Consultancy to Develop a BCC Strategy for Improving Sanitation and Hygiene Practices Among New Arrivals in Kakuma Camp and Kalobeyei Settlement

Location: Kakuma, Kenya

Duration: 1st October-30th November,2024


Peace Winds is a Japanese Non-Governmental Organization established in 1996. Peace Winds has provided humanitarian and development assistance for people affected by forced displacement and natural disasters in more than 20 countries in the world. Peace Winds launched its mission in Kenya in 2012 and has since implemented projects funded by UN agencies (UNHCR, UN-Women, UNFPA, IOM, WFP), ECHO, the government of Japan and Japan Platform (JPF). Currently, PWJ is the lead implementing partner for UNHCR WASH, Shelter and logistics Sectors in Kakuma and Dadaab Refugee Operations. In addition, PWJ implements livelihoods (food security and skills development for women and youth empowerment) and sanitation and hygiene activities in Turkana, Garissa and West Pokot Counties.

Peace Winds is currently implementing an ECHO funded project aimed at improving the health, nutritional status, access to WASH services, shelter and logistical support for refugees and surrounding host communities in Kenya. This specific activity in the project, seeks to improve the health outcomes of the forcibly displaced persons by promoting behavioral change communication models to improve the sanitation and hygiene situation at the reception centers and newly established relocation sites in Kakuma camp and Kalobeyei integrated settlement. Additionally, the project aims to increase community participation in sanitation and hygiene activities to foster ownership and ensure sustainability.

To address the rise in reported cases of waterborne diseases and the ongoing challenges in sanitation and hygiene among new arrivals at the reception centers (Kakuma & Kalobeyei) and the newly established relocation sites, Peace Winds Japan is seeking a consultant to design a comprehensive behavioral change communication (BCC) strategy. The consultancy will focus on new arrivals in reception centers and newly established relocation sites in Kalobeyei. The goal is to develop a BCC strategy, campaign and create related materials that promote the adoption of key safe sanitation and hygiene practices among this population.

Main Objective of the assignment

The main objective of this consultancy is to design and pilot a comprehensive BCC strategy aimed at ensuring that new arrivals adopt and sustain key sanitation and hygiene practices. The strategy will also include continuous hygiene promotion activities targeting both new and existing populations.

Scope of works

  1. Develop an Inception Report detailing the process and methodologies among other things to be employed to achieve the objective of this consultancy. It should include the field interview schedules, important time schedules for this exercise and should be presented to the PWJ program team for review and further input.
  2. Undertake a desk review of the relevant project documents that include the project proposal, implementation plans, project progress reports, PWJ Evaluation Policy guidelines and any other relevant documents.
  3. Situation Analysis: Conduct a rapid assessment of the current hygiene and sanitation practices among new arrivals at Kakuma and Kalobeyei Reception centers and the newly established relocation sites.
  4. BCC strategy development: Design and develop a culturally sensitive BCC strategy that addresses identified gaps in sanitation and hygiene knowledge, attitude and practices.
  5. Material Development: Design and produce communication materials such as posters, hygiene promotion handbook/manual, flyers, and radio spots to promote key hygiene practices.
  6. Monitoring and evaluation: Develop M&E tools to track the effectiveness of the BCC activities.


  • Deliverable 1: An inception report
  • Deliverable 2: A situation analysis report
  • Deliverable 3: Culturally accepted BCC materials (Flyers, poster, hygiene promotion handbook, radio spot) for hygiene promotion.
  • Deliverable 4: M&E tools to help track the effectiveness of the BCC activities
  • Deliverable 5: A detailed BCC strategy with key messages, communication channels and materials.
  • Deliverable 6: Piloting of the BCC strategy

Reporting Modalities

The consultant will work with Peace Winds WASH technical team and M&E Lead in Kakuma, with overall guidance of the WASH Coordinator.

Assignment Duration

The consultant is expected to carry out the assignment (to include the piloting of the strategy) in 2 months from 1st October-30th November 2024.

Qualification, required skills

  • Advanced degree in WASH, Public/Environmental Health, Education or Social sciences related fields.
  • At least 3 years of previous experience in providing services to displaced populations, migrants, refugees, or conflict affected
  • At least 5 years of relevant professional experience preferably in consultancy-based assignments involving research and report writing.
  • Extensive knowledge of SBCC backed by his/her own field experience and study.
  • Experience in development or contextualization of SBCC approaches in humanitarian settings.
  • Demonstrated experience in the development of training curricula/strategies and solid understanding of adult learning principles.
  • PSEA Compliance

How to apply

Interested and qualified candidates (Consultancy firms/individuals) should submit their applications which should include the following:

  • Cover letter, maximum three pages.
  • Detailed curriculum vitae of the key personnel.
  • Technical Proposal: maximum 5 pages interpreting the understanding of the TOR, detailed methodology of executing the task, as well as draft work schedule.
  • Financial Proposal: should provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily remuneration and living costs and excluding accommodation and transport cost. (Air travel and Transport to the reception centers and newly established relocation sites will be provided by PWJ)

Qualified individuals/firms are requested to email their applications to email address: with the subject BCC Consultancy-Kakuma and Kalobeyei to reach us on or before 5.00 P.M on Wednesday 18th September, 2024.

For any enquiries use the same email with the subject :Enquiry on the BCC Consultancy-Kakuma and Kalobeyei.

Any applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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