Global Citizenship Education: Resource Design

Sightsavers Ireland is seeking Expressions of Interest from a Consultant Educator to coordinate and deliver the full development and design process of resources and teaching materials for our Global Citizenship Education Programme.

Anticipated duration: 8 weeks

Final deliverables deadline: September 2023

Sightsavers Ireland envisions a world where no one is blind from avoidable causes and where people with disabilities participate equally in society. With the support of funding from Irish Aid, Sightsavers Ireland has delivered eye health, neglected tropical disease interventions, inclusive education and political participation projects across West and Central Africa whilst also delivering a Public Engagement (PE) programme in Ireland (2017-2022).


Sightsavers Ireland has been successful in securing funding for a Global Citizenship Education Programme (GCE) through the ICSP grant for the next five years (2023-2027). Sightsavers Ireland has designed a Global Citizenship Education (GCE) programme, focused on building awareness, understanding and solidarity with disability inclusion in low and middle income countries (LMICs). We require the development of three sets of resources that include lesson plans and teaching handbooks for use in three different settings; DEIS schools, special stream schools and twinned schools in Ireland and West Africa.

These materials will be developed in collaboration with our Sightsavers colleagues in West Africa, through their partnerships with organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) and schools in Sierra Leone and Ireland. The materials developed will also be made available for use through our collaborative partnerships with other Irish NGOs.


We are inviting Expressions of Interest for this consultancy and full details of the background of the programme, the consultancy, its scope, key principles, activities and deliverables may be found within the Terms of Reference (ToR)

How to Express Your Interest

Sightsavers is committed to running a fair and transparent tender process and ensuring that all bidders are treated and assessed equally during this process. To express your interest to undertake this assignment, please read the Terms of Reference and complete our Expression of Inter est form including all budget information and upload it to the portal. Interested bidders are also requested to include a CV for each team member and examples of previous similar work which should be uploaded to the portal. We anticipate that interviews will be held w/c 10 July 2023 and references will be required for each participating consultant before an agreement is signed.

As an Equal Opportunity Employer, we actively encourage Expressions of Interest from all sections of the community. Qualified people with a disability are particularly encouraged to express their interest.

Sightsavers is an employer that does not tolerate any form of harassment and has zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse. All potential candidates and suppliers will be subjected to rigorous background checks and controls.


How to apply

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