- June 3, 2022
- Posted by: humanitarianweb
- Category: Humanitarian Jobs
Strategic Planning Advisor (S)
To: Offerors
From: Creative Associates International, Inc.
Subject: Request for Proposal (RFP)- RFP-JTAP-006
Performance Period: Annual
RFP Issue Date: 07 June 2022
RFP Closing Date: 06 June 2023
Reference: USAID Contract No. 72027821C00005
Enclosed is a Request for Proposals (RFP). Creative invites qualified Individuals to submit a best-value proposal for Strategic Planning Advisor (s). The issuance of a contract is subject to availability of funds and successful negotiation of the contract budget and terms. The Contracts resulting from this Request for Proposal will be a Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA).
The requirements for this activity are described in the “Statement of Work” in Attachment A. Creative encourages your Individual to indicate its interest in this procurement by submitting a proposal according to the instructions in Attachment B “Instructions to Offerors.” Proposals will be evaluated based on the “Evaluation Criteria” in Attachment C. Creative will make an award to the responsible Offeror submitting a proposal that provides best value to the project: technical merit and price will be both considered.
To be considered, Offerors should submit a complete proposal. Creative will review and evaluate proposals on a monthly basis or/and as demand. Offerors should ensure that the proposals are well-written in English, easy to read, follow the instructions provided and contain only requested information.
Any questions should be submitted in writing and emailed to TapProcurement@crea-jtap.com Answers will be compiled and posted on Tender Jo/relief web on a monthly basis No questions will be entertained if they are received by means other than the specified email address, and any communications to alternate e-mail addresses will result in the disqualification of the bidder. The solicitation number (listed above) should be stated in the subject line.
Proposals must be comprised of one electronic copy of the Technical Proposal and one electronic copy of the Cost/Business proposal, sent in separate files, and labeled with the above-stated subject, subproject number and title. Submissions shall be delivered to:
Creative Procurement Department at
Creative Procurement Department
ATTACHMENT A: Statement of Work
ATTACHMENT B: Instructions to Offerors
ATTACHMENT C: Evaluation Criteria
ATTACHMENT D: Proposal Cover Letter
Strategic Planning Advisor
Creative Associates International is a dynamic and fast-growing professional service firm that specializes in international development in the areas of education, democratic transitions, and stabilization in post-conflict environments. Based in Washington, DC, the firm has a field presence in thirty plus countries worldwide with a strong and diverse portfolio that includes global contracts with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and other clients including the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Defense. The firm has earned a solid reputation among its clients and missions worldwide and is well-regarded by competitors and partners alike.
Program Summary:
The Technical Assistance Program (TAP), funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is a five-year education and youth project in Jordan. TAP seeks to work with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Youth in such a way that ensures officials can implement desired reforms that result in real and significant outcomes. Creative and its partners, within a process of co-creation with national stakeholders, will provide technical assistance in the development, roll-out, and tracking of policies and procedures that build on national and international experiences and research in systemic change, public education, and youth programming. Foundational to this approach is the transformation and interconnectedness of organizational culture/wellness and the hard and soft systems. The many activities in the Jordan Technical Assistance Program includes support to curriculum development, promoting inclusive learning techniques, improving the skills of teachers and school managers, and other tangible activities that support changing the organizational culture within the two ministries and relevant agencies at national, governate, and local levels. The program will further support Jordan’s outreach and behavioral change communications initiatives that are aimed at creating a culture of reading, widespread support for efforts to improve education quality, the inclusion of vulnerable children, and increased youth engagement.
National Youth Strategy (2019-2025)
In 2019, the Ministry of Youth published the National Youth Strategy (2022-2025), which consists of seven pillars including, 1- Youth, Education and Technology, 2- Youth and Effective Citizenship, 3) Youth Engagement and Effective Leadership, 4) Youth Entrepreneurship and Economic Engagement, 5) Youth Rule of Law and Good Governance, 6) Youth and Community Security and Peace, and 7) Youth Health and Physical Activity. The responsibility of achievement of the goals stated in the strategy is not only the responsibility of Ministry of Youth but whole of Government such as Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labor.
Position Summary:
TAP is seeking consultants (several consultants) Strategic Planning Advisor and the first work order will be for a 3-month with an estimation of 45 days LOE
TAP anticipates Strategic Planning Advisor will support TAP’s efforts to provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Youth in development of an action plan to execute the National Youth Strategy (2019-2025) and prepare the required documents that govern and control the proper implementation of the Strategy such as but not limited to frameworks and methodologies & Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Scope of Work:
- Review the National Youth Strategy (2019-2025) and the MoY’s strategic Plan (2021-2024) documents to ensure their alignment and the validity of the projects and key performance indicators.
- Conduct consultation meetings, focus groups and workshops with the relevant internal and external stakeholders to collect their feedback, ideas, and comments related to the projects, KPIs, targets listed in the NYS.
- Assist Moy in preparation and management of the internal & external workshops and focus groups for MoY staff and stakeholders.
- Develop action/executive plan to execute the National Youth Strategy (2019-2025), which includes but not limited to projects, main activities, stakeholders, budgets, timeframe, KPIs, targets, etc.
- Assist the MoY in development of sector Plans for the seven pillars of the NYS, specifically for pillars 1, 3, and 4 with focus on GOJ economic priorities.
- Suggest and identify systems, methodologies and Standard Operating Procedures required to govern and ensure the effective implementation of the action plan included in the NYS.
- Develop the identified systems, methodologies, SOPs, and forms, related but not limited to M&E, strategic planning, budgeting, procurement, stakeholders’ management, communication, action plan preparation based on the result of point 5.
- Assist MoY in preparing internal system (mandate, criteria for selecting members, Decision-making mechanism, communication) for committees and working groups.
- Develop implementation and management matrix for (2022-2023) for the Seven Pillars of the NYS with focus on GOJ economic priorities.
- Assist MoY in preparing Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and other agreements with relevant ministries to facilitate the implementation of the action plan
Key Working Relationships:
- This position will administratively and technically report to TAP’s Institutional Development and Automation Specialist and part of TAP’s Systems Strengthening and Policy Reform Team.
- This position will coordinate with directors of the Institutional Performance Department, Organizations and International Cooperation Department and Monitoring and evaluation Unit at MoY.
Required Qualifications:
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, Business or Public Administration, Management Information System, or related field.
- At least ten years of demonstrated experience in strategic planning, quality management and Institutional Development in public or private institutions.
- Solid knowledge and experience of strategic planning, M&E, and quality management systems. Professional certificates in these areas are highly favorable.
- Hands-on experience in preparing well-written documents such as executive plans, frameworks, SOPs, flowcharts, process mapping, KPI analysis and results.
- Experience in conducting capacity building, training, and coaching.
- Work experience with international organizations is required. Practical knowledge and experience with government ministries and departments are highly favorable.
- Experience in working with the MoY, is highly desirable.
- Excellent communication and reporting skills.
- Proficiency with relevant computer software programs, especially MS Office.
- Proficiency in both Arabic and English languages
- List of Tasks, LOE (days) and Timeline for the first work order will be started in July throughout September /2022
- Action/executive Plan for the NYS (2019-2025) 15 Days in July / 2022
- System, methodologies, SOPs, and forms needed to govern and implementation the NYS
- Implementation and management matrix for (2022-2023) for the Seven Pillars of the NYS
- Internal system (mandate, criteria for selecting members, Decision-making mechanism, communication) for committees and working groups
- Draft of MOUs and agreements with relevant ministries
- Sector Plans for pillars 1,3, and 4 of the NYS
The above LOE/Working days is tentative and subject to increase or decrease depending on program needs / additionally this will be on work order basis.
Project Location: Wadi Saqra, Arrar Street, Bldg. # 201, 1st Floor, Amman, Jordan
Ordering Procedure:
Purchases may only be made by Creative via written FP Level of Effort (LOE) Work Orders and executed by the authorized individuals listed in the contract.
Daily rates are based on an 8-hour working day. Any hours worked in excess of 8 hours will not be paid. Working days consisting of less than 8 hours shall be prorated accordingly
How to apply
- General Instructions
These Instructions to Offerors will not form part of the offer or of the Contract. They are intended solely to aid Offerors in the preparation of their proposals. Read and follow these instructions carefully.
- The proposal and all corresponding documents related to the proposal must be written in the English language, unless otherwise explicitly allowed. Additionally, all proposals should be single-spaced with clear section headings, and be presented in the order specified in Attachment C – Evaluation Criteria.
- Proposals must include only the Offeror’s own work. No text should be copied from sources outside of, unless those sources are adequately cited and credited. If Creative determines that any part of the proposal is plagiarized from outside sources, the Offeror will be automatically disqualified.
- Proposals and all cost and price figures must be presented in JOD. All prices should be tax Exempted. professional services agreement will be issued to the successful offeror in local currency and subject for 5 % service tax deduction as per in accordance with enacted Jordanian legislations
- The Offeror must state in their Proposal the validity period of their offer. The minimum offer acceptance period for this RFP is 90 days after closing date of the RFP. If an Offeror has provided a validity period of less than 90 days, they will be asked to revise this. If the Offeror does not extend the validity period, their proposal will be rejected. Creative reserves the right not to make an award.
- The Technical Proposal and Cost Proposal must be kept separate from each other. Technical Proposals must not make reference to cost or pricing information at any point. This will enable the technical evaluation to be made strictly on the basis of technical merit.
- No costs incurred by the Offerors in preparing and submitting the proposal are reimbursable by Creative. All such costs will be at the Offeror’s expense.
- Responsibility Determination: Award shall only be made to “responsive” Offerors. To enable Creative to make this determination, the Offeror must provide a cover letter, as provided in Attachment D.
- Late Offers: Offerors are wholly responsible for ensuring that their Offers are received in accordance with the instructions stated herein. A late Offer will be recommended for rejection, even if it was late as a result of circumstances beyond the Offeror’s control. Late offers will only be considered at the procurement department’s discretion.
- Modification/Withdrawal of Offers: Offerors have the right to withdraw, modify or correct their offer after it has been delivered to Creative at the e-mail address stated above, and provided that the request is made before the RFP closing date.
- Disposition of Proposals: Proposals submitted in response to this RFP will not be returned. Reasonable effort will be made to ensure confidentiality of proposals received from all Offerors. This RFP does not seek information of a highly proprietary nature, but if such information is included in the Offeror’s proposal, the Offeror must alert Creative and must annotate the material by marking it “Confidential and Proprietary” so that these sections can be treated appropriately.
- Clarifications and Amendments to the RFP: Any questions regarding this solicitation must be emailed to TapProcurement@crea-jtap.com . No questions/clarifications will be entertained if they are received by another means. The solicitation number should be stated in the subject. Responses will be compiled and posted on Creative’s procurement
- Creative anticipates that discussions with Offerors will be conducted; however, Creative reserves the right to make an award without discussions. It is strongly recommended that Offerors present their best offer.
Failure to agree and comply with any of the above instructions will result in the Offeror being considered unresponsive and the proposal may be rejected.
- Submission of Proposal:
Proposals must be submitted in two separate files via the email address below:
- E-mail 1 – Technical Proposal
- E-mail 2 – Cost proposal
Each e-mail should be clearly labeled with the RFP number and position title.
Proposals must be delivered no later than the specified date/time to the address below.
And who do not submit their technical and cost proposals separately will be automatically disqualified.
- Content of Proposal:
The proposal shall be comprised of Three sections:
- Cover Letter (Attachment D)
- Technical Proposal
- Cost Proposal
- The Cover Letter: should be on the Offeror’s and MUST contain the information requested in Attachment D.
- Technical Proposal:
- The Technical Proposal is the opportunity for the Offeror to demonstrate that the Individual is “technically capable” of implementing the activity and should demonstrate the Offeror’s understanding of and capabilities to carry out the work, and address the key issues described in the Evaluation Criteria in Attachment III.
- The Technical Proposal should be divided into clearly separate sections following the same order of the Evaluation Criteria in Attachment III. A mis-ordered proposal that makes information hard to find will result in lower scores.
- If an Offeror submits a proposal that fails to respond to the majority of the information requested in this RFP, as outlined specifically in the statement of work and the evaluation criteria, the Offeror’s proposal will be automatically disqualified.
- The Cost Proposal**:** mustbe submitted separately from the technical proposal and will primarily indicate the cost for performing the work.
Failure to comply with any of the above points will result in the Offeror being considered “unresponsive” and the proposal may be rejected.
If an Offeror provides insufficient information in their technical and/or cost proposal, Creative reserves the right to request additional information, or to request a revised proposal from the Offeror, if necessary. Creative reserves the right to make no award, or multiple awards, under this RFP.
Attachment C
Basis of Award: The award will be made to the offeror whose offer presents the Best Value: the optimal combination of technical merits and reasonable cost. Proposals will be scored on technical factors first. Only the Cost proposals of those offers that surpass the minimum qualifying score of 70 points in the technical evaluation will have their Cost Proposal reviewed. Those that do not reach this qualifying score in the Technical Evaluation will be considered non-competitive EVALUATION CRITERIA
- Technical Competence– presented in the Technical Proposal (70 points)
The award will be given to the person who achieves the highest score within the following competitive criteria
A. Education and Experience: 70 marks (allocated to them, and a minimum of 10 must be obtained to pass, Submit in CV)
B. Past Performance (30 Marks)
As described in table below: The evaluation will be done according to the criteria shown in the table
Points available
Qualifications and education 20%
The applicant must attach the academic qualifications success stories and other Diploma training courses that he/she deems appropriate to support his file along with resume as per below outline :
- Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, Business or Public Administration, Management Information System, or related field.
Detailed Experience 70%
- At least ten years of demonstrated experience in strategic planning, quality management and Institutional Development in public or private institutions.
- Solid knowledge and experience of strategic planning, M&E, and quality management systems. Professional certificates in these areas are highly favorable.
- Hands-on experience in preparing well-written documents such as executive plans, frameworks, SOPs, flowcharts, process mapping, KPI analysis and results.
- Experience in conducting capacity building, training, and coaching.
- Work experience with international organizations is required. Practical knowledge and experience with government ministries and departments are highly favorable.
- Experience in working with the MoY, is highly desirable.
- Excellent communication and reporting skills.
- Proficiency with relevant computer software programs, especially MS Office.
- Proficiency in both Arabic and English languages.
Past Performance/ Reference check 10%
Document and summarize your proven track record of successfully implementing similar activities to include a description of similar services provided in the past and any lessons learned that will be incorporated into the activity described in this RFP.
If an Offeror submits a proposal that fails to respond to the majority of the information requested in this RFP, as outlined specifically in the statement of work and the evaluation criteria, the Offeror’s proposal will be automatically disqualified.
B. Past Performance and Experience
Document and summarize your proven track record of successfully performing similar services. Using the table format provided below or equivalent , please list only services you have performed within the past three years including specific projects worked on by consultants within the firm, a brief description of how each is relevant to this RFP, and the contact details for each previous client or donor. You may also include recommendation/appreciation letters and certificates as attachments.
Offerors with past performance with similar services, in the same geographic area and/or of similar scale to the activity described in this RFP will be scored more favorably than offerors that do not meet these criteria. Please note that Offerors cannot be evaluated on information that they do not provide. For example, if an Offeror has current/past performance working with Creative, they cannot be positively evaluated on this experience unless it is provided in the Offeror’s proposal.
Activity Title
Location(s) of activity
Synopsis of the activity and its relevance to this RFP
Performance period (date, duration and if completed on schedule)
(e) Prime or Subcontractor?
Amount for the activity
Name & Contact Info (E-mail and phone) of client
C. Attachments (Not Scored)
You may include recommendation/appreciation letters and certificates as attachments, or any other documentation you wish to further support your proposal, stapled/bound separately from the rest of the technical proposal. Content presented here will not be scored.
- Cost Reasonableness & Financial Capability – presented in Cost Proposal. Not Scored.
Submit fully burdened rates for each category, including illustrative consultant rates Creative’s review of the Cost Proposal shall determine if the overall costs proposed are realistic for the work to be performed, reflect a correct understanding of the project requirements, and are consistent with the Offeror’s Technical Proposal. Creative will also review individual line items and determine if they are allowable, allocable, and reasonable.
Creative reserves the right to request additional supporting documentation or a revised proposal from an Offeror if insufficient information has been provided in the Offeror’s technical and/or cost proposal. If the requested information is not provided, Creative has the right to disqualify the firm from further consideration. ATTACHMENT D
City, Country
To: Creative Procurement Team
Dear Sir / Madam:
We, the undersigned, offer to undertake the [Insert RFP No], [Insert project title], in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated [Insert MM/DD/YYYY] and our Technical and Cost Proposal submitted herein.
Offeror personal details are as follows:
- Offeror Name
- Offeror Address
- Telephone #/Cellular Phone #, Email address:
- Validity Period of Proposal
- Copy of the Offeror ID
Our proposal shall be binding upon us, subject to any modifications resulting from negotiation, up to expiration of the validity period of the proposal. We understand you are not bound to accept this or any Proposal you receive.
The Offeror also certify that:
- The ability to comply with the described delivery or performance schedule, taking into consideration all existing commitments and constraints;
- have a satisfactory performance record;
- have a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics;
- have the necessary technical capacity,
- otherwise, qualified and eligible to receive an award under applicable laws and regulations.
Authorized Signature:
Name of Signatory: