Consultancy for End of Project Evaluation – Child Domestic Work

Many Hands Make Light Work: Eliminating Slavery in Child Domestic Work is a 33-month project aimed to curb exploitation and slavery-like practices in child domestic work and to enhance protection of children from exploitation. The project is implemented in Ghana and in Tanzania by Anti-Slavery International in partnership with LAWA-Ghana, Challenging Heights and the Tanzanian Child Domestic Workers Coalition.

Objectives of the end-line evaluation

  1. Evaluate the achieved results against the stated objectives and the extent to which the overall goal has been reached;
  2. How the project has contributed to achieving long-term impact;
  3. Identify and document key lessons learned, challenges and draw recommendations for future programming.

This evaluation will take place across a sample of project communities in the two countries. In each country, at least one area in each district will be selected for field work.

The evaluation is expected to take place between August and October 2023 with up to £12,000 for fees (excluding costs linked to international travel).

Experience and qualifications of the consultant/service provider

Bidders should have:

  • Extensive experience of conducting end of project or impact evaluations in the child rights/child protection/child labour ‘domains’;
  • Knowledge of and experience in issues related to child labour and child protection;
  • Strong quantitative and qualitative research and evaluation expertise, including advanced capacity in processing and analysing data;
  • Experience in conducting research with children using interactive, child-friendly and age-appropriate methodologies according to research ethics and safeguarding principles;
  • Ability to produce well-written and analytical report and to present findings in English.


  • Fluency in Swahili
  • Good understanding of the context in Ghana and Tanzania and updated knowledge of related country policies

For more details on requirements, please refer to the application pack on our website:

How to apply

Please submit the following application documents to by Friday 30th June 2023 (COB) referencing “End of Project Evaluation” in the subject line and including all support documents. (Please note that the deadline has been extended to 30th June, from the initial deadline of 26th June)

Interested applicants should provide a proposal covering the following aspects:

  • Proposed methodology, including outline of overall evaluation design, cohort tracking and sampling approach; Ethics and Child Safeguarding approaches: applicants are required to set out their approach to ensuring complete compliance with international good practice with regards to research ethics and protocols;
  • Workplan for the proposed timeframe and statement of availability for the duration of the assignment;
  • CVs of each member of the Evaluation Team, detailing relevant skills and experience;
  • Two examples of relevant previous work undertaken by the Evaluation Team (involving both quantitative and qualitative analysis);
  • Financial proposal;
  • The names and contact details (email address) of two references for similar work. Submissions that do not include references will not be considered.

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