Empowering the Next Generation of Change Makers

Key Details

Date: 22nd – 25th July 2024
Course Fee: $ 700
Venue: Meridian Hotel, Nairobi.

The “Advanced GIS Techniques: A Comprehensive 5-Day Training Workshop” meets the growing demand for advanced Geographic Information Systems (GIS) skills in various industries, including environmental science, urban planning, and logistics. Developed by GIS professionals with extensive experience, this workshop has trained numerous participants to leverage GIS technology for complex spatial analysis and decision-making. The course content has been continually updated to incorporate the latest advancements and best practices in GIS.

Course Objectives

Deepen GIS Knowledge: Enhance understanding of advanced GIS concepts and techniques.

Master Spatial Analysis: Learn to perform sophisticated spatial analysis and modeling.

Improve Data Management Skills: Develop skills in managing, manipulating, and visualizing complex geospatial data.

Utilize Advanced Tools: Gain proficiency in using advanced GIS tools and software applications.

Apply GIS in Real-world Scenarios: Implement GIS techniques in practical, real-world projects across various domains.


Course Brief

Advanced GIS Concepts and Data Management

Welcome and introductions

Overview of advanced GIS principles and applications

Advanced data management techniques

Working with complex datasets and geodatabases

Practical exercises in data organization and management


Spatial Analysis and Modeling

Introduction to advanced spatial analysis methods

Spatial statistics and geostatistics

Building and analyzing spatial models

Hands-on exercises in spatial analysis and modeling

Case study discussions

Advanced Data Visualization and Cartography

Principles of advanced cartographic design

Creating dynamic and interactive maps

Techniques for visualizing complex data

Using GIS software for advanced visualization

Group projects on data visualization


Specialized GIS Applications

Exploring domain-specific GIS applications (e.g., environmental science, urban planning)

Integrating GIS with other technologies (e.g., remote sensing, IoT)

Practical sessions on specialized GIS tools and software

Industry-specific case studies and practical examples


Real-world Project Implementation

Designing and executing a GIS project from start to finish

Collaborative project work and presentations

Reviewing and critiquing project outcomes

Developing an action plan for applying advanced GIS techniques in participants’ work

Workshop wrap-up, feedback, and certificate distribution

This 5-day onsite training workshop provides an immersive experience, equipping participants with advanced GIS skills and knowledge to tackle complex spatial challenges in their respective fields.

To register for the course, contact:

The Director of Admissions
Strategia, Netherlands
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Tel: +31 616950 384

Email: workshops@strategianetherlands.nl