Material Engineer

CTG Overview
CTG staff and support humanitarian projects in fragile and conflict-affected countries around the world, providing a rapid and cost-effective service for development and humanitarian missions. With past performance in 17 countries – from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia, we have placed more than 20,000 staff all over the world since operations began in 2006.

CTG recruits, deploys and manages the right people with the right skills to implement humanitarian and development projects, from cleaners to obstetricians, and mechanics to infection specialists, we’re skilled in emergency response to crises such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Key to successful project delivery is the ability to mobilise at speed; CTG can source and deploy anyone, anywhere, in less than 2 weeks and have done so in 48 hours on a number of occasions.

Through our efficient and agile HR, logistical and operational services, CTG saves multilateral organisations time and money. We handle all our clients’ HR related issues, so they are free to focus on their core services.

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Overview of Position
In late 2019 parts of Somalia experienced some of the worst flooding in the country’s recent history resulting in several deaths & significant damage to infrastructure, crops, property & livestock. Further to this flood event, a joint assessment undertaken by the World Bank & the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) assessed the losses & damage caused by the floods & developed a strategy for immediate recovery & longer term resilience building. As a result, Somalia Crisis Recovery Project (SCRP) financed by the World Bank through the Federal Ministry of Finance (MoF) was formulated. The project aimed at supporting the recovery of livelihoods & infrastructure in flood & drought affected areas & strengthening the capacity for disaster preparedness nationwide. The recovery interventions focus is on 3 flood affected states (Hirshabelle, South West State & Jubaland), while the longer term interventions focus on a broader national coverage, enabling government capacity strengthening in disaster risk management. .

The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) established within the MoF is managing the project implementation with our client providing technical support in project activities design, implementation, monitoring & reporting. Their input includes the development of designs for the rehabilitation of flood damaged roads, buildings & other infrastructure. As part of their technical advisory team, a Materials Engineer is to be engaged to undertake the field materials investigation activities, Supervision of road construction works & report preparation.

Role Objectives
The Materials Engineer will be responsible for all aspects concerning materials investigations, pavement designs & generation of foundation design related parameters for building designs. S / He will also support the design team in matters related to the selection of construction materials. His / Her tasks shall include:

  • Conducting in situ tests on road sites to establish soil’s bearing capacity as well as along proposed roads to establish subgrade strength.
  • Sampling materials at proposed roads sites & along proposed alignments for laboratory testing.
  • Identification of potential material sources, carrying out in situ tests where applicable & the sampling of materials for laboratory testing, quantities of available material shall be estimated where applicable.
  • Coordinating the testing of materials at an appointed laboratory & review of tests results.
  • Interpretation of test results from the laboratory, establishment of design parameters & subsequently pavement design for roads & relevant inputs for buildings’ foundation design.
  • Preparation of relevant reports for buildings & roads & any other documents as may be required.
  • Respond to the design team technical inquiries related material investigations.

Project reporting

  • This role rpeorts to the line manager.

Key competencies

  • Minimum BSc in civil engineering in or equivalent is required.
  • Minimum 6 years of post qualification experience in civil engineering practice including substantial engagement in soils & materials investigation & designs for infrastructure projects is required.
  • Registration as a professional engineer with recognized institutions is desirable.
  • Previous work experience in Somalia is desirable.
  • Ability to communicate in English, both verbal & written is required.

Team management

  • This role has no team management responsibility.

Further information

  • Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply for this role.

How to apply

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