South Sudan Regional Refugee Response Plan, January – December 2024 (At a glance)

Preview of SSD_2024_RRP_At_A_Glance -27 March.pdf


The South Sudan Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRP) is an annual multiagency, multisectoral costed plan to respond to the ongoing South Sudanese refugee crisis in the five main countries of asylum: the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda.
The 2024 RRP is designed to meet the complex needs of over 2.3 million South Sudanese refugees and asylum-seekers alongside approximately 2.38 million members of host communities.
Covering nine sectors, the plan includes coordinated activities in: protection, including gender-based violence and child protection, education, food security, public health and nutrition, livelihoods and economic inclusion, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), settlement and shelter/ housing and basic needs, and logistics and operational support. In addition, climate action as a cross-cutting issue covers energy and the environment which is a critical component in the region and the related budget implications have been indicated alongside the sectors. Each sector’s approach is tailored to the unique context of the respective countries.

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