Ref. Call for Tender : « AO-HIRCA-22-BGUI-002 »


U.S. Agency for International Development – Peacebuilding and Anticorruption mechanism

(In consortium with Mercy Corps and other NGOs)

Operations Direction – AFRICA : CAR


Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial international aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, our action and testimony are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights. HI is currently implementing projects in more than 50 countries worldwide, including CAR.

Present in CAR from 1994 to 2004, Handicap International – Humanité Inclusion (HI) has supported the opening of the Bangui orthopaedic-fitting center (ANRAC). HI has also worked on setting up a university training course for physiotherapy assistants. She also worked in collaboration with ONAPHA, the national association of people with disabilities in the Central African Republic. HI returned to CAR in 2015 through the activities of its logistics platform, but since then HI has deployed humanitarian interventions around 3 pillars: Humanitarian Logistics – Health – Inclusion, and a number of flagship activities:

– Facilitation of road, river and air transport,

– Rehabilitation of roads, bridges and airfields,

– Functional rehabilitation (physiotherapy, orthopedics, orthopedic devices),

– Stimulation therapy for malnourished children and their parents,

– Individual and community psycho-social care,

– Inclusive humanitarian action, local development and inclusive governance, and the strengthening of organizations of people with disabilities,

– Inclusive education,

– Socio-economic integration of the most vulnerable households, particularly through the development of IGAs and vocational training,

– Education on risks related to explosive devices.

At the end of 2021, the mission launched the process of developing its new operational strategy 2022-2024 in which the Risk Education appears as one of the 4 identified pillars.

Indeed, compared to 2020, the security situation has deteriorated in the Northwest prefectures since the use of explosive devices (EDs) by armed groups was confirmed in June 2020. Indeed, their use and incidents affecting the population have increased, particularly in Ouham-Pendé, which is the prefecture where the most incidents and victims have been recorded, with 44 percent of incidents recorded between June 2020 and November 2021. Thus, the use of EE has serious repercussions on the population: between January and October 2021, 22 civilians died and 27 others were injured in the 32 incidents recorded during the period (HNO 2022). The civilian population, although not the direct target of the IS, are the main victims of the installation of IS, particularly on the axes of movement (UNMAS). In addition to the direct victims of the incidents, the use of IS has a strong impact on the mobility of the population and their access to services. Some villages and localities around Bocaranga have been cut off from the country because of the conflict and the insecurity on the roads caused by the presence of IS. In addition, the impact on the psychological well-being of the population related to the threat of EA is significant. However, knowledge of the impact on the most at-risk populations and groups remains limited in the country for the moment.

In December 2021, HI has launched a consultancy assignment about the “small arms and light weapons” in CAR. The comprehensive report handed over can be leverage to fulfil the completion of the USAid peacebuilding proposal writing.


The objective of the consultancy will be to develop a full proposal for HI activities meeting the USAID requirements and ready to submit. The proposition will be elaborated in a consortium led by Mercy Corps. HI will be a sub as 3 or 4 other organisations. The call is expected to be released November 30th 2022, 6 weeks will be given then to submit the full proposal (deadline mid January 2023 tbc)

This will be done in close collaboration with HI team in HQ in Lyon especially the 2 technical referents for peacebuilding and risk education and the country team. This consultancy will be under the responsibility of the Deputy Program Director, who will be HI focal point for the proposal development. The consultant is however responsible of ensuring the quality of the full proposal narrative, including the coherence of the proposed strategy, the technical quality, the consistency with HI mandate, the logical framework validated with the consortium and the requirements of the USAID.

The expected results of the consultancy contract are:

  • Review the call launched by USAID
  • Participate to meetings and work closely with the lead and co-applicant throughout the proposal writing process, and with potential partners, including national/local authorities
  • Based on HI team’s inputs, write the full proposal, including necessary annexes (Budget, Working Plan, Logical Framework and other annexes as relevant)
  • Review the proposal with HI team, via HI focal point, on an ongoing basis
  • Review HI budget for the proposed action and signal any incoherence with the narrative proposal
  • Facilitate a final workshop with HI team for final review of the full proposal and make the final requested adaptations
  • Realize final quality and administrative check before HI submission to the lead of the consortium.


The consultant must have proven knowledge of and experience in:

  • Knowledge of procedures and guidelines of the USAID
  • Proven experience in successful proposal writing for the US agencies
  • Experience in Central African Republic and knowledge of the CAR context (including national policies, stakeholders, sectorial developments, etc.)
  • Experience in development / redaction / Programs in peacebuilding
  • Experience in disability rights and inclusion

Working language: English (compulsory) & French


Start date : 12/12/2022

End date: 13/01/2023

Place: Distance working + field visit in CAR during 2 weeks approximately (highly likely to be organized)


The consultant will propose a timetable in his/her offer to efficiently achieve the set objective.

  1. Deliverables
  2. Full proposal in English – meeting USAID requirements and HI quality standards

First draft for review: December 28th, 2022

Final version: January 13th, 2023

  1. Logical Framework in English meeting USAID requirements

First draft for review: December 28th, 2022

Final version: January 13th, 2023

  1. Annexes (including workplan and budget)

First draft for review: December 28th, 2022

Final version: January 13th, 2023

Those planning are for guidance only and will be adjusted.


  • Within the framework of the service provision, the Consultant will be asked to collaborate with Humanity & Inclusion’s teams and in particular with Mr/Mrs Beatrice Malasoma who will be the points of contact.


The consultant will submit a financial offer, including honorary fee and other fees.

  1. Application procedures

To apply, please submit a technical and financial & administrative offer by Email to / with the following title: USAID – CAR Peacebuilding – Consultancy Offer

Deadline for applications is November 25th, 2022 at 05:00 PM UTC. Any application received after this deadline will be rejected.

The technical offer should at least include:

  • A brief statement of understanding of the consultancy
  • Detailed methodology in accordance with the terms of reference
  • Tentative work plan and time schedule
  • List of previous assignments in similar domain of expertise and in relation with disability
  • Curriculum vitae of the consultant
  • References

The financial & administrative offer should at least include:

  • Budget breakdown for the consultancy including fees, etc.
  • Evidence that government taxes have been paid
  • Insurance certificate (third party liability),
  • Equivalent (proof that the Service Provider has paid social security contributions)
  • Affidavit (as specimen in the Kit) about compliance with certain articles of the Labour Code)
  • Certificate from your tax office or equivalent
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Technical offer including availability for the proposed period; proofs of experiences/knowledge; understanding of the ToR; methodological approach/Work schedule adopted for the service provision; any other information.


  • It should be noted that HI will retain 15% on the consultancy fees amount. This sum will be paid to the CAR tax authorities.
  • Payment will be made in several instalments following validation of the various deliverables mentioned above.
  • 1st instalment up to 20% upon validation of the methodological and technical note;
  • 2nd instalment of 50% upon validation of the interim report;
  • 3rd instalment for the remaining 30% upon validation of the final report.

Please note that the last instalment of the payment is conditional on the validation of the final report and not on the sending of the latter on the basis of the HI quality grid.


Contractor (Last name Forename Position Date and Signature)

Consultant (Last name Forename Date and Signature)

How to apply

Application procedures

To apply, please submit a technical and financial & administrative offer by Email to / with the following title: USAID – CAR Peacebuilding – Consultancy Offer

Deadline for applications is November 25th, 2022 at 05:00 PM UTC. Any application received after this deadline will be rejected.

The technical offer should at least include:

  • A brief statement of understanding of the consultancy
  • Detailed methodology in accordance with the terms of reference
  • Tentative work plan and time schedule
  • List of previous assignments in similar domain of expertise and in relation with disability
  • Curriculum vitae of the consultant
  • References

The financial & administrative offer should at least include:

  • Budget breakdown for the consultancy including fees, etc.
  • Evidence that government taxes have been paid
  • Insurance certificate (third party liability),
  • Equivalent (proof that the Service Provider has paid social security contributions)
  • Affidavit (as specimen in the Kit) about compliance with certain articles of the Labour Code)
  • Certificate from your tax office or equivalent
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Technical offer including availability for the proposed period; proofs of experiences/knowledge; understanding of the ToR; methodological approach/Work schedule adopted for the service provision; any other information.


  • It should be noted that HI will retain 15% on the consultancy fees amount. This sum will be paid to the CAR tax authorities.
  • Payment will be made in several instalments following validation of the various deliverables mentioned above.
  • 1st instalment up to 20% upon validation of the methodological and technical note;
  • 2nd instalment of 50% upon validation of the interim report;
  • 3rd instalment for the remaining 30% upon validation of the final report.

Please note that the last instalment of the payment is conditional on the validation of the final report and not on the sending of the latter on the basis of the HI quality grid.

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