Project Coordinator

Job Title:

Project Coordinator

Job Location:

Syria / Azez

Reporting to:

Project Manager

General Description of the Programme:

SENED is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization licensed and registered in Türkiye with the number 27-15-175. SENED Organization was established shortly after the Syrian Nakba and in response to the suffering of millions of Syrian refugees in Turkey as well as internally displaced people in Syria, to alleviate suffering, achieving justice, equality, and freedom, strengthening the role of civil society, and supporting and developing the local community. SENED works in the humanitarian work sectors to support, empower, and educate the community through several programs, takes exceptional care of people with disabilities and their families and defends their issues.

SENED Association emphasizes creating safe, accessible, and participation-encouraging living conditions for individuals’ emotional, intellectual, physical, and social development by focusing on people with disabilities. Beyond the medical perspective on disability, it tries to find solutions to the problems faced by disabled people with a holistic perspective by considering the disabled people, their families, and the society they live in, focusing on the conditions they experience. SENED Association aims to create a safe and supportive environment and space by conducting family-oriented activities to help disabled individuals and their families become stronger, discover their potential and stand by with their children. By collecting data on refugee-disabled people and identifying problems and needs, SENED strives to ensure harmony between disabled refugees and local people with a voluntary, professional team and a community-based approach. All activities, education, research, advocacy, etc., are carried out on platforms created by local and disabled refugee people.

Job purpose:

As Project Coordinator, you will be responsible for the development and implementation of the mission’s operational strategy as well as for the quality of programmes throughout the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation phases. You will build the capacity of the team and provide technical support. You will represent Sened in front of consortium partners, authorities, humanitarian actors.

Duties, objectives, and competencies:

· Direct coordination with the Project Coordinator and all project staff.

· Ensuring the safety of all team members in the Office by communicating with Sened’s management in Turkey in case of emergency, and shares security and safety reports as needed.

· Direct supervision of projects’ implementation of 3 sectors Education, Protection, and Early Recovery in A’zaz.

· Submit monthly progress reports about project implementation in A’zaz.

· Evaluating the performance of project and program staff in A’zaz.

· Coordinating meetings between Sened’s staff in A’zaz and the management in Turkey.

· Coordinating with the media department to produce success stories and videos.

· Provide the Project Coordinator TR-Based with periodic updates about the project’s workflow.

· Networking with local and international organizations in A’zaz and local committees and signing MoUs when needed.

· Implement correction plans based on the reports of M&E Department and follow up on any complaints that are shared by the department.

· Coordinate with local authorities to support and facilitate the implementation of projects and provide services in the best possible manner to benefit persons with disabilities and their families.

· Provide different information on future project areas upon request.

· The ability to travel to different areas in NWS.

· Follow up the submission of all documents related to Sened’s projects in A’zaz.

· Development of capacity-building training plans for Sened’s staff.

· Follow up the deadlines of project reports’ submission and complete them within the timeframe set by the Donor’s plan.

· Participating in the recruitment process of new staff in A’zaz.

· Verifying the eligibility of applicants to vacant positions, making sure that they have no affiliation to any entity that may cause harm to the organization.

· Oversee the development of transportation plans for children with disabilities and their caregivers/parents.

· Oversee the work of Education, Protection, and ERL Officers.

· Submit Purchase Requests and Scope of works for the project when needed.

· Oversee capacity-building trainings for educational personnel carried out by Sened’s Disability Inclusion Specialist.

· Develop weekly transportation plans to transport students and CwDs when needed.

· Ensure that internal staff adhere to the organization’s policies and procedures regarding the protection of beneficiaries, confidentiality of work, ……..Etc.

· Being involved in quality work development.

· Promote and strengthen professionalism and respect at work.

· Contribute to the process of preparing needs assessments for persons with disabilities and oversee the process of filling out those assessments and questionnaires.

· Assess the needs of schools and share recommendations and lessons learned in this regard.

· Coordinate with other departments (finance, logistic, media…etc).

· Coordinate education, protection, and ERL activities to ensure effective use of time and resources.

· Capacity building for field team according to team size and structure.

· Submit the required daily, weekly, and monthly reports to the Project Coordinator.

· Commitment to applying the policies and procedures followed in Sened.

· Monitoring the progress and preparing reports on the achievements made on projects.

· Monitor project progress and deal with any problems that arise.

· Coordination and cooperation with the concerend departments (logistical – media – monitoring and evaluation – financial) to complete the project operations.

· Coordinating with local councils and authorities in order to complete the project’s activities and report the demands to the project manager.

· Documenting activities, tracking progress, and formulating activity plans.

· This job description should remain flexible, to accommodate additional tasks or changes that the line manager determines.

Requirements: Essential

· Bachelor’s degree in Humanitarian Response, Development Studies or relevant technical field

· Intermediate level in the English language

· Minimum of 3 years of proven experience in a similar position.

Requirements (desired)

· Advanced skills in report writing.

· Experience in humanitarian work and principles.

· Experience in working with PwDs (People with Disabilities)

· Advanced knowledge of facilitation skills.

· Good knowledge of MS Office programs.

General terms and conditions


Disabled beneficiaries, children and vulnerable adults must be safeguarded to the maximum possible extent from deliberate or inadvertent actions and failings that place them at risk of abuse, sexual exploitation, injury and any other harm. One of the ways that SENED shows this ongoing commitment to safeguarding is to include rigorous background and reference checks in the selection process for all candidates.


SENED is committed to creating a genuinely inclusive, effective, and representative organizational culture, encouraging employee equity and diversity, and eliminating discrimination. Having a diverse profile of employees, different age groups, backgrounds, cultures, etc., including various experiences and capabilities, helps us understand, represent, and serve children better. Therefore, all qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment regardless of race, religion, gender, disability, or age.


If needed, SENED will submit a work permit application for the selected candidate after the job offer is accepted. Failure to provide the required documents or rejection of a work permit application by the Government of Türkiye will result in rescinding the employment offer.

This Job Description only serves as a guide for the position available. SENED reserves the right to change this document. Any published closing dates are estimated. Due to the nature of SENED’s work, we aim to fill vacancies as quickly as possible. This means we will close adverts as soon as we have found the right candidate, which may be before the published closing date. We would therefore advise interested applicants to apply as early as possible.

SENED Organization does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process. | SENED Kuruluşu işe alım sürecinin hiçbir adımında ücret talep etmemektedir.

Job purpose:

كمنسق المشروع، ستكون مسؤولاً عن تطوير وتنفيذ الاستراتيجية التشغيلية للبعثة وكذلك عن جودة البرامج خلال مراحل التصميم والتنفيذ والمتابعة والتقييم. ستقوم ببناء قدرات الفريق وتقديم الدعم الفني. سوف تمثل سند أمام الشركاء والسلطات والجهات الفاعلة الإنسانية.

Duties, objectives, and competencies:

· التنسيق المباشر مع مدير المشروع وجميع موظفي المشروع.

· التاكد من سلامة كل اعضاء الفريق في المكتب والتواصل مع الادارة الرئيسية في تركيا في حالات الطوارئ مع رفع تقارير امن وسلامة عند الحاجة.

· الاشراف المباشر على تنفيذ المشروع بقطاعاته الثلاثة حماية, تعليم, والتعافي المبكر في منطقة اعزاز.

· رفع تقارير شهرية حول سير عمل المشروع في اعزاز.

· تقييم اداء موظفي البرامج في اعزاز السوري.

· تنسيق الاجتماعات بين موظفي البرامج في اعزاز وتركيا

· التنسيق مع قسم الميديا من اجل تصوير قصص وفيديوهات نجاح للمستفيدين.

· تزويد منسق المشروع في تركيا بتحديثات دورية حول سير العمل.

· التشبيك مع المنظمات المحلية والدولية في اعزاز واللجان المحلية مع توقيع مذكرات تفاهم عند الحاجة.

· تنفيذ خطط تصحيح المسار بناء على تقارير قسم المراقبة والتقييم ومتابعة اي شكوى يتم مشاركتها من قبل القسم.

· التنسيق مع السلطات المحلية لدعم وتسهيل تنفيذ المشاريع وتقديم الخدمة بافضل طريقة ممكنة ولاكبر قدر ممكن من الاشخاص ذوي الاعاقة واهاليهم.

· تزويد معلومات مختلفة عن مناطق مشاريع مستقبلية عند الطلب.

· القدرة على السفر الى مناطق مختلفة في شمال غرب سوريا.

· متابعة كافة الورقيات المتعلقة بمشروع سند في اعزاز.

· وضع خطط تدريبات بناء قدرات لموظفي سند عند الحاجة.

· متابعة المواعيد النهائية لتقارير المشروع والعمل على انجازها ضمن الاطار الزمني المحدد حسب خطة الجهة الداعمة.

· المشاركة في عملية توظيف موظفي سند في اعزاز.

· التحقق من أهلية المتقدمين على المناصب المفتوحة في اعزاز فيما يتعلق بعدم انتمائهم لاي جهة من الممكن ان تتسبب في الحاق الضرر بالمنظمة.

· الاشراف على وضع خطط النقل للاطفال ذوي الاعاقة واهاليهم.

· الاشراف على عمل مسؤولي الحماية والتعليم والتعافي المبكر.

· رفع طلبات شراء وتحهيز نطاقات العمل عند الحاجة للمشاريع المختلفة.

· الاشراف على عملية تنفيذ تدريبات بناء القدرات للمعلمين والمعلمات في المدارس التي تنفذ من قبل اخصائي الاعاقة والدمج لدى منظمة سند في اعزاز.

· وضع خطط تحرك بشكل دوري من اجل نقل الاطفال والطلاب في اعزاز.

· ضمان التزام الموظفين بسياسات واجراءات المنظمة المتعلقة بحماية المستفيدين, سرية العمل,……..الخ.

· المشاركة في التطوير المستمر لجودة العمل.

· تشجيع وتعزيز الاحترافية والاحترام في العمل.

· المساهمة في عملية اعداد تقييمات الاحتياج للاشخاص ذوي الاعاقة واقرانهم والاشراف على عملية ملئ التقييمات والاستبيانات.

· تقييم احتياجات المدارس ورفع توصيات ومقترحات بهذا الخصوص.

· التنسيق مع الاقسام الاخرى (المالي, اللوجستي, الميديا…الخ).

· التنسيق مع المجالس والسلطات المحلية من اجل اكمال انشطة المشروع و رفع تقرير حول اي متطلبات لمدير المشروع.

· توثيق الانشطة وتعقب استمرارية المشروع ووضع خطط لتنفيذ الانشطة.

· هذا الوصف الوظيفي يجب أن يظل مرناً، للتكيف مع المهام أو التغييرات الإضافية التي يحددها المدير المباشر.

Requirements: Essential

· درجة البكالوريوس في الاستجابة الإنسانية أو دراسات التنمية أو المجال التقني ذي الصلة

· مستوى المتوسط في اللغة الإنجليزية

· 3 سنوات كحد ادنى من الخبرة في منصب مماثل.

Requirements (desired)

· مهارات متقدمة في كتابة التقارير.

· خبرة في العمل الإنساني ومبادئه.

· خبرة في العمل مع الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة (الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة)

· معرفة متقدمة بمهارات التيسير.

· معرفة جيدة ببرامج MS Office.

How to apply

Interested candidates may please send their resumes with the cover letter and fill out the application link.

The application deadline is the 14 of Apr 2024.

1 Comment

  • Vibracion del motor
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