About AECF (Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund)[1]

AECF (Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund) is a leading non-profit development organization that supports innovative enterprises in the agribusiness and renewable energy sectors with the aim of reducing rural poverty, promoting resilient communities, and creating jobs.

We catalyze the private sector by surfacing and commercializing new ideas, business models, and technologies designed to increase agricultural productivity, improve farmer incomes, expand clean energy access, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve resilience to the effects of climate change. We finance high-risk businesses that struggle to access commercial funding; we are committed to working in frontier markets, fragile contexts, and high-risk economies where few mainstream financing institutions dare to go.

  1. Programme Summary

The Seeds for Impact Programme (SIP) started as a 6-year programme, funded by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA) – operating in Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Ghana, and Nigeria. SIP’s hypothesis is that access to improved seed will effectively enable smallholder farmers to increase production and improve their livelihoods. SIP’s Flagship initiative aims to:

  • Make seed market systems work better for smallholder farmers across Africa.
  • To increase the incomes of hundreds of thousands of smallholder farmers (SHFs) and households across Africa.
  • To increase Smallholder farmers’ access to seeds of new high-yielding and climate-smart crop varieties beyond hybrid maize to increase production, mitigate against adverse climate, and diversify food production.

As the importance of resilient and strong local seed systems is more acute than ever before, the SIP Programme, with funding from the Swedish Embassy in Tanzania, is expanding with a dedicated Window in Tanzania.

This two-year project within SIP’s flagship programme will aim to increase smallholder farmers’ (SHF) access to seeds of improved and high-yielding crop varieties that are tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses.

  1. The Objective of the Scoping Study

To provide an understanding of the status of the climate-resilient crop varieties in Tanzania and recommend a few specific crop varieties to be promoted and strategies for scaling up the adoption.

  1. Scope of Work

The scoping study on the status of climate-resilient crop varieties available in Tanzania is to provide a clear understanding as to whether they are immediately available for commercialization or when they might be released by the authorities, and which organization is releasing those genetics and whether they are exclusive or non-exclusive. The study also aims to provide an understanding of the nutritional components of those crop varieties in addressing challenges of malnutrition as well as adaptation to different Agroecological zones of Tanzania. Specifically, it will involve the following:

  • Assessment of the national catalogue of crop varieties in Tanzania as well as engagement with the stakeholders in crop improvement such as NARI’s, CGIAR Centres, development partners involved in promoting such innovations, and universities to determine the status of climate-resilient crop varieties.
  • Assessment of climate-resilient crop varieties in addressing challenges of malnutrition with emphasis on varieties bred to address climate change threats and nutritional requirements of the rural poor.
  • Assess the strategies for scaling up climate-resilient and highly nutritious crop varieties, especially legumes, and pulses as well as indigenous cereals, and provide recommendations on specific varieties to be promoted.
  • Assessment of the role of seed enterprises in disseminating other innovations and technologies that mitigates climate change threats such as conservation agriculture.

4. Specific Research Questions.

      1. Crop Improvement
  • Which organizations are involved in crop improvement of climate-resilient crop varieties and how do they liaise with private seed enterprises in disseminating varieties released?
  • Do the institutions involved in developing those genotypes have strategies for the maintenance of those genetic materials and for how long?
  • What is the status of the plant breeders’ rights in Tanzania and whether publicly bred crop varieties attract royalties? If it does, how are the charges structured? Do the seed enterprises honor the payment of royalties?
  • Does the issue of royalties slow down the accessibility and commercialization of improved public-bred crop varieties?
  • What is the role of the research organizations in creating awareness of improved and climate-resilient crop varieties? Do they undertake farmer-participatory on-farm trials on newly developed crop varieties?
  • Does data on on-farm trials of newly developed varieties exist? What is farmer perception on potential crop varieties to be promoted under the Seed for Impact Programme in Tanzania?
  • What are the specific traits to which improved crop varieties are bred to address climate change threats and malnutrition challenges? Apart from the genetic traits, what are the outstanding phenotypic traits that may affect the marketability of those crop varieties?
  • Are the climate-resilient crop varieties developed accessible to private seed enterprises on exclusivity or non-exclusivity? If it is accessible on exclusivity, what are the terms and conditions?
  • For how long have some of the potential climate-resilient crop varieties been in the market? If not commercialized, what is the duration since the release and what could have derailed the efforts to market?
      1. Private Seed Enterprises
  • Are private seed companies aware of newly released climate-resilient crop varieties by the public and CGIAR research programmes?
  • Do they participate in varietal development, especially for the climate-resilient crop varieties? Are they involved in on-farm trials or multilocational trials?
  • Are there open days in Tanzania to sensitize seed sector actors on newly released improved crop varieties and how to acquire the germplasm?
  • Do private seed companies pay plant breeders royalties for the acquired germplasm and at what rate?
  • To what extent do private seed companies create awareness of newly released and improved crop varieties?
  • What are some of the innovative ways they employ to reach smallholder farmers with information on the benefits of adopting improved and climate-resilient crop varieties? Do they partner with farmer-based organizations to create awareness?
  • Do private seed companies have strategies for introducing new crop varieties in their product portfolio and product lifecycle management?
  • Where do private seed companies purchase early-generation seeds? Do they have contractual arrangements with the producing entity?
  • What is the cost of early-generation seeds for legumes and pulses?

5. Methodology and Approach

As the scope of this task is broad it requires the use of a wide variety of methods, tools and techniques. The consultant is expected to propose appropriate methods specific to the detailed activities while preparing the proposal. The survey questions must be reviewed and approved by AECF prior to commencing the survey. It is advised that the methodology be detailed and scientifically strong but practicable, considering time, cost, and the seed sector value chain in Tanzania.

The consultant shall consult with key stakeholders such as NARIs, CGIAR centres, local universities involved in crop improvement, development partners and NGOs promoting climate-resilient crop varieties, government institutions involved in the seed sector operations, private seed companies and farmer-based organizations.

6.Expected Deliverables

The following deliverables are expected from the consultant:

  • An inception report demonstrating a good understanding of the assignment. This will include a detailed approach and strategy to be used for the survey including data collection tools, a proposed questionnaire, an outline of the work plan, budget, and timelines. This report shall be presented to AECF for approval within two weeks of commencing the assignment. Upon approval of the inception report, the consultant will proceed with the study.
  • First draft of the report capturing all details covered in the scope of the assignment. The findings, analysis and actionable recommendations should be in line with the study objectives, and it will be validated through a workshop.
  • Final scoping study report, recommendations, and conclusions.
  • A PowerPoint slide deck summarizing the main findings and conclusions.


The consultant is expected to liaise regularly with AECF to report on progress, deal with any queries and highlight any challenges that threaten timelines. It is expected that this will involve a meeting every 2 weeks at a minimum and the AECF contact person is The Senior Programme Officer, Seed for Impact Programme.


The scoping study is expected to take a maximum of 35 days spread out over a period of at least 2 months. All work is expected to be concluded by 15th August 2023 at the very latest.

9. Required Qualifications and Experience

It is expected that the consultant(s) will have the following qualifications and experience:

  • Extensive and demonstrated experience in designing, facilitating, and coordinating scoping studies or evaluations in the seed sector.
  • Extensive and demonstrated experience in surveys, data collection, statistical analysis and interpretation of results.
  • Experience and a good understanding of crop improvement programmes, early-generation seed multiplication and plant breeders’ rights in Tanzania.
  • Excellent understanding of seed systems development and business models
  • Lead consultant should hold an MSc (preferably PhD) in Plant Breeding, Seed Science, Agricultural Economics, or a related field and at least 12 years in seed industry/crop improvement programmes.
  • Consulting firm should have at least 5 years of experience in similar assignments.
  • Demonstrated ability to lead and coordinate a multi-disciplinary team.
  • Excellent communication skills – both interpersonal and written.

10.Proposal Submission.

The qualified consultant/consulting firm is invited to submit a proposal that includes the following:

  1. Qualification and experience as indicated in the evaluation criteria.
  2. Approach and methodology as indicated in the Evaluation criteria.
  3. A detailed financial budget (in USD) and a detailed work plan.
  4. The technical and financial proposals will need to be submitted as separate documents.
  5. As per requirements under the Evaluation Criteria


The AECF is obliged by the Kenyan tax authorities to withhold taxes on service contract fees as well as ensure that VAT, is charged where applicable. Applicants are advised to ensure that they have a clear understanding of their tax position regarding provisions of Kenya tax legislation when developing their proposals.

12. Evaluation Criteria.

An evaluation committee will be formed by the AECF. All members will be bound by the same standards of confidentiality. The consultant (s) should ensure that they fully respond to all criteria to be comprehensively evaluated.

The AECF may request and receive clarification from any Consultant when evaluating a proposal. The evaluation committee may invite some or all the consultants to appear before the committee to clarify their proposals. In such an event, the evaluation committee may consider such clarifications in evaluating proposals.

In deciding the final selection of a qualified bidder, the technical quality of the proposal will be given a weighting of 80% based on the evaluation criteria. Only the financial proposal of those bidders who qualify technically will be opened. The financial proposal will be allocated a weighting of 20% and the proposals will be ranked in terms of total points scored. The following will be considered in the evaluation process.



a) Understanding of the Assignment


– Comprehension of objectives, scope, and research questions

– Clear articulation of approach, methodology, and strategy

b) Methodological Soundness


– Appropriateness and effectiveness of research methods, tools, and techniques

– Scientific rigor in data collection process and analysis

– Practicality and feasibility within given timeframe

c) Stakeholder Engagement


– Identification and consideration of key stakeholders

– Proposed strategies for engagement and involvement

d) Data Collection and Analysis


– Description of data collection methods and sources

– Clarity on data analysis and interpretation

– Consideration of different data types and challenges

e) Deliverables and Timeline


– Clear description of expected deliverables, reports, recommendations, presentations

– Realistic timeline and milestones

– Consideration of risks and contingencies

f) Qualifications and Expertise


– Relevant experience and expertise in similar studies or research projects

– Consultant’s qualifications, educational background, and skills

– Evidence of effective work within study context

g) Budget


– Reasonableness and justification of proposed budget

– Cost-effectiveness and value for money


The AECF reserves the right to determine the structure of the selection process, number of short-listed applicants, the right to withdraw from the process, the right to change timetables at any time without notice and reserves the right to withdraw this call for applications at any time, without prior notice and without incurring any liability to indemnify, compensate and/or reimburse any party.


How to apply

Application details.

The AECF is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The AECF considers all interested candidates based on merit without regard to race, gender, colour, national origin, religion, age, marital status, disability, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

  1. Interested firms/individuals are requested to submit their proposal to: by 23rd June 2023, 5 pm (EAT).
  2. Please send your questions to the AECF procurement e-mail by 16th June 2023.
  3. The Subject of the email should read “REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Scoping Study: RFP-001-SIP-TZ -2023”. The AECF shall not be liable for not opening proposals that are submitted with a different subject.

For more information please visit our website as per the link below

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