Emergency Support: Humanitarian Assistance Delivered to Conflict and Flood-Affected Families in Marka

2,500 families living in displacement camps in Osman Quille, Janaale, Bufoow Bacaad, and Gendawe, in Marka District, received 7,500 tons of essential aid, including food, tarpaulins, mats, buckets, mosquito nets, and hygiene supplies: soap, and sanitary towels.

These remote villages, face severe shortages of essential resources and have no access to local markets. Along with the assistance, SRCS volunteers conducted hygiene sessions. As an intervention, these sessions aimed in helping the residents protect themselves from waterborne diseases that threatened to spread in the wake of the floods, in a region where clean water is rare and sanitation challenges are rampant.

Despite the logistical challenges of reaching these isolated camps, the SRCS, Danish Red Cross and the ICRC, succeeded in delivering aid to those who needed it most, ensuring that even the most remote communities were not forgotten.

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