Consultancy-Develop a Policy / advocacy brief to share with key humanitarian stakeholders to guide CVA programming in HTR in Somalia

1. Introduction
The Somali Cash Consortium (SCC) is a group of humanitarian organizations working together to provide cash-based transfers to vulnerable households in Somalia. The SCC is led by Concern Worldwide (Concern) as the lead agency and its Implementing Partners (IPs) Save the Children International (SCI), ACTED, COOPI, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and IMPACT Initiatives. The SCC aims to provide cash transfers to vulnerable households affected by conflict, displacement, and natural disasters in Somalia and implements both short-term humanitarian assistance and long-term social safety net programmes. Cash transfers allow beneficiaries to purchase the items they need most urgently, whether it be food, shelter, or other basic necessities. By providing cash transfers instead of in-kind aid, the SCC aims to empower beneficiaries to make their own choices and support local markets. The SCC also works closely with local partners and community-based organizations to ensure that the cash transfers reach those who need them most. In addition to providing cash transfers, the SCC also conducts assessments and monitoring to ensure that its programmes are effective and meet the needs of beneficiaries.
Under HIP 2023, DG ECHO awarded the SCC to implement a 12 months Integrated Implementation of Multipurpose Cash Assistance to Support the Famine Prevention Response and Crisis-Affected Somali Households project. The action has no predefined focus districts, but targets any locations in Somalia based on needs, following the HCT endorsed Integrated Response Framework (IRF).
Through the Integrated Response Framework, under Result 1 of the project, the SCC is proposing to meet the immediate needs of 25,551 vulnerable drought-affected households with 3-month-cycles of Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT). The action will target newly displaced populations as well as critically underserved people living in Operational Priority Area (OPA) 1, rural and urban areas classified as hard-to-reach or extreme access constraints. The action will also incorporate, under Result 2, the design and completion of studies/research as well as a guidance document/SoP on a number of topics, including: 1) on minorities targeting in CVA, 2) on the role of gate keepers in CVA programming in Somalia, 3) an update of Hard to Reach learning brief prepared in 2022 and 4) a guidance on nexus programming with shock responsive cash based assistance (CVA and social transfers).
Further, the action will build synergies and coordinate with other resilience and durable solutions programmes, and aims to integrate with other sectoral responses, particularly health, nutrition, WASH and protection.
2. Description/Justification of the study
Populations impacted by the drought migrate to urban and peri-urban areas where they can receive relief because humanitarian organizations are unable to reach hard to reach areas (mostly rural) due to access limitations. Urban migration puts pressure on IDP communities that are already crowded, which leads to the creation of new settlements. There is a limited chance to reach populations affected by the drought in rural areas where they can stay, cultivate land, and accumulate assets. In 2022, the pilot project run by SCC, aimed to deliver assistance to populations on the edge of starvation in hard-to-reach (and inaccessible) areas.
Thus, this study aims to develop a policy / advocacy brief to share with key humanitarian stakeholders to guide CVA programming in HTR and more specifically, to understand the most effective and efficient ways to deliver CVA in HTR areas and reach out to the most vulnerable people.
3. Purpose of the assignment
• The assignment’s purpose is to develop a policy / advocacy brief to share with key humanitarian stakeholders to guide CVA programming in HTR and more specifically, to understand the most effective and efficient ways to deliver CVA in HTR areas and reach out to the most vulnerable people
4. Research questions
• What are the different definitions of hard to reach areas used by humanitarian agencies in Somalia? Which definition seems to be more appropriate to facilitate programming in these areas?
• What are the different access conditions for the different types of HTR?

• How is access achieved and negotiated at the local level? What are some risks and mitigation measures?
• What are the different approaches used in Somalia to deliver CVA in hard to reach areas?
• What are the best and least harmful programmatic and operational modalities adopted at each phase of the humanitarian programme cycle? (i.e. needs analysis, targeting, monitoring)?
• What are the key learnings on CVA programming in hard-to-reach areas?
• What are the area of improvement in CVA programming in hard to reach areas?
5. Key Expected deliverables
During the period of this assignment, the consultant should provide the below deliverables:
• Inception report – refined appropriate study methodology including the analysis framework, study objectives, data collection tools, sampling techniques, and realistic work plan as well as confirming the consultant’s understanding of the ToR.
• One Policy brief/paper clearly providing deepen understanding of CVA programming in hard to reach areas of Somalia as well as identifying challenges and gaps (previous learning paper developed by SCC should be used as starting point).
• Prepare a presentation with findings and recommendations from the research that will be presented through workshops/conferences and through other channels for information and knowledge sharing.
• Produce the final report accommodating the inputs and feedback provided.
• Produce infographics for the study that can be easily used for advocacy purposes.
6. Period of the consultancy
This consultancy assignment will take a maximum of 30 working days, including travel and weekends.
The consultant will provide a detail calendar explaining what are the key steps for the consultancy by mentioning the number of days per deliverables and estimated date to complete the task: following are the key deliverables

Deliverable 1: Inception report

Deliverable 2: Field work: Information gathering/consultation and data analysis

Deliverable 3: Preliminary draft of the Consultancy report including main findings & key recommendations.

Deliverable 4: Preliminary draft of the Learning Brief (PB).Review & comments from SCC partners & Consultants

Deliverable 5: Final draft report

Deliverable 6: Final Learning Brief (LB) reviewed

Final approval of deliverables (Consultation Report and Learning Brief (LB).

7. Consultant/firm’s Profile
• At least 5 years of demonstrated experience in policy & advocacy brief development.
• Strong experience in conducting research and assessments.
• Experienced in policy work with local and national government.
• Can travel or has capacity to remotely obtain required data and information
• Excellent communication and coordination skills.
• Fluency in written and spoken English and Somali
• Experience in working in Somalia will be considered an asset.
• Demonstrated experience and skills in facilitating stakeholder/working group consultations.
• Experience in working with Government and NGOs/INGOs/Donors.

How to apply

Application procedures.
The consultant that fits the requirements should submit an expression of interest in English that is a maximum of 15 pages long and should include the following:
• A technical proposal with a detailed response to the TOR, with a specific focus on the specific objectives, deliverables, and key selection criteria for respondents.

• A financial proposal detailing the itemized breakdown of the consultancy work, i.e., the number of days and day rates in USD.
• Methodology and Implementation Plan.
• Company profile and CVs of the core experts that sufficiently demonstrates his/her background in hard-to-reach areas and nexus programming.
• A list of 2 recent publications of pertinent articles and research papers published in reputable and highly cited journals.
• Initial work plan based on realistic timelines.
• Samples of similar work undertaken by the company or the lead consultant.
• List of at least 3 client references for similar work undertaken by the company or the lead consultant.

The deadline for the application is on Monday 30th October 2023. Applications should be sent by email to: The subject of the application should be “Somali Cash Consortium –CVA programming in HTR areas”. Application submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

Terms and Conditions:
Terms and conditions will be set in the consultancy contract. The consultant will also be required to sign and adhere to child safeguarding and child Protection Policy, and any violation to these policies will result in immediate termination of the contract.

Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights
The titles rights, copyrights, and all other rights of whatever nature in any materials used or generated under the provisions of this consultancy will exclusively be vested with Somalia Cash Consortium. All products developed under this consultancy belong to the Somalia Cash Consortium exclusively, guided by the rules of the grant contract. Under no circumstances will the consultant use the information of this study for publication or dissemination to any individual or organization without official prior written permission from Consortium Management Unit.

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