Radio Ergo Weekly Feedback Report, Issued: 06 March 2025

Preview of Radio Ergo audience feedback report 26 Feb-4 Mar 2025.pdf

Brief Analysis

Most callers to Radio Ergo’s audience feedback platform in the week 26 February to 4 March 2025 spoke of severe drought and water and food shortages. Many said their livestock were feeble or dying. Many also appealed for aid. Most prominent among these callers’ locations were regions including Sanag, Nugal, Galgadud, and Middle Shabelle. Callers noted that Ramadan had started and many prayed for rainfall. The following summarises the calls by theme.

Aid – a caller in El-dher, Galgadud region, said they used to get aid from WFP although it had stopped recently. He wanted his message to be shared with the agency so they could be informed about the plans for aid.

Livestock – callers from various regions noted diseases they described as abeeb, foot and mouth, CCPP, measles, and asked for veterinary advice on how to treat their animals. A caller in Mahaday, M. Shabelle, said their livestock had unknown diseases and they needed help in treating them.

Drought and water shortage – in Togdher region, a caller in Burao said they were facing drought and needed aid and support from aid organisations. Another in the region said drought and water shortage had been prolonged and they prayed for rainfall. In Sanag region, a caller in Yufle said their livestock were thin and feeble due to the prolonged drought. Others in Sanag said water was scarce, the land was dry, and temperatures were very hot. In Puntland, a caller in Garowe said they were facing drought that had decimated their livestock. Another in Garowe said they were short of food. Others in Nugal region, including one in Burtinle, said the drought was severe and they were short of water. In Mudug region, a caller in Do’ol said there was conflict in the area and they faced water shortage. He added that they had to fetch water from water wells far away and were in constant fear of attacks. A caller in Goldogob said their crops had failed due to the drought and water shortage. In Galgadud region, several people called from Adado including one who said they were facing drought and water shortage and their livestock were becoming weak. Another appealed for help saying the drought was severe in the area and they had been displaced from their villages after losing their livestock. Among callers in Dusamareb, one said their livestock were dying and they needed water aid. Others appealed for aid due to drought, water shortage, and lack of fodder for animals. Other callers in Gelinsor, Galmegag, Gidheys, and Bali-inle also appealed for aid saying livestock were weak and they were short of water and food. In Middle Shabelle region, callers complained about drought and water shortage in Jowhar, Elasha-biyaha, and El-baraf. A female caller in Wanlaweyn, Lower Shabelle, said they were concerned about extreme heat and water shortage. She wanted their message shared with aid organisations to get help.

Agriculture – among callers to Radio Ergo’s farming programme, many complained about pests such as aphids on their crops and wanted advice on control methods. A caller in Mayungale, Middle Shabelle, said that people were growing rice in the area but they were destitute. He said they needed investments to boost their capacity so that they could also produce other crops.