Signing and Exchange of Notes concerning support for strengthening disaster prevention and response to the Kingdom of Tonga (Grant aid “the Economic and Social Development Programme”)

On August 12, in Nuku’alofa, the capital of the Kingdom of Tonga, H.E. Mr. INAGAKI Hisao, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Kingdom of Tonga, and the Honourable HU‘AKAVAMEILIKU, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Tonga, signed and exchanged notes for “the Economic and Social Development Programme” (project up to two hundred and seventy-two million yen).

  1. Tonga is an island nation with a population of approximately 100,000, comprising four archipelagos with more than 176 islands that are spread over 620 km in north-south distance. It is a disaster-prone country, with a constant occurrence of earthquakes and the threat of cyclones every year. In recent years, the Tongan Fire and Emergency Services has been expanding its fire stations in the capital and remote islands in order to strengthen its response to forest fires and emergencies, which are increasing due to the effects of climate change. In such situation, this cooperation is undertaken to respond to a request for assistance from the Government of the Kingdom of Tonga.
  2. This cooperation is expected to contribute to the economic and social development of the Kingdom of Tonga through the provision of firefighting equipment (fire trucks, water trucks, etc.) to the Tongan government, thereby improving the quality of disaster prevention services, including response to forest fires and emergency situations in Tonga, and stabilizing the society.
  3. In the “Leaders Declaration” and the “Joint Action Plan” issued at the 10th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM 10) held on July 18, Japan has announced “Climate Change and Disasters” as one of the pillars of Japan’s development assistance, and this programme will help to realize the Plan.

(Reference1) Basic Data on the Kingdom of Tonga

The Kingdom of Tonga has an area of 720 square kilometers, a population of 106,860 (2022, World Bank), and a gross national income per capita of US$4,930 (2021, World Bank).

(Reference2) 10th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM 10)

On July 18, the 10th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM 10) was co-chaired by Prime Minister KISHIDA and Prime Minister BROWN of the Cook Islands, the Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF). The Meeting was attended by the leaders and representatives of 19 countries, regions and regional organization including Japan, 14 Pacific Island countries, two French overseas collectivities, Australia, and New Zealand, and the chair of Pacific Islands Forum (PIF). From the Kingdom of Tonga, Prime Minister HU‘AKAVAMEILIKU attended.
The Government of Japan announced Japan’s commitment to continue its robust development assistance and support for more than 6,500 people-to-people exchanges as well as human resource development over the next three years based on the seven priority areas of cooperation which are in line with the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent or “2050 Strategy” of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF): (1) Political Leadership and Regionalism, (2) People-centered Development, (3) Peace and Security, (4) Resources and Economic Development, (5) Climate Change and Disasters, (6) Ocean and Environment, (7) Technology and Connectivity.

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