
ActionAid Kenya is a non-profit organization committed to ending poverty and injustice. We have been in Kenya for more than 40 years and unapologetically take sides with women and people living in poverty and exclusion to build their capacity to claim and realize their human rights. Our operations in Kenya have experienced dynamic changes over the years and today, we partner with local organizations and social movements, challenging the root causes of poverty, building their skills set and knowledge, which we hope will impact sustainable solution to these communities’ problems.

AAIK is just emerging from a change management process. This is an opportunity to remodel the organizational culture by strengthening it. The importance of organizational culture cannot be over emphasized.

1. Expected outcomes

AAIK is seeking a qualified Consultant (team of consultants) to facilitate a culture analysis and make recommendations to correct any gaps that may exist to ensure the culture is aligned to its strategic objectives, ensure employee engagement through embedment of localized best practices, supportive to staff and creates an environment conducive for staff to deliver on their mandates. Some of key areas to pay attention to are:

  • Assessment of organizational culture through a validated culture assessment methodology.
  • The assessment methodology and tools should have digital capabilities to allow for data cuts and ease of analysis of sub-cultures where necessary.
  • Gauge leadership capabilities to support the new culture as well as suggest interventions on the identified gaps.
  • Assess the levels of employee engagement and draw strategies to bridge any identified gaps
  • Be able to draw both short- and long-term strategies of implementation of the new culture using proven change management systems and methodologies.
  • Ensure the culture that is agreed on is supportive of the existing strategic objectives.
  • Train and certify a team of internal culture champions and change agents to ensure continuity post the project period.

The consultant (s) or organization should possess the following knowledge and skills:

  1. Proven track record of extensive consultancy experience in conducting organization Culture analysis and knowledge sharing workshops.
  2. Demonstrated knowledge of conducting digitally enabled with validated organizational culture assessments tools.
  3. Ability to analyze big data and extract insights that support strategic and operational decision-making.
  4. Experience in driving strategy aligned organizational culture transformation projects.

2. Application

a) Technical Proposal

  1. Specific experience of the Lead Consultant and Associate(s) relevant to the assignment. Please provide details of similar assignments undertaken.
  2. Technical capacity of consultants in terms of their qualifications and competencies for the assignment. Please attach detailed CVs.
  3. Clear understanding of the assignment/interpretation of the TORs.
  4. A customized Culture analysis plan clearly articulating the objectives of the exercise.
  5. Methodology to be used during the assignment.
  6. A detailed work plan for the total assignment delivery.

b). Financial Proposal

  1. Clear breakdown of the financial proposal including all the chargeable taxes.
  2. Terms of payment
  3. Total quote for the assignment

c). Submission of proposal to offer services.

This will include:

  1. The Consultant’s / organisation detailed profile
  2. A listing of organizations where similar service is being/has been offered.
  3. CVs of key personnel

Terms of contract

  1. The Facilitator/ Consultant/ organization will work with the ActionAid International Kenya Senior Management Team, individual staff members and members of the Board to conduct the organization’s Culture analysis and make the necessary recommendations.
  2. The consultant to make a presentation to the Management and the Board as required.

How to apply

Proposal Submission

Completed proposals including all the requirements and details specified should be delivered through email to Procurement.Kenya@actionaid.org by 3rd September 2023 at midnight.

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