Final Evaluation of the Project: “Empowering The Philippine Institutions and Communities in DRRM (EPIC Phase III)”

About this request for proposal

The German Red Cross (GRC) is inviting proposals to conduct a final evaluation of the project “Empowering the Philippine Institutions and Communities in DRRM (EPIC – Phase III)” as per instructions specified in this Request for Proposal, the Terms of Reference, and applicable annexes.

  1. Background of the project

The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) and German Red Cross (GRC) jointly implement a project titled “Empowering the Philippine Institutions and Communities in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (EPIC DRRM Project – Phase III)” running until December 2023. The project seeks to contribute to the consolidation and implementation process of the Philippines institutional and operational framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) and to increase resilience of local communities. This project is the final of a three-phases programme. As the current project is ending, the partners, GRC and PRC, jointly plan for a final project evaluation in October/November 2023.

The final evaluation has four main purposes:

  1. Ascertain objective and results (output, outcome, impact) and assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability and coherence of the intervention and whenever possible of the 3-phases programme.
  2. Collect and analyze data related to selected project indicators.
  3. Draw key lessons, best practices and realistic and useful recommendations to ensure sustainability and guide future interventions of both partners. Clearly define possible key areas for future improvement and ways and means for its achievement.
  4. Inform the project stakeholders and donor on the project achievements, non-achievements and potential impact, as an accountable measure.

GRC supports this final evaluation as part of the Social Structure Fund (SSF) Project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

  1. Type of procedure

The procurement is handled via an open invitation to tender

3. Brief overview

  • Proposed Duration: 27 days between 03 October and 30 November 2023
  • The tender shall be valid until 15 September 2023
  • Deadline for the submission of the tender: 20 July 2023, 12:00 midday (CEST)
  • Tender will be evaluated according to price (30%) and quality/experience (70%) from 0 points (does not meet requirements) to 5 points (fulfils all requirements)
  • Client: German Red Cross e.V., Team 61 Operations, Carstennstraße 58, 12205 Berlin, Germany; Contact person: Ms. Catrin Braun, Country Manager Philippines,
  • Technical supervision: Mr. Federico Rossi, Project Delegate in the Philippines,
  • Annexes:
    • 01 Terms of Reference
    • 02 Rules of conduct
    • 03 Declaration of conformity
    • 04 Sample service contract of GRC


The consultant or the consultant team shall have the following qualifications:

  • A university degree in a relevant field of study (disaster management, social sciences)
  • Experience with technical knowledge of project implementation, using community based and participatory methods.
  • Solid knowledge and experience of project monitoring and evaluation methods and approaches.
  • Proven experience in evaluating humanitarian assistance or preparedness/DRR programmes
  • Excellent analytical, writing and presentation skills
  • Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English
  • Preferably good knowledge of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and its way of working
  • Preferably knowledge of the DRRM setup in the Philippines
  • Preferably knowledge of the donor BMZ and the SSF funding scheme.

Application material

  • Financial offer: Tenderer must quote a net price in Euro including daily rates and travel costs.
  • In case a consultant is not located in the Philippines, but needs to travel there, the flight tickets to/from the Philippines as well visa costs will be reimbursed thus should not be included in the financial proposal. Insurance and per diem/DSA are not reimbursed by GRC, thus these should be factored into the daily fee.
  • GRC will facilitate the consultant´s accommodation and cover travel costs within the Philippines.
  • Technical offer: Proposed methods and an overview about how the consultant proposes to complete all tasks related to the final evaluation (max. 2p); and a letter of motivation summarising relevant experiences and qualifications for the consultancy
  • Professional references: Title of previous (similar) assignments, short description of tasks, year of completion, contact persons of international organizations or INGOS for which those assignments were accomplished during the last 5 years
  • CV(s) of the proposed consultant(s) – maximum 3 pages: If there is more than one consultant, please submit the CVs for all team members and clarify the team leader position.
  • Contact: Full name, telephone number, e-mail address, physical address.
  • Declaration of conformity (fully signed)
  • Examples from similar past assignments/reports (executive summaries suffice) conducted, to be sent in PDF form in English.

How to apply

4. Application details

The submission deadline for the complete tender documents in English is Thursday, 20 July 2023at 12:00h midday (CEST). It must state the net price and the validity period until 15 September 2023.

Please submit your application electronically by e-mail to Ms. Catrin Braun, Country Manager Philippines, at and Mr. Federico Rossi, Project Delegate in the Philippines,

The e-mail subject should state: “BMZ-SSF EPIC Phase 3 Evaluation”.

GRC reserves the right to continue further communication after submission of quotes via a combination of media (e.g., post, e-mail, phone). Non-written communications are always transcribed for the file.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. GRC shall have the right to award the contract until the expiry of the period of validity!

Alternative offers are permitted and must be marked as such.

5. Evaluation & award of contract

The decision for the award of contract will be based on the following criteria and evaluation scheme:

  • Pre-condition: Availability in the given timeframe between 03 October and 30 November 2023
  • Financial Evaluation (30%)
  • Technical Evaluation (70%)
    • Qualification and Experience according to CV (28%)
    • Proposed methods and plan for conducting the final evaluation (42%)

The evaluation will be carried out by GRC HQ (Country Manager), a GRC and a Philippine Red Cross representative in country.

Evaluation scheme:

  • 0 points = criteria were not fulfilled
  • 1 point = fulfilled criteria inadequately
  • 2 points = fulfilled basic criteria
  • 3 points = fulfils all criteria
  • 4 points = fulfils criteria well
  • 5 points = fulfilled criteria very well

0 points = criteria were not fulfilled

1 point = fulfilled criteria inadequately

1 point is being awarded if the bidder’s experience (on the basis of the submitted bid) shows no or only few indications of the area relevant to the contract and/or the concept is insufficiently elaborated and there is no to little reference to the subject matter of the performance.

2 points = fulfilled basic criteria

2 points are being awarded if the bidder’s experience (on the basis of the submitted bid) shows a few indications of the area relevant to the contract and/or the concept is only partly sufficiently elaborated and there is little reference to the subject matter of the performance.

3 points = fulfils all criteria

3 points are being awarded if the bidder’s experience (on the basis of the submitted bid) shows sufficient indications of the area relevant to the contract and/or the concept is sufficiently elaborated and there is relevant reference to the subject matter of the performance.

4 points = fulfils criteria well

4 points are being awarded if the bidder’s experience (on the basis of the submitted bid) shows good indications of the area relevant to the contract and/or the concept is well elaborated and there is good reference to the subject matter of the performance.

5 points = fulfilled criteria very well

5 points are being awarded if the bidder’s experience (on the basis of the submitted bid) shows excellent indications of the area relevant to the contract and/or the concept is very well elaborated and there is outstanding reference to the subject matter of the performance.

The total number of points achieved by the respective offer is calculated by determining the price point value (PPW) and the quality point value (QPW). Based on the point values calculated in each case, the total number of points is determined according to the weighting of price and quality.

For the price, the quotient of the cheapest offer and the offer to be evaluated is formed and multiplied by 100 and the percentage weighting.

((Cheapest offer price / Offer price to be valued) x 100) x 30% = Price points

Please note that the school grading system is of course not applicable to the evaluation of the price.

Based on the given possible evaluation levels, the quality is evaluated for each award criterion as follows:

(Points achieved x Factor 20) x Percentage weighting = Quality points

Example calculation for the 1st award criterion with the highest rating:

5 (school grade) x factor 20 = 100

100 x 42% = 42 points

Calculation of the total points:

Sum price points + Quality points = Total points achieved

6. Terms of delivery and payment

The invoice must contain the GRC reference number. Payment on invoice only, following receipt of services. All invoices must be addressed to:

7. Self-Declaration

The signee of the attached “Declaration of Conformity” (Ref. Annex) assures that:

  1. no reasons for exclusion as mentioned per EU guideline 2014/24/EU, Art. 57, Paragraph 1 exists.
  2. the tenderer fulfils GRC’s claim on good governance, environmental and social responsibility.
  3. the tenderer agrees on participation in checks and audits as described.

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