LMA. A simple random selection will be used for the survey. Market selection, preliminary analysis, preparation for fieldwork.
2. Data collection methodology:
i. Quantitative data.
- Survey of a representative sample of households to gather comparative data on the livelihoods before the crisis and current situation. The survey will also focus on income-generating activities, existing skills, natural/physical assets, and financial and social capital.
- Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) will be conducted with market traders and vendors in each state to obtain information on prices and availability of basic items, demand within the community, supply chain and availability of credit
ii. Qualitative data.
- Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), at least three FGD will be conducted within each of the community local markets in in the target states and counties to both young women and men in South Sudan.
- Transect Walks will be used by the assessment team walking through markets in each state, asking questions to vendors and customers, observing, and photographing different stalls, and recording observations. A transect walk will help to access the availability of commodities, the main market actors, size of the markets, the variety of food and non-food goods, and the quantities and qualities of goods.
- The consultant will define the formula for population sample size for each data collection procedure in the technical proposal, the sample size definition should be representative the overall target population of 25,000.
The assessment will result in the following outputs:
- A detailed analysis of the Training and employability of the SME/ VST qualifiers (or employment absorption potential) in various sectors of Target regions.
- A clearly enumerated and ranked list of marketable and potential vocational skills for youth and viable existing or new businesses for women and youth as a separate category with a special focus on SMEs that need capital to re-start-up after the insurgency and economic impacts. The consultant will also identify business opportunities that can generate high levels of employees in order to employ semi-skilled or low skilled youth. The consultant will interview potential employers as well in the work places.
- A clear and criteria for targeting beneficiaries for training in each of the identified skills and how the opportunities can be exploited for maximum economic gain of the beneficiaries.
- Mapping of operational areas reflecting the applicability of CTP and appropriate delivery mechanisms.
Inception report
-Develop an inception report detailing; among other things, the process and methodologies to be employed for the assignment. It should include interview schedules and important time schedules for this exercise, a list of stakeholders targeted for participation, assessment tools and presented to DRC for review and further inputs before proceeding to the field for data collection.
Intermediate report
-Working meetings, discussions, field visit
Collect, clean, analyse and interpret data
-Final database and raw data collected used to inform design of youth livelihoods opportunities.
Final report
-Presentation on preliminary report/findings. The report should have simple tables that show opportunities for youth, the skill needs and business ideas rather than lengthy narrative.
-Preliminary report that reflects achievement of all the above-mentioned tasks shall be presented to DRC and other stake holders for comments.
-First, second and final draft lined needs and labour market assessment report. The assessment findings from each state shall be presented in the final report.
- The consultant shall organise a debrief session with DRC and the consortium partners including EDC immediately after data collected exercise is completed before drafting the report. (DRC will coordinate with the consultant to ensure weekly update during the data collection process and the entire assignment to ensure full support to the consultants is provided timely)
- Final report
-Two (2) bound hard copies of the final report.
-Soft copy of the Report in Word and PDF formats.
- The consultant will also be required to submit to DRC all study materials and any other non-consumable documents/items that will be used in the course of the planned consultancy.
Duration, timeline, and payment
The total expected duration to complete the assignment will be no more than 32 days. Timeline is fully described in the table below. Payments will be made based on the deliverables described above in 2 instalments of 30% and 70% of the amount.
The consultant shall be prepared to complete the assignment no later than 29 June 2023.
Proposed Composition of Team
The consultancy firm should have a minimal management structure that comprises at least the following;
- Lead Consultant
- Associate Consultants
- Data Analyst
- Field Coordinator(s)
Other terms and conditions include;
- Daily rate charged to be negotiated, provision of international flight to and from South Sudan, local travel and accommodation. DRC will engage project staff and enumerators to support the consultant in data collection.
- Costs for data collection including enumerators stipend shall be included in the consultant’s overall budget.
- The team composition of the successful consultancy firm should comprise of at least 5 team members with a clear organizational structure
- The consultancy should deploy at least two research field coordinators focusing on research and data collection
Eligibility, qualification, and experience required
- An Advanced Degree in Development Studies/Business Management or other related fields.
- Experience with vocational training/management training institutions, SME, agriculture, youth livelihoods programming and CTP in similar environments.
- Proven experience in labour market assessment carried out is an added advantage.
- Organise a debrief discussion on key findings after data collection
- At least 5 years’ experience in monitoring and evaluation, data quality control and institutional capacity building, youth livelihoods programming for development projects, preferably in post-conflict countries
- A demonstrated understanding and analytical capacity in the identification of issues affecting youth in post conflict countries.
- Excellent report writing skills and ability to meet deadlines
- Demonstrated expertise and experience in participatory qualitative and quantitative research methods.
- Familiar with current and past socio-economic-political and cultural dynamics for youth, pastoral, agro pastoral communities in South Sudan.
- Excellent written and communication skills in English, knowledge of Arabic, and other local languages will be an added advantage
- Proactive and resourceful
Technical supervision
The selected consultant will work under the supervision of the Programme Manager, Emmanuel Adowa
Technically on Data collection process, methodology and tools, the consultant shall be supported by the DRC MEAL Manager.
Administratively the consultant is expected to work with DRC Area Managers areas where DRC has physical presence and in locations without DRC, the Anchor organizations will support the consultant. DRC programme staff in the field will provide support as required.
Location and support
The work assignment will be carried out in 8 counties within the 5 target states; Western Bhar El Ghazal (Wau, Jur River), Upper Nile (Ulang, Baliet), Unity (Leer and Mayendit), Jonglei (Akobo), Eastern Equatorial ( North Kapoeta)
The consultant will be expected to travel to all the above-mentioned counties to conduct assessment therefore will be expected to arrange transportation, accommodation, insurance, food and make adequate provision in the Financial Proposal.
Submission process
Interested applicants who meet the required criteria are invited to submit their bids to tender.ssd@drc.ngo with the email subject as “Livelihoods Needs and Labour Market Assessment in South Sudan” not later than 24th of May 2023.
All applicants must submit:
- A suitability statement including CV of participating consultant (s) with details of qualifications and experience.
- Technical proposal that summarizes understanding of the TOR, methodology and tools to be used.
- Work-plan clearly indicating the activity schedule.
- Financial proposal providing cost estimates and consultancy fees. Contacts of three organizations that have recently contracted you to carry out similar assignment.
- A sample of previous related work authored by the applicant.
- Proof of formal registration in line of work in country of operation or home country.
Evaluation of bids
Only those shortlisted will be contacted for an interview with the panel to ensure their understanding of the consultancy services.
- Administrative Evaluation: Evaluated to ensure compliance with all the RFQ requirements and to ensure that all Bids and calculations are readable and acceptable. Note that the proof of registration as a consultant is mandatory to pass the administrative evaluation.
- Technical Evaluation: All Bids received will undergo a Technical Evaluation based on ‘best value for money’. Note that it is mandatory to provide a sample of previous evaluation report for your bid to be considered during the technical part.
Financial Evaluation: Only Bids classed as ‘responsive’ (acceptable) will progress onto the ‘Financial Evaluation: Proposed budget
If you have questions or are facing problems with the online application process, please reach SSD SSD-Juba-SC@drc.ngo
For further information about the Danish Refugee Council, please consult our website drc.ngo.
Please find complete bidding documents in the following link: RFP-SSD-JUB-2023-002 – International consultancy For Conducting livelihoods needs and labor market assessment
How to apply
Bids can be submitted by email to the following dedicated, controlled, & secure email address: tender.ssd@drc.ngo
When Bids are emailed, the following conditions shall be complied with:
- The RFP number shall be inserted in the Subject Heading of the email
- Separate emails shall be used for the ‘Financial Bid’ and ‘Technical Bid’, and the Subject Heading of the email shall indicate which type the email contains
- The Financial Bid shall only contain the financial bid form, Annex A.2
- The Technical Bid shall contain all other documents required by the tender as mentioned in section A. Administrative Evaluation, but excluding any pricing information
- Bid documents required, shall be included as an attachment to the email in PDF, JPEG, TIF format, or the same type of files provided as a ZIP file. Documents in MS Word or excel formats, will result in the bid being disqualified.
- Email attachments shall not exceed 4MB; otherwise, the bidder shall send his bid in multiple emails.
Failure to comply with the above may disqualify the Bid.
DRC is not responsible for the failure of the Internet, network, server, or any other hardware, or software, used by either the Bidder or DRC in the processing of emails.
DRC is not responsible for the non-receipt of Bids submitted by email as part of the e-Tendering process
Bids can be submitted in one of two ways; hardcopy or electronically. If the Bidder submits a Bid in both Hardcopy and electronically, DRC will choose the version that is the most advantageous to DRC.