- August 25, 2023
- Posted by: humanitarianweb
- Category: Humanitarian Jobs
August, 2023
1. Background
Islamic Relief is an international aid and development charity, which aims to alleviate the suffering of the world’s poorest people. It is an independent Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in the UK in 1984. With an active presence in over 40 countries across the globe, we strive to make the world a better and fairer place for the three billion people still living in poverty. As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, Islamic Relief promotes sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities – regardless of race, religion, or gender.
At the international level, Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) has consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council and is a signatory to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Code of Conduct. IRW is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) through raising awareness of the issues that affect poor communities and through its work on the ground. Islamic Relief is a member of the Disasters Emergency Committee and is certified by CHS.
Islamic Relief endeavors to work closely with local communities, focusing on capacity-building and empowerment to help them achieve development without dependency.
Islamic Relief Kenya (IRK) commenced operations in Kenya in 1993, initially running Orphan Sponsorship Programme in Mandera County implemented through a local partner organization. It opened its full-fledged country office in Nairobi in 2004 and first field office In Mandera in 2006 at the height of drought in the Horn of Africa. Since then, IRK’s operations have expanded to other counties to provide humanitarian and development assistance to the most vulnerable and marginalized communities in Kenya. In 2010 and 2011 Islamic Relief extended their operations to Wajir and Garissa respectively, in 2017 and 2018, Kilifi and Marsabit offices were established and in 2020, Islamic Relief extended its humanitarian operations to Tana-River County
2. Background information
Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) East African Region is made up of five countries, namely: Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Sudan, all of which are located in the Horn of Africa (HOA).
The East of Africa countries face decades of conflict, recurrent climate shocks, disease outbreaks, locust invasion and increasing poverty leading to increased displacements, insecurity, food insecurity, malnutrition, Gender-based violence and cyclical famine. The vulnerable and the poor are the most affected. Women, children, the older people and persons with disability are disproportionately affected.
The main economic activities are basically a rain fed agricultural activities such as crop farming and livestock keeping which has in recent years experienced significant climate-related shocks, including prolonged droughts, and at times flash floods and desert locust. These protracted crises have resulted in substantial economic losses and adversely impacting food security, especially in the poor, marginalized communities with limited adaptive capacity. Despite progress in recent years, the compounding impacts of these shocks continue to erode coping strategies and undermine resilience against future crises.
3. The objective and Scope of the consultancy services
- Undertake desk research and analyse all the necessary documents/training modules, training materials to fully understand the situation on the ground and existing training material available for training on disaster risk reduction Management, relevant national and international legislations and policies that have been signed/ratified pertaining to Disaster Risk reduction Management.
- Carry out stakeholder analysis to bring out the roles and responsibilities of key players and institutions.
- Carry out a “Gap” analysis to identify gaps in the trainings being imparted on Disaster Management. Map out the issues, recommendations and identify the priorities in light of the increasing protracted crisis in the region. This should include reviews of DRR and Disaster Management learning documents, consultations, meetings and key informant interviews with relevant stakeholders (Government, UN, INGO’s, CSO’s etc.) working on Disaster Management/disaster Risk reductions.
- Based on this assessment, develop a comprehensive training module (in English) for Islamic relief East Africa region, with a special focus on Participatory Disaster Risk Preparedness, response, & recovery, Developing Disaster Risk Reduction Measures, disaster risks financing, building a strong community organization and Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL) and taking into account the gaps in existing manuals and recommendations from previous learnings on DM interventions.
- Share the draft module with key experts including IR technical staff, government and academia for their reviews, incorporate comments and finalize the module.
- Assist IR in organizing and facilitating one workshop.
- Produce a well-written and comprehensive training needs assessment report based on the above, including recommendations for: selection of training sites/venues; schedule for training; identify key resource persons; participants; Post -training evaluation and impact assessment. This should also include a Resource Directory of all the relevant Government Departments /Ministries, NGOs / Academic Institutions with focal points.
- Organize and facilitatee one Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop for training resource persons on DRRM training using the developed manual.
- Final Deliverables
- One Training Needs Assessment workshop completed and report submitted, the report should include desk review, situation report, stakeholders and gap analysis.
- Comprehensive Disaster Management training module, with 5-7 days training curriculum including field visit for IR and shared both in hard (10) and soft copies.
- One TOT training completed and reports submitted, including post-training Evaluation, impact assessment and follow up plan for the TOTs.
- Timeframe and deadlines:
This assignment is for a period of maximum 1 month between September – October 2023. It is likely to commence in September 2023. the consultant should describe the evaluation’s overall schedule (i.e., duration, phasing, timing) as well as work hours, and required preparation work.
- Reporting:
The consultant will primarily work with the Disaster and Humanitarian sector, specifically the Regional Humanitarian Manager based at Regional Office- East Africa located in Nairobi and IRK office from time to time to share the progress of activities under this assignment and certifying that the works, tasks, assignment have been satisfactorily performed.
- Desired Qualifications and abilities
Islamic Relief Kenya seeks to identify firms with experts that fulfill the below criteria and have demonstrated ability of involving key stakeholders (government, UN, INGOs, civil society, academic institution etc.) to provide relevant expertise and bring a wider perspective in developing of the training manual.
- The lead consultant must have a minimum of master’s degree in Disaster Management, Climate change adaptations or any other related field with at least 10 years field-based experience.
- Professional experience in the humanitarian sector & localization with a combination of senior management experience at field level and technical work related to partnerships management and capacity strengthening of teams and local actors.
- Understanding of the regional context and experience of working across east Africa including northern Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, and South Sudan.
- Strong knowledge of practical approaches and demonstrated experience around Disaster Risk reduction and climate change adaptations in East Africa highly desirable.
- Demonstrated experience around work related to developing manuals, guidelines and approaches for community-based disaster risk reductions.
- Previous experience with UNDP, UN, Red Cross, and/or other international agencies is desirable.
- Demonstrated knowledge and experience in conducting Training need assessments and developing of training modules/curriculum, training materials etc.
- Demonstrated experiences and skills in facilitating stakeholder/working group consultations and training.
- Familiar with/good understanding of Core Humanitarian Standards, Sphere Standards, MERS, Charter for Change, Grand Bargain, Protection Principles, Red-Cross/Red-Crescent Code of Conduct etc.
- Excellent writing and communication skills (high proficiency in English language)
- Time management skills and able to complete the assignment within allocated time
- The candidates should be available immediately.
- Bid Document
While submitting the Technical Proposal, the bidders shall, in particular, ensure to attach the following:
- Fully completed IRK Dossier – Questionnaire.
- All statutory documents are mandatory such as Valid Certificate of Incorporation in case of a company/firm/institute, ID/Passport Company Owner, Valid PIN & Tax Compliance Certificate
- Capability statement: How the consultant or firm is structured for the assignment, the role each staff will play including the CVs of the key personnel who will take part in the consultancy.
- Technical Proposal: The consultant’s understanding and interpretation of the Terms of Reference (TOR), a detailed methodology on how the manual will be developed and how the training will be done and detailed implementation schedule for the assignment as well as any other proposed approaches the consultant may deem fit for this assignment.
- Financial proposal: Itemized budget proposal that should include the consultancy fees and operational costs.
- References: Names, addresses, telephone numbers of three organizations that you have conducted Manual development that will serve as your professional referees.
- List of manuals/document guidelines: Final manuals/guidelines conducted for the three reference organizations provided.
- Cumulative analysis
The weighted average basis will be applied to evaluate the applicant, the award of the contract will be made to the Institution/firms whose offer has been evaluated and determined as: Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and Financial criteria specific to the solicitation.
Criteria Max. Point
- Technical: 80 points
- Lead consultant with minimum of master’s degree in Disaster Management, Climate change adaptations or any other related field with at least 10 years field-based experience –5 marks
- Professional experience in the humanitarian sector & localization with a combination of senior management experience at field level and technical work related to partnerships management and capacity strengthening of teams and local actors. –5 marks.
- Understanding of the regional context and experience of working across east Africa including northern Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, and South Sudan –5marks.
- Strong knowledge of practical approaches and demonstrated experience around community-based Disaster Risk reduction in East Africa highly desirable. –10mks
- Demonstrated experience around work related to developing manuals, guidelines and approaches for community-based disaster risk reductions. -30marks
- Demonstrated knowledge and experience in conducting Training need assessments and developing of training modules/curriculum, training materials etc. –10marks.
- Demonstrated experiences and skills in facilitating stakeholder/working group consultations and training –5marks.
- Methodology, activities, work plan, experience and skills etc.- 10 Marks
Financial: 20 points
- Submission of interest
Interested and eligible individuals/Firms with sound capacity, relevant experience in similar assignments and duly registered with relevant professional bodies are invited to apply and submit their dated, stamped, signed bids and submitted in sealed envelopes clearly marked with a tender reference number on or before Wednesday 11.00 am on 6th Septemebr 2023. The envelope shall be dropped in the tender box in the reception addressed to;
Procurement Committee
Islamic Relief Kenya
Kirichwa Road, off Ngong Road
P.O. Box 417 – 00202 (KNH)
Nairobi, Kenya.
- Cost of Bidding
The bidders shall bear all costs associated with preparation and submission of its bid & IRK will in no case be responsible for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
9. Clarification of Bidding Documents
A prospective bidder requiring any clarification on the bidding documents may notify the IRK through email or by telephone +254 727531220 / 2543861216 or E-mail address: procurement.Irk@islamic-relief.or.ke . RK will respond in writing to any request prior to the deadline.
10. Amendment of Bidding Document
At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, IRK May for any reason, at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the bidding documents which & will be binding on them. The amendment will be notified in writing to all prospective bidders, who have received the bidding documents & will be binding on them. In order to allow prospective bidders responsive time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, IRK may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for bid submission.
11. Language of the Bid
The bid prepared by the bidder, as well as all correspondence & documents relating to the bid, supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the bidder, shall be written in English language.
12. Bid Currencies
The bid prices shall be quoted in Kenya Shilling.
13. IRK’s right to accept any bid and/or reject any or all bids
IRK reserves the right to accept any bid to annul the bidding processes and reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract, without incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidder or bidders on the grounds of its action.
14. Submission of Bids
The bidders shall submit their bids in one envelope marked with Tender Name and Reference. Bidder to sign a bid receipt form upon return/submission of bid to IRK.
15. Evaluation
15.1 IRK will examine the prequalification documents to determine completeness, general orderliness, sufficiency in responsiveness, price and product brand.
15.2 The potential supplier shall not contact IRK on matters relating to their bid from the time of opening to completion and official communication sent to them. Any effort by the potential supplier to influence IRK in the evaluation shall result in disqualification.
15.3 Prequalification will be based on meeting the minimum criteria regarding the applicant’s legal status, general and experience, personnel and financial position as demonstrated by their responses as set in clause 8.
15.4 The applicants MUST have registered offices and IRK reserves the discretion of visiting physical premises from which the applicant conducts business if so desired to confirm existence and capability to deliver the assorted item
16. Employment of Minors
The supplier shall not employ children in executing the contract. The Contractor shall observe international conventions relating to child labor namely the UN Convention No.182 on worst forms of child labor and Convention No. 138 on the minimum age for admission to employment.
17. Criminal Act
The supplier undertakes to comply with all applicable laws and to ensure that it does not engage in any kind of criminal activity including but not limited to bribery, fraud, corruption, terrorism and to maintain ethical business practices as well as not to commit any Prohibited Acts defined
as: –
i) To offer, promise or give any person a financial or other advantage;
ii) To request, agree to receive or accept any financial or other advantage not expressly provided for as an inducement or a reward for the performance of any function or activity in connection with this Agreement.
NB: Only include all costs associated with Manual development and facilitation fees for the training. Do not include logistics and other disbursements costs associated with training of the IR staff (TOTs) in the financial proposal as IR shall cater for all logistics and incidentals costs on a receipt basis reimbursement where need be**.**
- Products rights and ownership
The ownership of the manual and associated products will belong to IR, and any documents or publications related to this assignment will not be shared externally except with the consent of the IRW EARO Regional Director.
Tender Dates and Contact Details
All proposals are required to be submitted by 6th September2023 time pursuant to the attached guidelines for submitting a quotation and these be returned to IRK tendering address
IRK Office on Kirichwa Road off Ngong Road/Argwings Kodhek
PO Box: 417-00202 (KNH) Nairobi /Kenya
Telephone number: +254 727531220 / 2543861216
Fax number: +254 3861215
The tender document is also on our website: https://islamic-relief.org/tenders/
Tender Schedule
Advertising of Tender: 23rd August 2023
Closing of Tender: 6th September 2023 at 11:00 am
Opening of Tender: 6th September 2023 at 11:20am
Evaluation: 7th-September 2023
Award: 11th September 2023
Note: Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above. Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderers’ designated representatives who choose to attend at the address below
The subject of the email must indicate the tender title, tender reference, and Location quoted as follows.
Note: IRK reserves the right to extend the tender publication period, revise the opening and evaluation and period.
Location quoted for: As per attached tender reference table.
A: Organization and Contact Details
Full Name of Organization
Date of Registration
Registration Certificate Number
Telephone No.
Name of Parent Company
Type of Organization
A Public Limited
A Limited Company
A Limited Liability Partnership
Other Partnership
Sole Trader
Other (Please Specify)
Name of Owners
ID/Passport No.
Contact details for enquiries about this PQQ/Business Issues
Name of Staff
Post Code
How to apply
Interested and eligible individuals/Firms with sound capacity, relevant experience in similar assignments and duly registered with relevant professional bodies are invited to apply and submit their dated, stamped, signed bids and submitted in sealed envelopes clearly marked with a tender reference number on or before Wednesday 11.00 am on 6th Septemebr 2023. The envelope shall be dropped in the tender box in the reception addressed to;
Procurement Committee
Islamic Relief Kenya
Kirichwa Road, off Ngong Road
P.O. Box 417 – 00202 (KNH)
Nairobi, Kenya.