Language Service Providers

Who we are

Urgent Action Fund-Africa (UAF-Africa) is a consciously feminist and womn’s human rights pan-African Fund registered in Kenya and Zimbabwe. Operating as a virtual organisation, the Fund boasts of strategic presence in Africa’s five sub-regions- East Africa: Nairobi- Kenya, Kampala-Uganda, and Addis Ababa- Ethiopia; North Africa: Cairo- Egypt; West/ Central Africa: Yaoundé and Douala Cameroon; Southern Africa: Harare- Zimbabwe, Lilongwe- Malawi; Antananarivo- Madagascar, Johannesburg, Pretoria & Cape Town- South Africa, Gaborone- Botswana and West Africa: Abuja -Nigeria and Parakou- Benin and Lomé- Togo. Recognising the need to move resources rapidly on a continent where opportunities and threats arise and decline quickly, UAF-Africa uses a Rapid Response Grant-making mechanism to support unanticipated, time-sensitive, innovative, and unique initiatives that promote women’s agency in democratic governance, economic, environmental and climate justice, natural resources governance and conflict transformation while protecting their personhood, integrity, and rights.

The 3rd Feminist Republik Festival

UAF-Africa is hosting the 3rd Feminist Republik Festival (3rd FRF), set to take place in Mombasa, Kenya, from 26- 30 November 2025. With the bold and audacious theme of Regenerating in Crisis: Grounding Healing and Care in the Storm, the Festival aims to bring together more than 600 activists from across the globe.

This iteration of the Festival will center the experiences of African womn’s human rights defenders (AWHRDs) in crisis contexts, the traumas AWHRDs grapple with, how trauma plays out, is remembered, and is compounded in periods of crisis, and why we must center healing when it feels like our worlds are collapsing. At the Fund, the use of ‘womn’ is an act of challenging and replacing traditional ideas of what and who a womn is and can be and the links of women to a system of patriarchy where womn are, in effect, subject to men or a sub-category of men. Additionally, ‘womn’ for us also includes lesbian, bisexual womn and transwomn.

Call for Language Service Providers (Interpreters, Translators, Captioning Specialists, Transcriptionists)

To ensure accessibility and inclusivity for our diverse participants, UAF-Africa is seeking experienced language service providers who can offer interpretation, translation, captioning, and transcription services in English, French, Portuguese, Arabic, and Kiswahili. These services will be crucial in facilitating communication and knowledge sharing among activists, healers, and participants from across Africa.

Scope of Activities:

  • Support UAF-Africa staff members and Festival staff in communicating with participants in their preferred languages.
  • Translate and transcript all key Festival materials and documentation (program, agenda, signage, presentations, interviews, discussions, etc.)
  • Offer multilingual and context-relevant interpretation, translation, and real-time captioning for Festival sessions and events.
  • Provide transcripts and captions for audio/video content.
  • Offer sign language interpretation for key sessions and events.

We are particularly interested in language service providers with:

  • Strong understanding of feminist principles and issues related to gender equality, particularly with familiarity with the cultural context of African womn’s human rights defenders (AWHRDs).
  • Proven experience in providing interpretation, translation, transcriptions, and live captioning for conferences, workshops, or festival settings, especially those with social justice, women’s rights, or feminist themes.
  • Ability to handle sensitive and complex trauma-related topics, human rights, and intersectionality.
  • Understanding of the importance of accessibility for diverse audiences.
  • Ability to meet tight deadlines and maintain high quality.
  • Ability to collaborate effectively with other language service providers and Festival participants.
  • Certification or accreditation in interpretation is highly desirable.

How to apply

Qualified companies or individuals interested in this role must submit their applications by completing the Google Form by 30 April 2025 (11:00 pm EAT):

No phone calls, please.

We thank all those who apply, but only shortlisted firms or individuals will be contacted. To learn more about UAF-Africa and our programs, please visit our website at

Google Form for Language Service Providers

I. Basic Information:

  1. First Name: (Short answer)
  2. Last Name: (Short answer)
  3. Email Address: (Short answer)
  4. Phone Number (including country code): (Short answer)
  5. Company/Organization Name (if applicable): (Short answer)
  6. Location (City, Country): (Short answer)

II. Language Services Offered:

  1. What language pairs do you offer? (Multiple choice grid or Checkboxes)
    • English to French
    • French to English
    • English to Portuguese
    • Portuguese to English
    • English to Kiswahili
    • Kiswahili to English
    • English to Arabic
    • Arabic to English
    • French to Portuguese
    • Portuguese to French
    • French to Arabic
    • Arabic to French
    • French to Kiswahili
    • Kiswahili to French
    • Portuguese to Arabic
    • Arabic to Portuguese
    • Portuguese to Kiswahili
    • Kiswahili to Portuguese
    • Arabic to Kiswahili
    • Kiswahili to Arabic
    • Other (Please specify)
  2. Please specify the types of language services you provide. (Check all that apply): (Checkboxes)
    • Translation (Written)
    • Interpretation (Simultaneous)
    • Interpretation (Consecutive)
    • Transcription
    • Proofreading/Editing
    • Subtitling/Captioning
    • Other (Please specify)
  3. If you selected “Other,” please describe the language service(s) you offer: (Paragraph)

III. Experience and Expertise:

  1. Please describe your experience providing language services for conferences, festivals, or similar events, particularly those related to human rights, feminism, or social justice. (Paragraph)
  2. Please provide examples of previous projects or clients that demonstrate your expertise in the language pairs and services you offer. (Paragraph or File upload for portfolio/CV)
  3. Are you familiar with the specific terminology and nuances related to feminist discourse and social justice issues? (Yes/No with optional Paragraph for explanation)
  4. What is your approach to ensuring accuracy and cultural sensitivity in your language services? (Paragraph)

IV. Capacity and Availability:

  1. Are you available to provide language services for the 3rd Feminist Republik Festival in Mombasa, Kenya, from 26-30 November 2025? (Yes/No)
  2. What is your capacity to provide language services for this event (e.g., number of interpreters/translators available, daily/hourly rates)? (Paragraph)
  3. Please provide your proposed rates for the language services you offer, including any applicable fees or expenses. (Paragraph or File upload for rate sheet)
  4. Do you have any logistical requirements or considerations for providing language services in Mombasa, Kenya? (Paragraph)

V. References:

  1. Please provide contact information for two professional references who can speak to your experience and qualifications. (Short answer grid: Name, Title, Organization, Email, Phone)

VI. Additional Information:

  1. Why are you interested in providing language services for the 3rd Feminist Republik Festival? (Paragraph)
  2. Is there any other information you would like to share that you believe would be relevant to your application? (Paragraph)

Optional Questions:

  • Do you have any certifications or qualifications related to language services? (Yes/No with optional file upload for certificates)
  • Do you have any experience working in the specific context of Mombasa, Kenya? (Yes/No with optional paragraph for explanation)