Area Relief and Social Services Officer (Tyre and North Lebanon Areas),

Closing date:

Ensuring regular and timely preparation of priority lists of SSN families for assistance
(selective/ emergency cash assistance, shelter rehabilitation, and other relevant activities);
Conducting random visits to active SSN families to ensure reliability of collected
individuals’ and families data and adherence of the implementing staff to the standard
eligibility criteria; carrying frequent reviews and checks on family files/emergency assistance
files to ensure proper documentation, safety and confidentiality;
Monitoring and following-up the distribution process to ensure efficient and smooth running
of social transfers/emergency distribution in accordance with Relief Services Instructions
and policies and conducting regular inspections on social transfers distribution sites;
Plans, coordinates and follows-up with RSS, distribution, Finance and other concerned area
and field staff on timely and proper/efficient delivery/response of approved/recommended
assistance to SSN and emergency beneficiaries;
Provides administrative and logistic support to Area Registration teams, ensuring the
smooth implementation of eligibility and registration instructions, manuals and procedures
governing its activities;
Promotes in collaboration with Area Social Work Supervisor (ASWS)• joint multidisciplinary,
holistic and integrated social intervention activities targeting clients and
ensures that SSN and emergency programme assisted families’ needs are addressed;
Represents RSSP, and coordinates with other Field staff, in any emergency resuming
direct relief and keeps the CRSSP informed accordingly; ensures on going coordination with
other UNRWA programmes and projects in his/her area;
Coordinates for pre-planned needs assessment studies carried out by RSSP; liaises with
local community organizations and NGOs to improve networking, coordination and enhance
RSS use of local assets and resources;
Plans and holds regular meetings with RSS staff, at the Area level, for information sharing,
coordination and developmental issues including training needs/courses;
Acts as the focal point for refugees’ inquiries and petitions; encourages community members
to actively participate in the Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) activities; maintains
custodianship over RSSD premises, in his/her Area, and reports on contravention and
Performs other duties as may be assigned by the supervisor(s).

How to apply

Please find below the link to a video that guides applicants on how to apply to Job Openings
that approach you for guidance:

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