Consultuncy for External Evaluation – BHA

Tender Notice for External Evaluation – BHA
Tender Reference #: UA-RFQ-2024-69
Call for Tender: External Evaluation – BHA

NRC intervened in Ukraine in 2014 in response to destruction and displacement caused by the conflict that broke out in the Donbas region that year. Throughout the years that followed, NRC implemented a broad range of activities, supporting conflict-affected Ukrainians from emergency to recovery and reconstruction. When the Russian Federation launched the full-scale attack on Ukraine on 24th February 2022, NRC scaled up its emergency response programme, establishing 4 Area Offices (AO) in Lviv, Dnipro, Kyiv and Odessa, besides its the pre-existing country office (CO) in the capital. Over a few months, NRC’s programmatic scope and grant portfolio grew manyfold, making the Ukraine country programme the largest globally.

As of March 2024, NRC has activated 5 of its 6 core competencies, namely ICLA, Shelter, Education, Livelihoods & Food Security and Protection. Leveraging its contextual understanding and recognized technical expertise, NRC was able to meet escalating humanitarian needs and has reached an estimated 870,000 people since February 2022. Currently, NRC operates through four areas offices (Dnipro, Kyiv, Lviv and Odesa) and five field offices (Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Ternopil, Zaporizhzhia), with a focus on the frontline, underserved areas, and hard-to-reach locations. In 2024, NRC is looking to expand its work into the underserved area of Shostka Raion in Sumska Oblast, where a field office is being established. Furthermore, NRC has over 440 staff and 54 international staff with static and mobile teams providing flexibility to respond to needs. This is coupled with a central emergency response capacity (including warehouses across Ukraine) able to respond to new shocks.

In addition, given the prominence of multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) in the Ukrainian context and the size of its MPCA programme, NRC has set up a dedicated country-based cash and market team at CO level. In 2023, NRC provided 130,260 individuals with cash assistance across every oblast in Ukraine through digital cash transfers. This includes populations who live in government and non-government-controlled territories.

In light of multisectoral needs faced by conflict-affected populations, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) established and scaled up the largest emergency cash response within the organization to provide multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) under the project titled” Conflict affected households meet their basic needs during the onset of a humanitarian emergency in Eastern Ukraine through MPCA” funded by BHA. The main goal of the intervention is to support vulnerable internally displaced persons (IDPs) and conflict affected populations (CAPs) in meeting their immediate basic needs, through multipurpose cash assistance (MPCA) with flexibility and dignity
The purpose of this tender is to select a consultant to set up a contract for the provision of External Evaluation – BHA -CASH .

The primary goal of the evaluation is to facilitate learning regarding the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and impact of NRC Ukraine’s cash program, offering insights for future program direction and enhancement as well as improving the current project implementation. Furthermore, the evaluation serves as a platform for NRC to demonstrate accountability to participants, partners, and donors. Additionally, the findings and recommendations from this evaluation are intended to be used for the following purposes.

  • To inform donor reporting, specifically delving into the impact and outcome level results of the action.
  • To inform NRC’s future role in the wider humanitarian MPC response in Ukraine.
  • To inform the thinking of NRC’s digital MPC response on the potential replicability of systems and processes outside of Ukraine and to other humanitarian programmes.

    For more information about the Terms of References and the Scope of work, and to apply for this consultancy follow the link bellow.
    Tender issue date: 17.05.2024

How to apply

Please access the below link for tender documents and how to submit your tender

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