Consultancy for the collection & analysis of evidence to produce an advocacy factsheet on the continuum of education for adolescent girls with disabil

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3-1- Overall objective of the consultancy service
Provide methodological support to conduct interviews and make use the interviews’ results, which will serve as the core evidence for the development of an advocacy factsheet on the continuum of education for adolescent girls with disabilities
3-2- Expected result of the service
Develop guidelines for preparing, conducting and reporting on collective and individual interviews. These interviews will be run by Humanity & Inclusion’s staff in Nepal, Rwanda, and Senegal with adolescents (10-19 years old), in particular girls with disabilities; representatives of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities; teachers, parents, and/or other education professionals. The guidelines will cover the selection of interviewees, the creation of a safe place, facilitation techniques, questions to address, ethical considerations, and reporting requirements. The guidelines will fully comply with HI standards relating to the ethical collection of testimonies, and protection.
Hold preparatory meeting(s) with the Humanity & Inclusion’s programme staff who will run the collective and/or individual interviews in Nepal, Rwanda, and Senegal. The preparatory meeting(s) will allow going through the methodological guidelines, highlight critical aspects, and reply to concerns that Humanity & Inclusion’s staff might raise.
Analyse the interviews’ reports submitted by Humanity & Inclusion’s staff from the three countries and prepare one consolidated, comprehensive report (of approximately 10 pages) outlining the key findings, trends, commonalities, and observations of interest for the development of the advocacy factsheet.
Select at least 15 impactful quotes from a diversity of interviewees and develop a set of key messages (between 5 and 10) emerging from the interviews’ reports, which will help Humanity & Inclusion advocacy staff in building the narrative of the factsheet.
3-3 Key Performance Indicators

One document outlining the methodological approach to conduct and report interviews is delivered in due time and encompasses content and protection aspects

One to three meetings, depending on linguistic needs, are held with facilitators ahead of the interviews to equip them with methodological tools and approaches to run interviews in an effective and safe manner

One comprehensive report is delivered in a timely manner based on the analysis of the reports submitted by the facilitators

One documents is delivered in a timely manner outlining a set of maximum 10 key messages and 15 quotes emerging from the report and considered compelling and impactful for advocacy
3-4- Timeline of the consultancy service
The consultant is expected to dedicate approximately 10 working days to delivering this service, between 27 May and 15 September 2024.
The consultancy service is tentatively distributed as follows:

Preparation (background reading, kick-off meeting): 1,5 days, between 27 and 31 May

Development of guidelines: 3,5 days, between 1 and 14 June

Organisation of meetings with interviews’ facilitators: 1.5 days, between 17 and 28 June

Analysis of reports and preparation of one comprehensive report: 2.5 days, between 1 and 15 September

Selection of impactful quotes and development of a set of key messages: 1 day, between 1 and 15 September

How to apply

For more details please click on this link

Publication date : 18/04/2024

Closing date : 06/05/2024 12:00 Paris

Start of mission : 27/05/2024

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