Consultant for Participative study on the Impact of COVID-19 on Persons with Disabilities in Philippines

Closing date:


Project-Research on the impact of COVID 19 on persons with disabilities in the Philippines

Areas of intervention-NCR: Valenzuela City, Western Visayas: Iloilo City, Roxas City, Zamboanga Peninsula: Zamboanga del Norte, SOCCSKSARGEN[1]: Cotabato City, BARMM

Mission cost-300,000 PHP

Mission duration-October 25 to December 20, 2021 equivalent to 40 working days


Reports and surveys reveal that persons with disabilities including older people are widely being left out of COVID -19 responses around the world and are facing additional stigma and discrimination when trying to access services. They face significant protection risks, challenges accessing services, and barriers to accessing assistance, such as caregivers or personal assistants. Failure to address the needs of older people and persons with disabilities globally will result in the exclusion of over 15%[2]. In the Philippines, it is estimated that 8% are older people and 12% are persons with disabilities.

The Philippines remains in Stage 2, localized community transmission with some geographic areas showing higher transmission intensity and indications of widespread community transmission. There is ongoing evidence of higher transmission in Region III, Region IV-A and in the NCR which are at Stage 3, large scale community transmission. Major increase in the number of cases is being observed in various regions along with increasing health care utilization. Among the different regions in the Philippines, major increases are detected in Region III, Region IV-A and NCR[3].

In April 2020, the Sub-committee on Children with Disabilities (SC-CWD) of the Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC) and UNICEF conducted an online survey to assess the situation of these children and their families at the height of the quarantine restrictions. The survey result mentioned the following: there was a reported increase in the frequency of domestic violence and child abuse and there is a notable difference in the implementation and reach of government support “in-kind” and “in cash”.


Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict, and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Our work is based on the value of humanity. We include everyone without exception and champion each individual’s right to dignity. Respect, kindness, and humility guide our work. We advocate inclusion and participation for everyone, upholding diversity, fairness, and individual choices. We value differences. We are resolute and bold in our commitment to developing tailored, pragmatic and innovative solutions. We take action and rally those around us to fight injustice.**


HI aims to conduct the study to identify the impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities. The study will contribute to implementing Article 11 regarding Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies of the United Nation Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)[4] ratified by the Philippines in 2008 as well as the Humanitarian Disability Charter endorsed during the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016 and Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)[5] Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action published in 2019 and Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)[6] to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. This study will also influence the improvement of the HI PIN Pillars[7] in particular, COVID 19 programming.

Main objective: To assess, gather data and evidence on the impact of COVID-19 and the protracted situation of movement restriction on people with disabilities and their representative organization;

Specific objectives:

· To collect data[8] and provide an analysis about the access of persons with disabilities to services and analysis of barriers (including basic needs[9]) covering primary health care and physical/functional rehabilitation, education (primary level and vocational trainings), employment and livelihood (including food security analysis), disaster risk reduction (DRR), early child care and development (ECCD), referral services, access to vaccination, and protection (sexual violence and abuse, domestic violence, and access to protection services);

· To gather information and examine the level of participation of persons with disabilities and their representative organization in the COVID 19 response programing and planning;

· To propose recommendations to support the advocacy on the specific needs of people with disabilities to raising awareness about the importance of making COVID-19 programming and interventions inclusive through active participation of organizations of persons with disabilities.


Target groups – women, men, boys, girls, with disabilities

Other target participants: Head of Local IATF[10], Persons with Disabilities Affairs Office (PDAO) staff/officer/focal points, Organization of Persons with Disabilities (OPD) leaders, Municipal/City Social Welfare and Development Office (M/CSWDO) staff, Rural Health Unit (RHU) staff, Department of Health (DOH), National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)

Other groups: Members/officers of Civil Society Organization (CSOs), Community-Based organization (CBOs), I/NGO, Peoples Organization (POs), and UN agency


Start date: October 25, 2021

End date: December 20, 2021 (1 month and 8 days, excluding Saturdays & Sundays)

Place of performance: Makati, Metro Manila and field mission

Based on the proposed schedule included in these Terms of Reference, the consultant should establish a work plan for the completion of the service;

The work plan should give a clear description of how the consultant intends to approach the activities necessary to the service’s completion;

The plan should indicate the rate of progress and/or level of completion of the service, including criteria and indicators for checking that it is proceeding as planned;

The plan should integrate research/study dissemination to identify stakeholders in coordination with the HI team.

Mission Timeline

October 25- November 1st.-Start of the study and development of the protocol study and agreement on the report lay out

November 2 to 21-Collection of data / interviews

November 21 to December 12-Analysis of data and draft of the report

December 1-Presentation of the first findings

December 13-Submission of the report

December 13 – 20-Validation of the report

December 20-Last payment of the consultant


The deliverables are as follows:

· A study protocol including the size of the target group and detailed questionnaires developed at the inception of the study

· A Power Point of the key findings after the data collection

· Content (plan), language, format, methodology, and quantity**:**

· The consultant is expected to deliver a final report, no more than 50 pages, written in simple English. Any additional information should be provided in Annexes in accessible format

Here it the expected presentation of the report:

i. Executive Summary (2-3 pages)

ii. Methodology, including limitations (3-4 pages)

iii. Main findings including situational analysis per thematic/sector (15-30 pages)

iv. Conclusions and recommendations (5-8 pages)

[1] Soccsksargen, formerly known as Central Mindanao, is an administrative region of the Philippines, located in south-central Mindanao

[2] Age and disability task force position paper 2020

[3] WHO 13 September 2021

[4] The ratification of the CRPD obliges States to both operationalize the inclusion of people with disabilities within their sector-based policies and operationalize the equal rights of people with disabilities within their services.

[5] The IASC is the primary mechanism for inter-agency coordination of humanitarian assistance. It is a forum that brings together the United Nations’ main humanitarian partners. The IASC has the following strategic priorities on its agenda: Effectiveness of operational response to emergencies and prolonged crises – Accountability and inclusion- Impacts of displacement and protection**

[6] “Leaving no one behind23“has been clearly established as imperative. Indeed, it is now widely recognized that if the SDGs are not made accessible to all people at risk of exclusion – including people with disabilities – SDG objectives will not all be achieved.**

[7] Pillar 1 (Employment and Livelihood), Pillar 2 (Protection and Risk Reduction) and Pillar 3 (health and prevention)

[8] Including investigate and data analysis

[9] Per HI definition Wash, Shelter & NFI, Food assistance

[10] Inter-Agency Task Force for COVID 19

How to apply


Interested consultant shall submit their proposition to Edward ELLO**,** with Marie-Catherine MABRUT in CC; and Regina CELOSO, , before October 15th 2021 under the subject: technical and financial proposition Study on the COVID impact. The proposition should include the following elements:

· Individual resume/curriculum vitae (for applicants who are applying as a team or individually) focusing on work experience related to the work required of this consultancy (max 3 pages)

· Motivational letter (Max. 1 page) highlighting professional experience and knowledge on research study in health-related research, social development, public policy etc. working with persons with disabilities and their representative organizations

· Proposed study methodology (max. 3 pages) including the details of the output, process and approaches etc.

· Sample previous research work on COVID-19, Research proposal, detailed budget plan, work plan, information on data sets to be collected, proposed activities to complete the research

· A financial proposition, presented in PHP for the entire duration of the consultancy

Incomplete applications will not be considered, only pre-selected candidates will be contacted.

Consultancy inclusions and budget:

· The consultant will use his/her own software, tools, hardware, supplies, and equipment;

· The consultant is responsible for collecting gathering any data the study requires

· Personnel/professional fee is included in this package (fee for individual or for a whole team);

· Honorarium for volunteers or other team members of the consultant whether sub-contracted or not.

· All travel and expenses (including food, transportation, hotel, insurance, permits, documents, testing costs, and other requirements specific to COVID-19 IATF work protocols, etc.).

These ancillary costs cover the full, communication and health insurance for the period of the contract. These costs will be reimbursed by HI based on their real costs and on the presentation of the appropriate receipts.


The total amount available for the 40 working days is 300,000 PHP.

This amount is including withholding tax (10%). HI is paying the taxes to the administration on behalf of the consultant.

Payment schedule **

25th October-40%-Upon signing of contract

20th December-60%-The last payment will be launched at the closure of the contract Upon validation of the reports and all deliverables


Profile required

· A Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in social sciences, public policy, or any related field.

· At least 3 to 5 years of extensive and proven experience in the field of research, social sciences studies

· Experience in using innovative and mixed methods approaches, including the considerations for remote modality due to COVID-19;

· Knowledgeable in various research and testing methodologies

· Design of research tools such as discussion guides and questionnaires.

· Excellent interpersonal and written and verbal communication skills.

· Demonstrable experience in quantitative and qualitative data analysis;

· Experience in electronic and mobile data capturing tools (eg. Survey CTO)

· Utilize various sources to find and extract pertinent information

· Producing high-quality reports and presentations.

· Experience working with persons with disabilities and or organization of persons with disabilities

· The consultant is required to ensure the inclusion and equal participation of women and men, older persons, persons with disabilities, and vulnerable groups in relevant activities.

· Compliance with the Data Privacy Act[1]

· Compliance with HI’s policies

o Disability, Gender, Age Policy

o Safety and Security Policy

o Monitoring and Evaluation Policy

o Child Protection Policy

o Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

o IATF Work Guidelines and Protocols related to COVID-19

o Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH) Policy

a) Excellent ability to communicate in English and Filipino, Knowledge of other local dialects.

b) Strong analysis and writing skills in English

c) Strong facilitation skills

Applicants agree to abide by HI’s general terms and conditions and good business practices ( ) including Humanity & Inclusion’s protection policies and its Code of Conduct, in particular the Policy on the Protection of Beneficiaries from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment, the Protection of Children and the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy.

Humanity & Inclusion does not discriminate in hiring and strongly encourages people with disabilities to apply.

[1] Republic Act No. 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act is a law that seeks to protect all forms of information


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