Terms of Reference for Conducting End Term Evaluation for Elangatawuas, Kathonzweni, Makima, and Marafa Local Rights Programs (LRPs)

AAIK is seeking consultants to conduct end term evaluation of its programmes in Makima, Kathonzweni, Marafa and Elangatawuas LRPs. We are seeking consultants or agencies for four distinct consultancy lots. Applicants may apply for multiple lots; however, each successful applicant will be assigned to only one lot.

Brief of all the 4 LRPs and their focus areas

Makima LRP is in Embu County, Mbeere South constituency, Mwea sub-county. It covers 3 locations that is Makima, Gikuru & Mbondoni. It is one of the wards within Embu County, one of the 22 counties that AAIK works in. The ward has a population of 29,000 with 4800 households. The LRP was established in 2010 and is expected to phase out in 2025. The ward has 27 primary schools with a population of 4,400 pupils. Out of these, 20 schools are in the sponsorship program. Makima LRP works through a partnership model whereby it has partnered with 4 partners but has signed MOUs with 2 major partners i.e Mwangaza Women Rights Organization & Makima Improved Chicken farmers. These two partners subgrant the other 2 partners: Makima New Beginning and Makange Irrigation Water Project. The three partners work hand in hand to implement ActionAid’s Strategic objectives. Mwangaza Women Rights Network is a partner who advances women rights and women economic empowerment through advocacy and economic empowerment programs such as beekeeping, basket weaving etc. Makima Improved Chicken Farmers and Makange Irrigation water project advances the resilient and sustainable livelihood objective through its activities such as provision of water, value chain addition, alternative agricultural practices, disaster preparedness sensitization as well as economic empowerment of community members. Makima New Beginning Youth is a youth CBO that advocates for good governance and accountability. The group has been engaged in activities such as conducting social audits, sensitizing community on Gender Responsive public service among others. The partners through ActionAid collaborate to end poverty in Makima community.

In Kajiado County, Elangatawuas LRP is in Kajiado West which has a total population of 12,462 with 2490 households. The LRP was established in 2010 and is expected to phase out in 2025. There are 32 primary schools with a total population of 7422. Being in a semi-arid area, the area is faced by a myriad of challenges. The LRP primary partners collaborate with various organizations to address multifaceted issues affecting communities in the Iloodokilani region. The Iloodokilani Women Network (IDK) concentrates on raising awareness about women and girls’ rights, economically empowering women through activities like beadwork and beekeeping, supporting women’s political leadership, aiding survivors of violence, and advocating against FGM. The Iloodokilani Education Community Organization (LECO) prioritizes education promotion and retention, providing mentorship programs for youths, improving school infrastructure for a safer learning environment, and fostering awareness of climate change mitigation. The Emaiyani Integrated Development Organization (EIDO) focuses on climate justice, community accountability in funded projects, policy advocacy for equitable resource distribution, and community education on public participation and budget tracking. Together, these partners aim to create sustainable change and empower communities in the Iloodokilani region.

Kathonzweni LRP lies within Makueni sub-county covering three locations of Kanthuni ,Kithuki and Kanzokeani. Kathonzweni Local Rights Programme (LRP) was started in 2013 and is expected to phase out in 2026 and covers three Locations namely Kanthuni(in Mavindini ward), Kanzokeani and Kithuki( both in Kithuki / Kits ward) with a total household 4538 from 136 villages. The area of coverage has 29 primary schools which have a population of 5265 learners. The LRPs primary partners, including the Kathonzweni Women Movement SHG and Kathonzweni Citizen Development SHG, alongside KAKIKA Joint Farmers Cooperative LTD, are actively engaged in empowering communities and advancing various initiatives. The Kathonzweni Women Movement SHG focuses on women’s rights, economic empowerment, political leadership, and advocacy, while also supporting survivors of violence and advocating for gender mainstreaming. Kathonzweni Citizen Development SHG collaborates with ActionAid to promote public participation in budgetary processes, accountability, transparency, and good governance. Meanwhile, KAKIKA Joint Farmers’ Cooperative LTD works towards enhancing food sovereignty, women’s land ownership rights and value chain development to improve community livelihoods and resilience. Together, these partners strive to create positive change and foster sustainable development in their communities.

AAIK first established its operation in Marafa LRP in 2012 and is planning to phase out in 2025. Marafa LRP is situated In Magarini Subcounty, Garashi ward. The LRP is implementing different activities targeting areas of challenging violence against women and girls, good governance and accountability, resilience livelihood and climate change adaptation. The LRP has an estimated population of 25,781 people covering two locations, Garashi location and Kaya Dagamra. The main social economic activity of the people is farming and livestock keeping. Marafa LRP is in a semi-arid area and has been hard hit with drought for the past 3 years and occasionally being affected by floods.

The LRP has 5 primary partners they include, Sauti Ya Wanawake Magarini which is composed of 9 chapters challenging GBV across all socio-economic and cultural backgrounds in Magarini Subcounty. Our second partner is Kilifi Citizen Forum (KCF). Kilifi Citizen Forum is a people driven initiatives, which works within Kilifi County, with an aim of promoting constitutionalism, enhancing public participation, synergy building, providing platforms for prudent engagement between the citizens and the duty bearers to promote quality gender responsive public services delivery. It catalyses active citizenship within Kilifi County for effective checks and balances over public service provision and resources. Our third partner is Youth Activista, who are working with young people on area of youth empowerment and linking young people with various opportunities within County. Our fourth partner is Malindi Rights Forum (MRF) who are implementing programs on enhance the land rights challenge and stop irregular and illegal allocation of land, mitigating the degraded environment inclusive of the seashore and climate change and enhance labour rights in the salt mining companies. Lastly, we have Garashi Small Scale Farmers Umbrella (GASSFU) who are funded indirectly through AAIK, there coming together was to address the challenge of food security in their area that is prone to drought and floods.

Marafa LRP has been working collaboratively with different stakeholders in Kilifi County in ensuring our work in the community is creating positive change and impact in the people we serve and work with. This involved working with different institutions including schools, TVET centres, county departments, local administration and different solidarity groups.

Desired expertise.

The applicant should possess the following desired knowledge and expertise:
▪Demonstrate knowledge on Human rights-based Approach.
▪Demonstrate Knowledge and skills on projects evaluations and have participated in a similar task before.
▪Strong women rights, monitoring, and evaluation skills.
▪Knowledge of laws and policies affecting women and vulnerable groups of people.
▪Demonstrated understanding of a project cycle and its phases in development.
▪Ability to communicate effectively with the staffs and the communities in a language that is understood and simplified to suit them.

General qualifications
▪A master’s degree or work experience in social sciences
▪At least 5 years of experience in developing and carrying out monitoring and evaluation (MEL) systems, baselines, and evaluation design from a feminist lens with diverse knowledge in mixed methods approach.
▪Proven experience in participatory approaches to designing and delivering baseline and endline surveys.
▪Demonstrable expertise and experience on women’s and girl’s rights, GBV and gender equality, HRBA
▪Experience and willingness to work in the Geographical areas stated. ▪Excellent facilitation skills
▪Proficient in English and Swahili

Technical Criteria
•Experience in qualitative and quantitative methodology, methods, tools and analysis and visualization.
•Experience in participatory and community-led approaches.
•Demonstrable knowledge and skills in development and use of digital data collection methods and tools for data collection and analysis.
•Evidence of strong downward accountability mechanisms used with project stakeholders/research participants to actively share results and learning.
•Evidence of use of ethical considerations and methodological measures that respect the rights of all stakeholders.
•Evidence of successfully designing and managing large-scale, rigorous and robust research processes and evaluations.
•Evidence of producing clear, concise, and high-quality reports in English

For more details click on the link below:


How to apply

Interested consultant(s) are requested to submit their bids to Procurement.Kenya@actionaid.org by COB 14/08/2024

a)8–15-page technical proposal detailing understanding of Terms of Reference, proposed methodology and work plan
b)Financial Proposal detailing various specific budget items.
c)2–3-page Capability statement detailing the firms experience in understanding similar or related assignments, and resumes of proposed key staff and organization for the assignment.d)Profile/CV of the lead consultant and other team members
e)Examples of related assignments undertaken.

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