Consultant for baseline survey of a USAID-funded food security project in Cameroon

Baseline Survey of a USAID-funded project: “Building Resilience for Food-Insecure IDPs and Host Households in Ndian Division, South West Region, Cameroon”

Implementer: Nascent Solutions Inc. (Nascent)

Funder: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Location: Mundemba and Bamusso subdivisions,Ndian Division, South West Region

Duration: October-December 2024

Project Description

This is an 18-month project funded by USAID and implemented by Nascent Solutions. It seeks to reduce vulnerability to food insecurity and increase resilience among 2,800 IDPs, returnees, and host-community households in Bamusso and Mundemba subdivisions of the Ndian Division in the Southwest Region. The primary objectives are:

  • Increase food access through improved, climate-smart food crops and livestock production.
  • Increase household income through the sale of surplus and value-added crops and livestock.

Purpose and Use

The baseline survey will inform Nascent, USAID, and Government of Cameroon partners of the project’s starting point. We will use its content to 1) set baseline figures, 2) set targets, 3) and document implementation challenges.

Research Questions

  • What are the mean and median Reduced Coping Strategies Index (rCSI) scores among target households?
  • What percentage of target households are experiencing moderate and severe Household Hunger Scale (HHS) scores?
  • What percentage of target households have access to sufficient seed to plant?
  • What percentage of households report net income from their livelihoods?
  • What is the average number of animals owned per target household?
  • What is the percentage of households having access to farm and livestock inputs?
  • What percentage of beneficiaries report an increase in cultivation area dedicated to maize and cassava from the most recent season relative to the previous season?
  • What is the average household production of maize and cassava in the most recent season?
  • What is the average snail production per household?
  • What percentage of beneficiaries report utilizing Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)?
  • What percentage of beneficiaries report utilizing agricultural or livestock extension services?
  • What percentage of households are processing cassava into garri?


  • Mid/Late October 2024: Inception report, explaining how evaluators will conduct their work. This inception report will include the survey tools, focus group discussion protocols and/or key informant interview questions.
  • End of November 2024: Baseline Report: A concise written narrative, in English.
  • End of November 2024: Clean datasets in .csv format

Profile of Evaluation Team

Individuals or small teams are welcome to apply, and will receive technical support on methods and survey development, enumerator training, and logistics arrangement from Nascent’s capable MEL Officer. The individual or small team should have the following skills and attributes:

  • Demonstrated experience leading evaluations.
  • Demonstrated expertise in study design and sampling.
  • Demonstrated experience in the development of quantitative data collection tools and managing field data collection (including mobile).
  • Demonstrated experience in using qualitative methods such as focus group discussions and key informant interviews.
  • Demonstrated experience in data management and analysis using statistical software to analyze data
  • Demonstrated experience in concise, illuminating report writing, including data visualization.
  • Demonstrated experience in training and managing field data collectors and complex logistics.
  • Subject matter expertise in food security, agriculture, and/or livelihoods.
  • Strong teamwork ability.
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively communicate with a variety of stakeholders.
  • Experience in the South West region of Cameroon.
  • High proficiency in written and verbal English.

How to apply

Interested evaluators (individuals or small teams) should apply by submitting the following documents in a single PDF no later than 11th October 2024. Submissions must be made via e-mail to with the subject line “Cameroon BHA baseline survey bid”.

  1. Evaluator capacity statement outlining relevant evaluation experience and ability to perform the evaluation with methodological rigor. This should be a maximum of 2 pages.
  2. CV of each proposed evaluator with his/her role clearly identified. In your application, please identify the Team Lead who will bear responsibility for all work products and processes. Please limit CVs to no more than 4 pages per person.
  3. Financial proposal that includes (in XAF only):
    1. Daily fee and days required for each team member
    2. Estimated expenses

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