EUAA: The EU Asylum Agency’s 2023 in numbers

In 2023, the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) deployed over 1 540 personnel across 160 locations in 13 EU countries, to provide them with operational assistance.

EUAA Operational Support has had tangible outcomes for people in likely need of protection, as the Agency helped register around 70 000 applications across Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Italy, and Romania as well as helped organise 3 800 relocations under the Voluntary Solidarity Mechanism by the end of the year. In Romania, the EUAA also supported the registration of 32 000 beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine. Furthermore, the Agency’s 9 814 child protection-related actions were also a key pillar of operational support in the Member States.

Training of national officials, deployed personnel and civil society actors is critical to ensuring the convergence of Europe’s protection systems in practice. In 2023, over 7 500 individuals benefited from the Agency’s Training and Professional Development services, and this as the EUAA is well on its way to becoming a fully-fledged Asylum Academy. Taken together with Operational Support, these contributed to the over-430-events the Agency organised across 24 different countries for its stakeholders.

Throughout the year, the EUAA disseminated over 600 publications covering information on countries of origin of applicants, guidance on procedures and best-practices, information provision materials, as well as numerous specialised sets of documentation. All of these aimed at supporting national authorities with implementing the EU’s protection legislation. Finally, and as a result of the nearly 5 600 datasets exchanged with national authorities under its Early Warning and Preparedness System, the Agency helped ensure that EU policy- and lawmakers were regularly kept up-to-date with the latest developments across Europe.

With the co-legislators soon expected to approve an important reform of the Common European Asylum System, the coming year will see the Agency begin to support EU countries with implementing the new rules.

You can learn more about some of our work over the last year by reviewing a selection of key figures which span several elements of the Agency’s support to Member States.


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